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Good times had by all when playing ofp

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Why not start one here as well instead smile.gif?

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that would be great ill start here.... hope it starts  biggrin.gif  i have alot of fun times in flashpoint i could only think of one thing right now i was playing coop my friend and i got ambushed we tried to fight everyone but my friend died then i went and ran away and got shot like litearly 10 times i managed to escape but when i turned the cornor i ran right into a t72 at that exact moment the t70 turned and aimed right at me... then my friend landed as a bird right in front of me and i stared right at the bird and it was just looking at me it looked so funny then bbbbbaaaaaaammmmm!!!! i got blown up by the tank we couldnt stop laughing

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I remember playing the first blackop mission in the 1985 campaign. I had to sneak down at the Russian base and blow up all their toys. Then these annoying guards noticed me and sounded the alarm. Before long, two hinds where in the air just above the base and infantry was running around like mad. I managed to plug the crewmembers with my HK before they reached their T80, but meanwhile atleast one of the Hinds had spottet me (or atleast it acted that way). As it was swooping in over the base, just towards me (and I was racing through my ave maria) I heard a loud explosion. The two Hinds had actually crashed into eachother just above the base and their twisted hulls dropped down right next to me.

Now nothing could keep me from hopping into the Mi17 and light up the place.

Forget James Bond. biggrin.gif

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I once saw a guy in an M1 take out an enemy in a Trabant in 1.3 multiplayer - it went flying and hit a Hind biggrin.gif

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LOL biggrin.gif

I have so many great OFP memories,(but they all sort of blur into one) ill tell one from my last multiplayer session

an Ambush mission ,well me and my resistance buddies were in the desert of North Malden on a rocky outcrop overlooking the road to be ambushed. Some guys went and laid mines and satchel charges ,whilst i took up a position with my LAW.....

tense seconds later the first vehicles of the convoy arrived and as they went over the mines the satchels were detonated and all the ruskies were satisfyingly blown to hell, i had seen the dust as the second part of the convoy went up the other side of the slope and just as the first part blew up, i fired at the lead BMP (still some 500-600 m away) and the round seemed to land just in front of it , i think it was damaged , but reloading the LAW i saw it immediatly accelerate and shoot up the hill. As it hurtled down the other side parrallel to our position another guy fired a LAW and missed, but this time the BMP was onto us and began peppering the outcrop with MG fire....

everyone elses LAWs had missed, people were getting desperate machine gunning it ,

i ran to the left and between two rocks pulled my LAW, the BMP was pulling round to the left of our position ,i fired and hit it, however it didnt explode and two crew members jumped out (to be greeted by mister M21 biggrin.gif ), scratch one BMP

now all hell had broken loose there was a MI 17 HIP flying around , and there were troops advancing from north east and south-south west and another BMP came from the west

.I knocked that out in one hit and a satisfying explosion,went to reload then 3 of us went to the north ridge pinning down a squad, the other 5 looking south trying to punch a hole through to the other part of the convoy and the village to be attacked.....

A T72 appeared to the north and started blasting the area ,a guy LAWed it but then he was out of ammo and had to go rearm, machine gun fire was churning up sand all around,people were taking hits- an M21 guy took a round in the leg right in front of me and couldnt walk

, so again it was up to me to save the day biggrin.gif , i popped up LAW in hand and blasted it in the same place the other guy had (left hand side tracks), i ducked back down just in time as a volley of fire flew straight above my head, again people were now getting desperate, one guy threw a grenade at it, and had a heat round fired at him for his trouble(it hit the rock he ran behind) this time i ducked backup again and blasted it just under the turret, this time it stopped dead and didnt move again (scratch one T72 smile.gif )

Soon most ruskies to the South were fleeing or dead and most men decided to make a break to east and complete the rest of the mission....

2 of us were to stay behind and cover them, me and the wounded M21 guy well they made a break for it and us 2 gave them as much cover as possible, we came under heavy fire from at least 2 machine guns, still 1 of the group bit the dust before reaching the second group of (of now destroyed)trucks and going out of sight, now there were just the two of us, trying to get out, but there was no time to make a plan ,enemies were all around us ,more had arrived from the south closing on our position, there were a group of spetznaz and a regular squad to the north and multiple under strength squads regrouped to the south (where M21 was)...

i ran back and forth between the north ridge and the south rocks trying to hold back the ruskies closing in (it reminded me of a cowboy film tounge.gif )but soon the position became impossible and i asked for help. The squad leader sent two guys to bust us out but just then as i lay beside the M21 guy i heard the roar of AK behind me and saw M21s face erupt into a red mist, i span round and let rip on fully automatic the recoil riding the rounds up the right leg and into the chest of the unfortunate Spetznaz standing right behind us- now my heart was pounding, i got up and ran through some rocks saw another Spetznaz there ,nailed him but then came under fire from the overrun north ridge

