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SLX MOD public release

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Sorry to be a pain this mod looks great and congrats to all who made it.And now for my problem ive installed it and tried it but as soon as my player comes on he just keeps going from the stand up position to prone and when i look around me all the ai are functioning properly so why isnt my player if this has been answered allready then im sorry but if someone could tell me what ive done wrong it would be apreciated thx.

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Anybody experienced that M4 with SD using sound of normal M4 without suppresor ? It pretty much ruined my stealth experience sad_o.gif

I was using only some side addons(RHS stuff, RH AK pack etc. I dont think it should be incompatible) no mods used...

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Can I use this mod with MaddMAtt's Effects?

My question as well, it may be my new drivers but I got a CTD yesterday while on Gardinas with Vilas's WW2 stuff and CSM and obviously SLX. I think it's my new driver, since ArmA was fine before. But I was also using Matts Effects and I'm not sure if that's the problem.

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SLX + Mad matts effetcs + pletora of other mods seems working.. huh.gif

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Can I use this mod with MaddMAtt's Effects?

Yes you can but there is a few steps to follow if you want the best results. Just do a "print this topic" search for ArmAEffects, MaddMatt or some similar variant and you will find what to do. That info is in the front pages of this thread somewhere.

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Ok this sounds stupid of me, but I have Vista 32bit and when I double click the Start SLX.bat file the dos prompt comes and goes very quickly, I don't think it did anything.

What do I need to do?

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Vista can't work with bat files properly (thanks to messed up account privileges).

Try to right-click and Run as administrator.

If it won't help you'll have to use the standard -mod=@SLX method.

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Vista can't work with bat files properly (thanks to messed up account privileges).

Try to right-click and Run as administrator.

If it won't help you'll have to use the standard -mod=@SLX method.

Yea it didn't work either...

So the only thing the start.bat file does is place the “mod†shortcut to the desktop? Then what about the other stuff... Who the heck uses *.bat files anymore biggrin_o.gif

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I do wink_o.gif

I don't remember what it does. Never used it.

If you want to know simply right-click on it and select edit.

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I do wink_o.gif

I don't remember what it does. Never used it.

If you want to know simply right-click on it and select edit.

Yeah for viruses and replications whistle.gif

Anywho, why all the trouble to get this mod to work with everything on Vista..? Isn't it just easy enough to pack everything in one folder and call it done? I know it is for me.

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im having a problem with something called smokeshoot. every so often i get the error message:

slx_gl3\s\smokeshoot.sqs not found

popping up. Normally when using vehicles that come under fire.

Any way of fixing this?

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The bat is just alternative way to launch the mod, just as I told you.

Simply use the modfolder method.

Right the mod folder is just for launching the mod, this I use ArmA Launcher, but what about the others?

Install_SLX_CA.bat ;Technically I don't need this one with LAN on Warfare.


Install_SLX_Muzzle_Flashes.bat  ;This mod would be cool to have with.

In notepad there is more code in there than the start batch file.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">To install extra content:

Run the .bat files after extracting SLX to the ArmA folder. CA installer installs the Kegetys MP spectator script starter. Weapons installer installs SLX muzzle flashes.

And I'm sorry, but what is the deal with the cpbo.exe?


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im having a problem with something called smokeshoot. every so often i get the error message:

slx_gl3\s\smokeshoot.sqs not found

popping up. Normally when using vehicles that come under fire.

Any way of fixing this?

I believe this has been discussed in the earlier pages, try a "print this topic" search for smokeshoot or something similar to the error you describe. I'm not sure if a fix is provided but I believe it's been discussed. It's worth a look.

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The bat is just alternative way to launch the mod, just as I told you.

Simply use the modfolder method.

Right the mod folder is just for launching the mod, this I use ArmA Launcher, but what about the others?

Install_SLX_CA.bat ;Technically I don't need this one with LAN on Warfare.


Install_SLX_Muzzle_Flashes.bat  ;This mod would be cool to have with.

In notepad there is more code in there than the start batch file.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">To install extra content:

Run the .bat files after extracting SLX to the ArmA folder. CA installer installs the Kegetys MP spectator script starter. Weapons installer installs SLX muzzle flashes.

And I'm sorry, but what is the deal with the cpbo.exe?


What's your path to the SLX folder (like E:\ArmA\@SLX)?

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What's your path to the SLX folder (like E:\ArmA\@SLX)?

C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\@SLX its the Digital download.

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Not every helicopter behaves like the Bis-Standart ones!

