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Warfare Updated! v1.5

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On the subject of AAA vehicles, I find them very useful. In fact, Shilkas, in my opinion, are the most effective vehicles in the game, as they have enough ammo to take out any unit, sea, land, or air.

Also, I hear people hinting at protecting supply trucks with AAA vehicles, but I haven't been able to figure out how to make units follow another vehicle that is not in your squad.

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Oki in the next version to compensate the KA-50/Ah-1z will not have a radar. smile_o.gif

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My irony detector must be broken. You are serious about the radar?

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Yeah i am, You will have to have a gunner to help spot the enemy or if your a good pilot you will be beable to stop the enemy and lock on then shoot without having to look for a red dot on the rador.

1: Its stops the rambos with the KA50/Ah1z

2: It will stop the leetness of Vikir Missle to a cetain degree

3: It will employee more Team work.

Dont like it tough tounge2.gif

I already wanted to add Queens Gambit stuff into this as i did buy queens gambit to use the content is has... wink_o.gif but you guys are lucky for those who boycott it or simply dont have it. smile_o.gif

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FYI Ka-50 is single seat.

EDIT : I've seen another 1.5 modded version, that replaced the Vikhr on Ka by Hellfire.

Please, DON'T do that smile_o.gif

Not for the sake of realism, but for balance.

This trick is just putting Cobra again above Ka-50 in A2A (you have a gunner auto aiming the cannon for you, when Ka-50 has a fixed cannon that requires the pilot to actually aim) and is just giving US another "best equipement in its category" after having the best tank, without anything balancing back for SLA.

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They should be a min distance from depot to where base could be built. Now it isnt rare to see supply cheating (base constructed next to depot).

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Maybe this is a typo by Matt. Mi-17 FFARs and UH-60 FFAR's need to have their acquistition radars removed. I just don't see how they can have it with FFAR's. The advantage is less, since FFAR's are not smart weapons, but the fact that you have a HUD acquisition (non-diamond lock-on) for targets bewilders me. Why? Did BIS miss this one?

I thought Matt put in a minimum to town supply depot of 200m? Personally I'd like it to be higher, since last night I found enemy base structures around a town camp. Is that smart or taking advantage of a loophole?

Is it that much tougher to equalize weapons ranges for Hellfire/Vikhr vs Strella/Stinger and Shilka/Vulcans? Or introduce %chance of missing with missiles as range increases?

Interesting stats on Vulcans/Shilkas. Effective range of Vulcans; 1.2km. Shilkas; 2.5km (2.0km vs ground targets)

Hellfire; min 500m, max 5km.

Vikhr; 8km. 2 fire modes. single/tandem (dual volley)

US is going with the HUMMV Avenger M1097 (2 pods of 4 Stingers), but due to a lack of air threats, a conversion program is in progress to covert one of the Stinger pods with a .50 cal. A future variant is to have a Stinger pod (4) and a Javelin pod (2).

***(Shilka stats)***

HEI-T (High Explosive Incendiary-Tracer), and API-T (Armour-Piercing Incendiary-Tracer) rounds are fired at muzzle velocity 980 m/s. They can be fired to a maximum horizontal range of 7 km (4.3 mi), and a vertical range of 5.1 km (3.2 mi). The effective anti-aircraft direct range is around 2.5 km (1.6 mi). In attacking targets on the ground, its effective range is 2 km (1.3 mi).

The RPK-2 "Tobol" radar operates in the J band and can detect aircraft 12-20 km away.


So from a 5min research, it sounds like Shilkas see conservatively at 12km anything above 60m altitude, and engages them at 2.0km. Vulcan's have a line of sight radar, and engages targets at 1.2km. Hellfires at 5km, optimum 2-3km, and Vikhrs in dual fire mode does the same job at 8km, up to 4 targets, but must be target lock maintained until the missile hits, and has a narrow tracking field of view.

Stingers are effective up to 4.8km (min 500m?) and Strella-2M 4.2km (minimum 800m). Which begs the question. How can you fire a Stinger/Strella at a land veh w/o an IR lock, and most of the time during the acceleration phase before the IR tracking warhead engages?

Anyone know of a minimum range script to clamp in AA missiles?


Simplest fix. Increase max range on Stingers and strellas to 4km, and put in a minimum range of 600m (stops use as an anti-vehicle wpn, and promotes AA tanks)

Increase AA tank range to 2km.

put in a 20 second delay on Vikhr to have lock-on (Diamond inside square HUD), but retain the ability to fire multiple rounds at the same lock-on.

How does that sound?

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They should be a min distance from depot to where base could be built. Now it isnt rare to see supply cheating (base constructed next to depot).

This has already been done. Check the changelog.

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Warfare V1.0m:

On the MHQ repack bug as some call it. This is purely to the commander getting crushed with it going into mobile mode, or the MHQ hitting a stucture when it goes to mobile mode.

From your screen shot I see the walls that cuased your game to end. if you were some how inside there and repacked it the commander and or the MHQ was killed and the games ends.

I have moved bases more than 12 times having bases all over the map. I have had 12 main island bases and then moved the MHQ to a safe location and possibly another base, but this was not needed.

Now if you get caught inside the MHQ and it is destroyed by the enemy game ends. So employ your team when moving the MHQ don't just go hansolo if your taking Arty on the base or believe that they know where your base is. A very nice tactic i've see and employed myself is to send a scout with Arty support availible to find the base after it has been found we call in the arty and the enemy plan to move the base at that point when the commander jumps in the MHQ we hit it with AT and we win. This is a objective of the mission and a win condition, so don't cry about it learn from it!

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If I'd suggest anything:

-Ability to change view-distance and terrain distance after your first life. (options?).

-Ability to "Select all" AI in commander view to a particular goal.

-Some way that allows east units to have access to west weapons. I like east, but hate their weapons. M4 Acog M203's where its at.


-Markers still have errors with JIP, showing up as red camps instead of green.

-Have a choice between: HQ explodes you lose and Base explodes you lose. Ability to have a max of 2 bases and all buildings must be destroyed not just HQ - it's the biggest buzz kill since you cannot hide the HQ - because your teammates need to spawn by it, and artillery can just dessicate it... somethings gotta be done there. Maybe a "respawn building" where you can move the HQ and people can chose which base to spawn at.

-Most difficult impossible suggestion: Make artillery shells actual projectiles instead of impossible to defend against scripted explosions.

And of course, an 'uber tastical Matt kickass Rochelle Warfare @1.5m Addon edition" with all the bells and whistles. Mi-24's, Ah-64's, Chinooks, scout planes (Fletcher FU-24's), UAV's, T-90's, and for kicks, make sigma's vehicles available for purchase in captured towns instead of Hmmv's and UAZ's. Oh and 2 aircaft carriers on each end of the map, you land there and get rearmed, refueled, and repaired. Special ops choppers, you eject from cargo at a certain altitude and spawn in a zodiac below. For weapons on the US team add the aimpoint desert weapon pack and for east... damn east doesn't get much of anything do they? We need a EU team Vs. the USA team wink_o.gif

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Hey Grinya. Seen any pictures of the T-95 tank?

I saw some. Check it:




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymBeidmc3iM - if you know japanese.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlxuQ4IgDRU - very good videos! Newest russian fighting vehicles and aircrafts

- Russian biggest vecuum bomb in the world (rus)

Some people mistakes when thinking that Blackeagle = t-95. Crew in t-95 sit in hull instead of Blackeagle in hull and gun-tower!

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Oki its going to take a little while longer as im going to add my changes to the 1.1 BIS release. Which could be coded better in JIP etc. So Hold on biggrin_o.gif

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