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5thSFG Drak

Config.bin modifications

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SO if I put 15 rounds in a clip and lock and load A 9mm lay it on the table next to a Murder And he picks it up and kills you that makes it OK just because I obey the Law and have the right to bare arm's ?

Come on man dont give me this horse Crap !! I see right through it. I say BIS just locks down the code and doesnt loet anyone be able to HACK it . or make it harder than just 12 hours worth the work .

I may stand alone about this hacked config B.S. and cheaters but I will fight this. You guys have NO RIGHT messing with the config.bin !

you can say what ever you want about my wife and kids , my parents and my Grandparnets , But that still doesnt GIVE ANYONE the right to hack this crap !


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">THIS IS A OPEN SOURCE CODE GAME. SO THAT MEANS PEOPLE CAN DO WHAT THEY LIKE WITH ALL ANY INFORMATION. SHORT OF MAKEING ANOTHER GAME OUT THERE AND TRYING SELL IT WITHOUT CONSENT OF BIS OR CODEMASTERS. <span id='postcolor'>

Um what are you talking about? OFP is far from being an open source game.

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The reason why I am so upset is that I saw more cheating this morning on the FragHaus server than I ever saw before 1.45

A couple people came up with errors , some came up with moded config errors they just loged off and came back in 2 sec's and they had no error ! But were still running MUCH BELOVED a-lone-wolfs **(****()&**( .cpp

I mean you knew it was going to happen but you never gave a rats but lone-wolf.... Thats what TICKs me off soooooooo bad !

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Armourdave @ Mar. 02 2002,19:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">THIS IS A OPEN SOURCE CODE GAME.  SO THAT MEANS PEOPLE CAN DO WHAT THEY LIKE WITH ALL ANY INFORMATION. SHORT OF MAKEING ANOTHER GAME OUT THERE AND TRYING SELL IT WITHOUT CONSENT OF BIS OR CODEMASTERS. <span id='postcolor'>

Um what are you talking about? OFP is far from being an open source game.<span id='postcolor'>

Okay armour dave I hate to tell you. But if bis lets people make addons and other modes useing the code from bis. Then not do anything about it. Yeah it is open source code. Or maybe a a better term maybe put in its place. But I hate to tell you the precident has been set by bis for allowing people to modify and change paramiters with out the consent of them.

The only thing they have not let happen is a production and sale of a game useing there engine with out consent. So you might want to think this one out.

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Well it seems u got a hot rod up somewhere. Actually that attitude wont get u anywhere despite your legitimate concern.

Ah... the editing centre. Well they also have a hot rod up somewhere, and for a long time. Its called "chip en yer shoulder". Could give a damn bout that place no more seeing they have their head up their asses too deep. I would disregard any comment from them since they are not balanced. Hope yours is not the same case... well it has been so far.

But seeing this is to combat cheating i'll instruct u.

Actually its very simple. The info is there so u can use it too, seeing your all smart. He did not add or modify anything. He did not say what ppl could do with it, nor how. He did not incite cheating seeing from where ure abuse is coming... Bad strategy. I do not tolerate for imature ridiculous unfounded accusations, and i hope your not getting bad habits for the EC. Your cause is righteous... but keep it that way from now on.

But i'll do your thick skulls a favor... if somebody used it for cheating... then somebody can use it against cheating too. How? Like those who modified for cheating... find a way.

All u have to do is upload or check a clean config.bin from the start. So get around it and stop whining. You can stop it before it goes ingame.

So ive gathered some info. Your server problems... and i just gave u the answer.

Well if u cant hack it dont blame blindly. Doing so is letting the CHEATERS get the better out of u.

1st you are letting the cheaters get away with it.

2nd u only show the community your incompetence.

Seeing you where all so nice to the fella, deal with it alone from now on. You should have asked help instead of insulting.

Of course if u dont know how, u always can kick the cheater out, or change rooms. Simple.

The info is there for ALL to use, including yourselves! USE IT.

Of course if u cant then dont blame a-lone-wolf or anyone else for this either. Probably, u should be blaming Lustypooh since he started all this and wolf went from him 1st. Yeah that would be coherant from your standpoint. Why stop at him alone. Would not be fair from your perspective.

This looks ridiculous on you and proves the points above.