,so i ran south into the exposed region facing the enemy infested hills, i dropped and turned north, killed another 2 spetznaz, then ran like hell east, now Spetznaz were firing at me from the overun rocky outcrop plus 7 or so men to the south, shots were landing all around me i heard rounds whizzing straight past my head ,i was swerving from side to side as the ground erupted before me,then i dived down behind some trees and took out 4 or 5 men to the south, then back up i ran again through the shrubbery and back out into the open. ...

luckily now i heard fire coming from the east ,the two guys sent to bust me out,'IM SAVED!' at least so i thought till rounds landed before me and one caught me in the arm , MY OWN GUYS WERE SHOOTING ME!, luckily i managed to warn them of this in time and they covered me as i made a dash south east towards them...

by now the village was almost clear and i arrived with the other two in time to kill the last fleeing enemy machine gunner

hehheh mission complete

it was worth it

about 3 times everyone elses heheheh biggrin.gif

my kills

2 Bmps

1 T72

loads of soldiers

loads of Spetznaz

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I'll never forget the first time I played flashpoint, it was the demo mission ambush.

I headed towards the small group of houses and decided to go prone becuase of the BMP in the area. The BMP spotted me and fired which just missed me but made clumps of dirt to go over my head. I couldnt believe that, it was great

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In the 1985 campaign, there's a mission where you're supposed to clear a town/area of tanks, with the help of Cobras. There's a BMP and a T72 left, I'm hiding in a bush with a LAW. I fire at the T72..nothing. It bounces back a little, nothing else, so I lie down again. "The Cobras will take care of them". Then I see the chopper fly into each other. One explodes immeadiately, the other one goes into a dive and can't recover. It was just one of those missions where everything worked like cheap clockwork.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ACT SMILEY @ Mar. 03 2002,04:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I once saw a guy in an M1 take out an enemy in a Trabant in 1.3 multiplayer - it went flying and hit a Hind biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

The car hit the Hind? Too cool.....

In case you missed the posts in the other forum, I'll post one here.

I was playing that mission where you are with 2 other teams. Each team has to plant charges and then radio you are ready. When you give the signal, they all blow there charges. It's by a mountain with a MG planted on high ground.

After blowing the tanks I'm sniping all the baddies from the MG position on the mountain. The baddies are all running around like chickens with there heads cut off. Out of the corner of my eye I spot a jeep fliing over a small hill. When it hits the ground it bounced back up about 100ft in the air. Then another bounce....I begin cheering...."it's gonna hit the water...one more bounce...YES!!!!!". Then I hear a "glub glub argh..ughhh" from the 2 guys drowning in the ocean. I laughed so hard.....

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What can happen is when your in a winning position , 5 against 1 in a MP-battle, and all your guys are picked off one by one, and you simply can't figure out where the fire is coming from...

...happened this morning confused.gif

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Well how about having an indirect fire M16 mortar land right on your head smile.gif

NOT NICE mad.gif a guy was firing from his base on the other side of a large hill, i saw some land way ahead of me when i was a sniper in a bush,

unfortunatly i didnt move

then one much closer and finally BAM!

Now THAT was annoying!

but i went round when respawned and came from behind,

he was still reloading and firing rounds into the air- ehehehheh say goodbye mortar Bitch!

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A sad day for the ruskies on Desert Ambush smile.gif

Player Infantry Soft Armoured Air Players Killed Total

1 Me 49 1 6 1 74

2 someGuy 13 1 15

3 someGuy 12 1 12

4 someGuy 8 1 8

5 someguy 5 1 5

6 disconnected

7 someGuy 1

8 someGuy 1

I guess U can see why that as alot of fun smile.gif. If you look at my infatry kills U probably think I had M21, but I had RPG and AK47, later picked up AK74. It was player 3 and 4 that had M21, dont remember who had it first.

E-mail me if U want the print screen. Cant send to hotmail since its 2.25 MB.

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I was playing the mission "After Monti...whatever", the mission where you are alone in the wood". So I grabbed the LAW and 2 rockets from the dead soldiers ahead, ran back toward Provins and saved at the outskirts.

I then made my way up toward the BMP, I couldn't see it because of a small hill, but suddenly I heard it's engine burst out into a roar and there it was coming at me at full speed. So I popped out my LAW, blasted it nearly point blank and then dashed to the UAZ with the bullets of the nearby infantry squad around my ears.

I took a hit in my arm but made it into the UAZ and then moved out behind one of the houses (got a little disoriented). I the same moment a missile from the Hind above touched down on the other side of the house, phew, close one.

