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Custom tag system for friendlies.

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Not sure where this topic belongs, I try putting it here.

I play coop with some friends on our own server using our own realism and server settings. We tend to strive for realism, but sometimes "realism" takes out some of the fun because it doesn't add up with other aspects of real life that is not included in the game.

Example is the use of "friendly tags" (enemy tags is obviously off). By enabling this you add situational awareness to the players which is easier to get in real life because moving your head is done secondhand while in ArmA it may be a cumbersome process (in comparison). In real life you develop a "sense" of who might be to your right, and can easily recognize him. Facemask is troublesome to say the least (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and nobody seems to know why).

However, default "friendly tags" is waaaaay too good (so currently we have avoided using it). So question is; is it possible to make "rules" on how this setting is used? I.e. setup maximum distances for friendly tag to show up in, but also depending on stance etc? I.e. 25m if unit is prone, 50m if unit is crouch, and 75m if unit is in the up position? Maybe a "tag" which fades to grey over distance, with text becoming smaller also with distance.

Is this feasable with the current ArmA engine, either with some changes to some setting I don't know about, or via some addon making?

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By enabling this you add situational awareness to the players which is easier to get in real life because moving your head is done secondhand while in ArmA it may be a cumbersome process (in comparison).

I think trackir or freetrack can help you. I use trackir myself and it helps getting situational awereness.

But I guess this wasnt the answer you were looking for..? But it do help (and freetrack is free).

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It is not according to Suma. Pufu from KH / IC asked him AFAIK.

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As per usual, I'll just pimp Spooner's scripts:

SPON Recognize

Should do what you want to. smile_o.gif Uses the ArmA action system, so you should be able to identify friends at about the same distance as ArmA actions show up (something like 10 meters, maybe).




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I have already check the matter. Suma PM me saying it cannot be changed via config or script.

Similar to spoon script (witch is very good, but adds some more stress on the server) is

Loyalguard's script

Friendly Tags are good for a Pub server, but, as you said, give the players way too much "awareness", so no go if you strive for realism.

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Thanks. I guess that confirms my fears ad expectations. Hopefully ArmA2 will improve difficulty settings to become more customizeable. Would be nice to enable 3rd person view for certain vehicles as well, or at least different settings for vehicle and person views.

I wil try that latest link and see if it can deliver some of my needs.

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I use customized face.jpgs, squad.xmls and weapon loads to identify players and I use freelook and voicechat to create situational awareness. If you got a thumb key on your mouse assign it for "freelook toggle".

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Similar to spoon script (witch is very good, but adds some more stress on the server)

Loyalguard's script

It is interesting to know that SPON Recognise measurably stresses the server. I'd not done any load testing of my script, though ironically, it doesn't actually need any extra processing on the server to run that particular script, it just happens to use a functionality of SPON Core on every machine, rather than just where it is needed (clients). Not terribly worried though, since Loyalguard's script is more appropriate for most people's needs.

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@Spoon: i am not talking BS here. We tested it @ IC, and even with 20 ppl on we had quite a big desynk. It depends how many ppl you need it for. But as i said, it is indeed a very good script.

Sad that is no way to customize the Tags a bit more via some profile/server config

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