You just got more info than u deserved. And thats the only help you'll get from the light side of the Force. Brush up your manners from this point, u have no further excuses.

Good Luck. And keep the rooms clean.

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OFP license says (p.0.35 i "Field Manual"):


* ...

* Reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, or create derivative work of the Program...


Hmmm, isn't this clear enough? Or maybe I'm just naive...

As to  my understanding it seems that providing a config.cpp file and/or MODs (without a special license from Codemasters) is in violation of the license.



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I think Niave would go well.  If bis was truely concerned with this. Sites like ofpec would not exist.  With a section dedicated to the decomplieing of the configbin.

So that is all I have to say.

Oh Yeah by the way hmm.  How are all those addons getting around. I guess that is so called violation too. But has bis done anything in these matters. I think not.

That may be what the field manual says but it sure looks like no one is being held to it.

As far as lone wolf I hold no ill will to what he has done. And actualy show the further incompetence on bis behalf to further protect their software and them selves.

So that is my two cents

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Trigger Happy @ Mar. 02 2002,15:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OFP license says (p.0.35 i "Field Manual"):


* ...

* Reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, or create derivative work of the Program...


Hmmm, isn't this clear enough? Or maybe I'm just naive...

As to my understanding it seems that providing a config.cpp file and/or MODs (without a special license from Codemasters) is in violation of the license.


TH<span id='postcolor'>

i gotta agree with that last post. It looks pretty clear that you aren't supposed to mess with the code. It's not yours. I also agree that messing with the code is simply making an open door for all the cheaters. My sincere appreciation goes out to all those who have effectively ruined this game.

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Remember posting this Drak? WTF man your not sure about anything are you. Are we thanking Mod and Map makers or are we saying they have no rights to Mod?

Look I am just yanking your chain. I wish there were no 3rd party add ons. It just rouses suspicion and gets us where you and I have been the past few days. I remember the first addon I had to Download just to play on a server when OFP was relatively new. It was the winter Kolkegev Addon. I kept saying, why do we need snow? Lets just play. The admin said, look if you dont want to play here then leave.

I think that says it all. People keep makin addons, and if you want to play on the servers, (even yours) you better download them. I say we all go back to just a clean OFP install with the latest approved upgrades only!

"5thSFG Drak


Group: Members

Posts: 62

Joined: Nov. 2001

Posted: Mar. 02 2002,05:35


It's Thrash FragHaus Month !!!!!

Map's , Admins ,Addons Whats next ?

We have a Server that will be soon be able to host 64 people . And we work hard to give gamers a fun , lag and cheat free server .

But I see some people Just wana dis all of that ! How many ISP's that you know would even give free server on a Triple OC3? NONE !

I just wana thk 1st.net for what they have provided for us OFP Gamer's , And would like to also thk BIS for one kick ass game ! And all the mod and map makers who make the game Even better !

Do I have to name all the mod and map makers? "

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Trigger Happy your my hero!!!! thanks for pointing that out to everyone seems people dont understand unless it is posted on this forum.

Now for the hack cpp file here is an example bare in mind this is extreme very extreme but since some people well fiqure this out and are using it as we speak.

This well be the only way B.I.S. well get the hint.

Here is a mod law that well track air targets and lock on to them and it well also track and lock ground targets!!!!

class LAW: AT3





















class RPG: LAW



now how hard was that really just change some something and boom a weapon from hell...

Now with peopple decoding the confg file it just makes is easier for people to hack ver1.45 hell not even 12 hours after it was released their it was on a web site now for people to make addons. Yes you need this info but with this info out it invites other to do harm right?confused.gif

Since i have only seen a couple "10" of addons that are any good and some really bad one like the TAR, javilen ect ect i think B.I.S. need to put a stop to this and control the addon's but come on B.I.S. make some addons for the game lol. Really these guys pop them out in hours how hard is it really... But i don't see this happing anytime ever. So make it if you have an unofficial addon the message pops up. give a reason the message pops up too...

But to the facts Like i have said a long time ago What B.I.S. needs to do is when you join a game you d/l the confg file off that server and only use that confg file for the game in a temp folder kind of like people pic's of them self.

Everytime you join you well d/l it again and before the game start it checks everyones confg to see if you were trying to be slick and stick a hacked one in and a big message well pop up say Rage_Frost is cheating has modified confg. Because it cheacks to make sure you have the one you just d/l off the server itself

Now I don't know about you but i well wait what 5.10 sec to d/l the server confg. file everytime i join hell i would be more then happy to do that. Cause i know their well be a clean game.

