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Request ability to draw on map

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I made this request for OFP and Arma, now I make it for Arma 2.

I would like to be able to draw on map, even something very simple like free hand drawing would be a great addition to the markers.

Draw a line or circle an area are very usefull tasks that unfortunately can't be performed with markers.

Here is an example taken from a  (open source) RTS game : TA Spring which allow you to draw on the (3D) map in a very simple manner. You hold a button on the keyboard, left button and drag mouse to draw, right button and drag mouse to erase.


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Seems like quite a reasonable and useable feature... it wouldn't be bad to see something like this in ArmA2. Althought, if other players can see what you draw... Im sure we can all imagine some of the things that the less mature people in the community would draw.

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You are nitpicking...

It's not even a full mod, it's just a script... so I guess it falls into the category "possible in Arma 1", not right out of the box, but nonetheless.

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Will be a great addition to coop games. The leader will be able to draw a plan for the team and the briefing will be much clearer.

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You are nitpicking...

It's not even a full mod, it's just a script... so I guess it falls into the category "possible in Arma 1", not right out of the box, but nonetheless.

While we're opening out definition of what is possible in ArmA, then, in ArmA 1 it is possible to HALO jump, fight aliens, fly space ships, and have rocket propelled terrorist suicide bombers go off like supersonic, hyper maneuverable, heat seeking landmines.

The comment that it is already possible in ArmA 1 is neither here nor there. The devs didn't create the script that makes it possible, and this request is to have it in the core game from the start, not to have that aspect possibly changed by some modder at some point. I don't see what that comments adds to the request... having this in the core game and available for use on very restricted servers would be nice.

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One can only imagine about the amount of penii which are going to be drawn if this makes it in. crazy_o.gif

EDIT: Its still a good idea for default ArmA 2.0. (Stop nitpicking, really)

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