I got my ass out on the road and headed south still with a couple of bullets around my ears. I was driving in 1. person view so I could really hear how the bullets hit the jeep's metal structure. As I drove onto the dirt road after the next village. I had hundreds of bullets hiting the UAZ. I drove into the wood with the evac zone, crashed a tree and left for cover (took one in the leg here, but kept running), moment after the UAZ got hit by two BMP shells. I swear that my heart was pounding faster than his after dashing up to the evac zone.

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yeah the after montinac mission was so involving..

i have never played a mission in any game which made me feel so involved as that.. i stoll the uaz at the beginning anfd just zoomed for the evac,, with a t80 in tow, but i was to fast for it to catch me, then the hind started laying down a spread of FARR rockets but they all amazingly missed,,,,,

best mission i ever played

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Yeah, gotta love these missions that make your heart miss a beat or 2.

I like the night missions best by myself. Too many good stories, trust me.

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lol this game is like real war because we got war stories to tell biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Was playing a multipler Map,... 16 ppl, we started by an Opel truk, we all hoped in and drove to a nerby hill, overlooking an enemy camp.

There was 1 enemy BMP, and a couple of guys.

I was a law person.

This camp was about.... 3 quarters of a KM away... Me being foolish, fired ALL my law rounds into the base... they all arced and damaged nerby areas.... then my team got masacared and it was only me left.....

I sneaked up to the BMP and stood right infront of it so it coudn't hit me... I sat there for a while "teasing" it... then i got aked in the back....... confused.gif

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Once i was playing on a lan, defending a shilka from a lone human black op. I was standing on top of the everon castle, with my troops down below where the shilka was.

The black op flew in by chopper and ditched it over a forest. I saw the general area his parachute landed in, but after another ten minutes i had no idea what direction he was coming from. As it was dark i shot some flares to look around. After they were gone, i shot one round over the top of the tower to the ground, to see if i was in the right pos. That one bullet, fired at random, went straight into the head of the black op, crawling through the bushes below. We had a good laugh...

Nagual B

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lol mines awesome

i was in a ural and a enemy m1a1 saw me so we decided to play chicken... ended up i had broken legs and ural was totalled and i turned around and the m1a1 was upside down and the driver jumped out and i tagged his ass lol so funny

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On the second campaign mission called "Flashpoint" when we went in to take Morton there was a loud smash, looked around to see that one of the cobra's flew into the church tower. It seemed funny looking at the smoke and hearing the rotor still powering down while the cobra was bouncing around where it had fell. The strange thing about it is when I played the same mission not long after it happened again, same place same chopper. Its like you don't need to shoot these guys down because their own failed training will do it for you smile.gif I'm waiting to see if it will happens a third time.

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mine was stopping the generals car on the road, i thot 3 satchel charges should stop the car and then i could approach the general, instead as i blew the satchels i watched the car fly 50 foot thru the air and 100 feet down the road killing all instantly =[[

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I guess I can add my great war story...

It was on a tank mission around the middle of the campaign where you go through the mine ambush... my tank got wasted because I was first of the pack and I had to eject and make the invasion by foot. My force was reduced to 3 tank people on feet, and two M1's, with half my crew injured. I grabbed an AK74 and a RPG launcher from one of the downed Commies as we were ordered to make the invasion happen at all costs.

Well, to cut the long story short I called for the other team to attack and sent my group in from a flanking position since I assumed the road was still mined. I went on foot through the mined area hoping I could call out positions from a highpoint (which I never found).

There was a Hind circling the area that I knew would be hell to tanks. I saw it come around once as I approached to the closest building to the road and went for cover next to it across the street from the Church. I heard some small arms fire that I thought was directed at me close by. I heard the Hind without seeing it so I armed the RPG launcher, and the second I had the targeting sight out I saw the Hind right in my cross hairs coming over from behind the Church less than 100 meters away. I instinctively pulled the trigger and scored a direct hit, the Hind flipped from the impact and went rotar first into the building I was hiding behind! I was injured and knocked back a few feet; the crashing Hind completely destroyed the building.

I snuck around the other side and saw a small Russian infantry platoon that had been coming at me from the other side and had been a victim of a chopper crash. I felt so Rambo. It was great. biggrin.gif

I ended up taking out a BMP and a T-72 by the end of the mission from hiding in buildings and sneaking out to fire. biggrin.gif

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best memory, though you can hardly call it that, was three days ago when i finally maade it through 'after monignac'. i was crouching around this map for like 3 hours smile.gif

hiding in bushes , picking up ak47 and ammo from dead enemies ... only to make it to the evacuation zone to be taken prisoner smile.gif

my fiance hates me already. took tomorrow off to have quality time with this game biggrin.gif

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