Kind of like other games out their Hint.

P.S. i have just about every addon their is trust me and when i join i do not get any confg error ever so the point about the addons poping that up well lol it doesnt happen. And i can say i know about 4 others that have the same addon pack as me and even more addons then me and never have i seen the error about the confg yet and yes it was on a ver1.45 server so Hint if we see that message pop up on are server it well tell us only one thing your cheating.

Since this is the best B.I.S. can do at this time we well ban people with that message and wait tell they fix it in a future patch. And remove the ban's then sorry but we try to run a clean game for the people that join are server and were trying to learn to have fun playing the game again now... LOL

And KAMI yes are CTF server has NO unofficial addons on it thank god!!!! To tell you the truth when we removed all the addons the server was running alot better too... smile.gif

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Rage has a great point. Why doesnt BIS just make it so the servers Config temporarily replaces the clients configs. This way only the server can decide what will be allowed, and what wont?

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It's not a Open Source game.  It's highly modifiable, but it's not OpenSource.  If it was open source, this crap would have probably been fixed long ago.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ Mar. 03 2002,01:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Rage has a great point. Why doesnt BIS just make it so the servers Config temporarily replaces the clients configs. This way only the server can decide what will be allowed, and what wont?<span id='postcolor'>

The bad thing about this is that the config.bin file is almost 300KB in size, so it might take long to transfer that file. in my opinion, its too early to say that the 1.45 patch config file protection wouldnt work, the patch just came out, and I find hard to believe that someone would have cheated by modifying the config file and not having that "player uses a config file" message... But if the protection isnt working, if you are sure that you have seen people cheat in 1.45 without getting that message, maybe you should contact BIS directly (by email), explaining what the cheater did. I dont think the BIS people will read a forum thread titled "Lone wolf is a piece of ****", it doesnt sound like a thread with reasonable content to read.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Reverend L3 @ Mar. 03 2002,02:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why not perform hashing on key parts of the config?<span id='postcolor'>

The server does check the config file in some way every time you join. I guess it is a CRC check... Hard to avoid being detected if you modify something.

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A hash should -- beyond a reasonable doubt -- eliminate any question of its state (as long as they don't use something rediculously weak).

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As I said a long time ago, all they need is a server setting so that if a different cfg.bin/cfg.cpp is detected that person is immediately disconnected from the game. The current system is impractical:

1. With alot of people chatting the text goes by way to fast to easily see such a message.

2. Then you have the problem of what if an admin isn't present? Do you realize how freaking hard it is to get twenty something odd people to type #vote kick playerx....

If it can detect a modified or changed cfg file I do not see the great challenge a disconnect if detected feature would be. But in two replies from BIS I've been told a message would be sufficient...........

I'm still reserving the right to say "I told you so".

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Nice to see some marbles back together in the right direction.

Rage... nice to see u promoting cheating with that cheat code post. Kind of defeats everything that was ranted about before, its explicit and worse than the previous allegations towards wolf. I dont think u meant it but actually u just demonstrated to who wants to do it, how to. I dont recall this ever being done by wolf. Sums it up really.

Also nice to see u dont seem to respect the credit for the original idea, Kamai and Rage (although u did try to do some good with a constructive solution). So credits are also at a loss. Dont worry... but sums up this specific example, which also is present in the modus operandi of certain editing site interests passing for community role-models. It seems, like mentioned before, this issue had its origin there. That also sums something up.

Lots of unethical things going on here. Over morality for you. I bites back. I think u call that hypocrisy.

About the license... yes that is correct. Cant disagree there... apparently... that means for OFP that does include about every non-comercial unoficial addon, without BiS support, that has been released.

A precedent has been left open in legal terms, so it has no effect in any court... That until BiS/Codemasters can defend a financial loss due to that. They have not, because it actually stimulates their financial gain. Understand this point when they are defensive about their tools.

Understand also when laws are concerned that proof, intent, applicability and precedents can disrupt an apparently nice articulate license. There is more to laws that that. But that does not mean u have to disregard nor take it lightly.

