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Nicholas Bell

Schmalfelden, Germany Map

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Quote[/b] ]The official arma island config setup is setup like this:

Code Sample

class DefaultWorld;

class CAWorld: DefaultWorld


class Grid;


class YourIslandName: CAWorld


class Grid: Grid


class Zoom1



class Zoom2





Yours is setup like this:

Code Sample

class Intro;

class YourIslandName: Intro


class Grid


class Zoom0



class Zoom1





There are a number of reasons why to keep to the official Spec, Standards is one of them smile_o.gif

Really? I used what was provided in the BIS sample map, - you are saying that this is incorrect and not official? If so, what problem is it causing? I am not inclined to fix non-existent problems, but if there is a real one, I will adjust.

Quote[/b] ]Give us some Fulda-Area that we can do all that WW3 Sceneries

Ah yeah - and people complain now about the forests in Schmalfelden biggrin_o.gif The Fulda-Hunsfeld area would be great, and I have the maps too. But it would run like crap on most computers, so I can't consider it.

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i' v question about shadow bug on grass, could you fix that?

but i want say merci for your work!

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Quote[/b] ]i' v question about shadow bug on grass, could you fix that?

Please explain what the problem is - I didn't know there was one.


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Really?  I used what was provided in the BIS sample map, - you are saying that this is incorrect and not official?  If so, what problem is it causing?  I am not inclined to fix non-existent problems, but if there is a real one, I will adjust.  

Could you link me to the mentioned Sample Map?

All BIS Islands are setup the way I described, it would be very weird if their Sample Map would be different smile_o.gif

I don't think it causes problems, other then for ppl trying to override zoomlevels in Mods, which I guess isn't really important smile_o.gif

imo it's just not standard, and I am simply wondering about the need smile_o.gif

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Thanks for your hint. Everything is fine now wink_o.gif

But I've spotted something weird on the Schmalfelden with extra heavy vegetation. There are some buildings lonely on the fields, watch it here. I guess they don't belong there. You can find them at the south-west/western corner of Schmalfelden.

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Quote[/b] ]But I've spotted something weird on the Schmalfelden with extra heavy vegetation. There are some buildings lonely on the fields, watch it here. I guess they don't belong there. You can find them at the south-west/western corner of Schmalfelden.

WTF? crazy_o.gif

Freakin' gremlins I tell you! Will address tonight. Interesting - no one else saw this? Guess XHV isn't used much confused_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Guess XHV isn't used much

well, with my new hd4850 i actually am now able to use it with decent framerates and AA on. i'm absolutely loving it!

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Freakin' gremlins I tell you! Will address tonight. Interesting - no one else saw this? Guess XHV isn't used much confused_o.gif

Ahm ... well ... with my 8800 GTX I got 20 fps at the forrest edges (no enemys, no scripts, only me standing there) biggrin_o.gif I'll see if I can reassemble the two missions I have for Schmalfelden. Otherwise I'll have to use the other version sad_o.gif

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Hey guys, i've been playing around with this map. Fantastic effort by the way, thing is one of the guys i play with is having issues with the map crashing (All three versions do this). Now all other maps, stock and custom seem to work fine. But when he try's to loads up Schmalfelden, his game crashes and give him the following error:-

Out of memory (requested 11kb)

Reserved 262144 KB.

Total free 4194243

Free blocks 2, Max free size 32705 KB

This happens while the map is loading, actually before he is in the map itself. Has anyone experienced this? Or know what the problem is?

He is running on Windows Vista 64, with 4GB of RAM.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Hey guys, i've been playing around with this map. Fantastic effort by the way, thing is one of the guys i play with is having issues with the map crashing (All three versions do this). Now all other maps, stock and custom seem to work fine. But when he try's to loads up Schmalfelden, his game crashes and give him the following error:-

Out of memory (requested 11kb)

Reserved 262144 KB.

Total free 4194243

Free blocks 2, Max free size 32705 KB

This happens while the map is loading, actually before he is in the map itself. Has anyone experienced this? Or know what the problem is?

He is running on Windows Vista 64, with 4GB of RAM.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Sorry for bringing this thread back to life, but ..

I was wondering if you would consider a few changes to the island.

1. Change the grid reference system to a 6 figure grid ref (like the ACE islands)

2. Lower the height of the land to sub 100m, instead of 400-500m above sea level. A lot of sound mods have high wind effects for high elevations, makes it hard to hear on this island.

Other than those 2 things, this island is excellent. Very good work!

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No need to apologize, beita :p Although the thread seems pretty old now, Schmalfelden is still one of my favourite "islands".

Nicholas, I've got a huge wish and I guess I'm not alone with it. Please make an ArmA 2 version of this great map! :o

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I am not making any decisions on future modifications to this map until ArmA2 is released, and the tools necessary to make it compatible with it (if necessary). From what I have seen the ArmA2 map contains a lot of terrain similar to Schmalfelden, and I suspect my map will fall into disuse (for reasons like small size and lack of A/F).

The changes you are asking for are not difficult, but would still require more than 6 hours of my limited time, time I feel is best used for other maps I am working on. I suggest you petition the makers of whichever sound mod you are using to provide options or control over the ambient sound effects, as Schmalfelden is not the only map where this is a problem.

If I do decide to update the map, I will seek input at that time.

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