How can I make my Helicopter attack tanks via FFAR?

Is there a order in the config with what I can do it?

I´m changing a hind config at the moment.

Does anyone know how to do?

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can someone make a youtube video on how to install this mod?

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Can somebody tell me where can I tone down the explosion radius ? It's hella....annoying.

For example at Range of Death there is scripted explosion that kills(SLX) the soldiers that are supposed to stay alive. huh.gif

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Can somebody tell me where can I tone down the explosion radius ? It's hella....annoying.

For example at Range of Death there is scripted explosion that kills(SLX) the soldiers that are supposed to stay alive. huh.gif

you´ve got to serach for :


open it

there you find the effects witch you want to change.

Search for your effect and change the lines:




(numbers are just an example)

change like u want it to be

the more higher the more bad it should be.

Just try it should work.

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Dude that's awesome and it works, though it still is a batch file I have no idea how this one works while the original doesn't... But in anyways it works and now I can get to try it in all its glory.

Thanx DeadFast.


Modesta in flames; just to show how much fun I have been having with this mod.

Ok who dropped the nuke? The only thing I can think of is that someone dropped a nuke or shot a hell of a lot of heat rounds at Modesta to cause this 3-5fps collateral damage screen shot. And I mean the whole city was burning, an hour later it still was burning and a few buildings have collapsed wow_o.gif it was awsome.


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What would be the modifier to make the AI defend more often?

I think the ai sitting in the streets instead of moving into the nearby building breaks the immerssion.

I shortend the code because it would take up half this page lol!

SLX_Busy=SLX_Busy - [_group]

;vehicle leader _group domove getpos vehicle leader _group

if(SLX_Debug>1)then{if(format["%1",defend_sqs]==SLX_Null)then{defend_sqs=0}; defend_sqs=defend_sqs - 1; player globalchat format["exit defend_sqs %1 %2", defend_sqs, _this]}

leader _group enableAttack true;


; Make a squad of AI's garrison nearby buildings.

; Use: [Group,TargetGroup] exec (SLX_GL3_Path+"s\SLX_Garrison.sqs")

; Group is the group to have garrison a building. Target group is optional and will be used for the position to search for the building to garrison from, so that the attacking group will storm the building that the target group is in.


_group=_this select 0

;_stay=_this select 1

_tg=_this select 1

leader _group enableAttack false;

if(SLX_DEBUG>3)then{if(format["%1",garrison_sqs]==SLX_Null)then{garrison_sqs=0}; garrison_sqs=garrison_sqs + 1; player globalchat format["garrison_sqs %1 %2", garrison_sqs, _this select 0]}


;player globalchat format["%1 garrisoning buildings %2", _this select 0, _this select 0]

;player globalchat format ["%1 %2 %3", _group, combatmode ((units _group) select 0), Behaviour ((units _group) select 0)]

; Check if target group is defined for building distance search, if not then use group to find closest building


? (format["%1",(count (units _tg))]=="SCALAR"):_tg=_group

_grpcnt=(count (units _tg)) - 1





; Start Garrison for a new building, reset number of spots





; Find a building that hasn't been Garrisoned, if it's been Garrisoned find the closest building to the next unit that hasn't been Garrisoned, if no more units then exit.



?_i>_grpcnt:goto "EndFind"

_unit=((units _tg) select _i)

?format["%1",_unit]=="<null>":goto "EndFind"

;_building=nearestBuilding vehicle _unit


{if( (isnull _building) && (((_x buildingpos 0) select 0)!=0) )then{_building=_x}} foreach (nearestObjects [vehicle _unit, ["building"], 200])

?(SLX_DEBUG>3):player globalchat format["%1 garrison %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8", _group, _tg, _unit, _i, _grpcnt,_building]

;player globalchat format["1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8", _group,_spotnum,_i,count units _group,_pos,_building]

_i=_i + 1

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Dude that's awesome and it works, though it still is a batch file I have no idea how this one works while the original doesn't... But in anyways it works and now I can get to try it in all its glory.

Thanx DeadFast.

You're welcome wink_o.gif.

And to answer your question this one works because I force the path to your SLX folder (that's why I asked for it) with a simple CD command.

In the original version it's depending on Windows using a brain.

Normally, the location where the BAT is launched is passed over for further functions.

This doesn't work for some people using Vista though.

Apparently Vista thinks that you don't have enough permission to do anything in the SLX folder and therefore passes over address of the Windows folder  crazy_o.gif .

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