And try to take the game back for a refund, with that excuse... as the license states. See what happens. I guess u all can figure that one out. wink.gif

And i agree with those who mentioned its NOT open source. BiS has tried their upmost to close it further with the patches. Problem was the code from the start since the Demo.

They realised this. There are solutions as i pointed before... and we all can help BiS too. So do your part instead of pointing fingers at the wrong ppl.

Actually the problem also lies 1st within your own server use and with the unoficial addons (and modified cpp's) u use and individually have installed in the addons folder, that is enough to modify the config save. That is why that message shows up. Different Versions and languages may also be promoting this further. But pick where u left off... ure on the right track to the cheating solution... it seems to me a mix of cheating and the latter (which is not).

You wont need me further, nor will i be available for any more of this since it has lost its point.

Well i hope this has served a lesson to you all, alot can be learned from this for the future if this is to be improved on.

And again good luck and keep it clean.

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TheOmega WHo the HELL do you think you are to attack The guy who has helped me Fight Cheating.

And Sgt Kamai STFU . That was before I found out that These Idiot's JUst have to have this damn hacked .cpp B.S.

And KAMAI YOUR A CHEATER SO STAY THE ************** Out of this TOPIC.

To Hell with mod's ! Screw them , if there going to Screw this Damn Game up like that. I dont want nothing to do with them !

Why dont all you mod makers ban together and keep this between your self's if you just have to have it to make mod's . I mean you Idiot's know what this .cpp can and cant do. But yet you post it all over the internet ? Come on guy's your probley the one's running on all these server's under different names Cheating like Heck and laughing about it !

This is just Bull...... Thank all of you morons for destorying what was a great game !

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (TheOmega @ Mar. 03 2002,01:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Rage... nice to see u promoting cheating with that cheat code post. Kind of defeats everything that was ranted about before, its explicit and worse than the previous allegations towards wolf. I dont think u meant it but actually u just demonstrated to who wants to do it, how to. I dont recall this ever being done by wolf. Sums it up really.

Also nice to see u dont seem to respect the credit for the original idea, Kamai and Rage (although u did try to do some good with a constructive solution). So credits are also at a loss.<span id='postcolor'>

I'm am not showing anyone anything new. Now For me promoting cheating well take it any way you want. But people look and understand alittle more when you give them Hard cold FACT'S... And im not telling anyone anything new you need alot more then that. "Show's me you dont know what your talking about" LOL let someone make that into a file and run it LMAO.

Now what alonewolf has done for the cheaters is just make it easier for them.

Thats all Hey I know he didn't mean to do it.

But I also know if he didnt do it someone else would of.

I have no hard feeling towards him Trust me i was just talking about the cheating nothing about him.

So when someone reads this topic and ask what the hell are these guys soooo pissed at they know why and it well open their eye's to this and maybe if more then just us start talking about this Just maybe something well be done.

soon like it was suppose to be in ver1.45

Plus you are a total ars for even saying im promoting cheating. You need to look at other topic I have posted on this then tell me I promote cheating. so until then Zip It!!!

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Well done, Rage. Without making these things known, you only set yourself up for future confrontations and doubts (need to look no further then Drak's thread). Now no one can claim that there is no such cheat, or that a cheat can't do this, or a cheat can't do that. They know and see how it works.

Maybe this will increase the community pressure to release a patch to fix these errors.


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By showing very well how these cheats work, it allows others to see their capabilities, what flags can be altered, and how people cheat.  Cheaters will always find documentation on how to perform cheats.  Rage's post on how these cheats work is of little consequence to the number of cheaters out there, but it will have great impact as to the understanding -- among people who don't cheat, and those that wish only to have a good game -- and discussion of cheats in the future.

The second point I wished to make was that by showing these cheats, maybe it will convince some in the community, who may not have understood the gravity and simplicity of it, that this is a an extremely serious problem, something that needs to be eliminated immediately.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rage_Frost @ Mar. 02 2002,22:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">class LAW: AT3





















class RPG: LAW


model="RPG";<span id='postcolor'>


Now, if that was my superLAW, I'd certainly increase the thrusttime, maxspeed, maxrange and rangeprobabilities! Those are just standard! Also, maneuvrability should be around 20 so you could fire it at targets behind you! It should also have a soldier with IRscanrange 200000 to fire it.


BTW, try making a LAW with maxspeed 10. Then you can run away from the rocket! hehe.

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