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Coop 12 Dynamic Sahrani: SABOTAGE

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I made my own version of this excellent mission (thank you VERY MUCH Przemek_kondor! )

Its based on the 1.10 v.

I recommend using a dedicated server.

Whats changed:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


No para (group nor personal)

No helicopter service

No info (use your clock to see how much time left)

Added M249 and lasermarker to the ammo-crates

Added a small harbour with 4 boats

Added some enemies to all north bases

Tweaked some scripts-missions so the objectives doesnt disappear infront of you, they hang around longer now (+ some small tweaks and fixes).

Added GBU Harrier if one player want to be pilot to bomb lasertargets (airport).

Added cessna. Why not really sure. Never know.. (airport).

One more mission added, take out the enemy sniper in Corazol.

DAC added;

     - enemy groups patrolling north sahrani

     - friendly groups patrol south sahrani

     - both sides can use artillery

     - both sides have one zone each covering Corazol, there are battles going on sometimes between AIs

Norrin's revive added;

     - respawn at base ONLY if all players are "dead"

     - unlimited revives (we are 2-3 playing and north sahrani is big with long walks in and out, alot of enemies..)

     - no AI

Because of the "war" going on around Corazol and much higher enemy density plus no easy para/helicopter ins-ex it can take some time to get to the objective, because of that the mission times are longer. Now you are in no hurry but you should not waste so much time because you never know if you need to take reroutes because of enemies. Its possible to fly a helo in yourself but there is always the risk of getting shot down on the way or enemies searching for you if you land to close (we also use a compilation of addons that makes the AI much better).

I have also made a version for SAP_desert_everon. Good for weaker computers or just for the change.

Addons:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

EditorUpdate_v102.pbo (needed)

MBG_Cessna182.pbo (can be removed)

ZU23.pbo (can be removed)

ZU23M.pbo (can be removed)

sap_eve.pbo (needed for desert everon version)

If anyone wants this mission I can release it if its ok by Przemek_kondor. I will probably not follow up any wishes or listen too much to people as I made this for personal use. I can not really take any credit at all as I more or less smacked together other peoples excellent work. But it exist on my harddrive so why not share it?


Here is my 2 versions of sabotage:


SAP desert Everon

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<-  xmas_o.gif

thanks @ Przemek_kondor smile_o.gif

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Ok, thanks. Wanted to ask first even if I read that its ok. Its so easy to just ask to be 100% sure and to show respect. You Przemek_kondor made my favourite mission to arma, thank you!

Should I release the missions in the old thread as this is for 1.18? Didnt realise it until now...


Here is my 2 versions of sabotage:


SAP desert Everon

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Dziękuję Kondor for this awesome mission...from another Polish(half)-American ArmA fan.

It's now my favorite mission and is currently all I play (as solo MP). I don't find your missions too easy. As a matter of fact, I'm getting routinely slaughtered (while playing alone with AI teammates). I often get blown out of the sky simply trying to get to the mission zone. Once the KA-50 is airborne, it's "game over" for me.

The missions on the ground are quite tough but fun. I find myself being attacked from any random direction, not just the one which would seem obvious based on the mission zone.

I've made the following changes to make things a little easier:

- change soldier-type from Commandos to various well-armed soldiers (AA, AT, Grenadier, etc.)

-add two Blackhawks for better groundfire resistance and speed

- filled the cargo holds of the choppers with all weapons/ammos for easy re-arming between missions.

I'm still getting beat up bad but at least I'm not dogmeat for armor and KA-50s strafing the battle area. I know you have ammo boxes placed but getting your AI team fully and correctly equipped is like sticking needles under your fingernails in ArmA.

I did complete a hostage rescue using "noisy" M16s so I'm not sure if the silenced MP5s are really required or not. Parachuting to the mission zone and calling for a pick-up are real nice touches and help a lot. Thanks.

One thing that isn't clear to me is what happens to my AI team after I die and respawn at the base. Sometimes they remain at the "battle zone" and other times they respawn at the base. Like the player, do they only respawn at base when killed? I'm not getting any death messages for AI that are respawning so I'm a bit confused. Can anyone clarify this for me?

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Dziękuję Kondor for this awesome mission...from another Polish(half)-American ArmA fan.


One thing that isn't clear to me is what happens to my AI team after I die and respawn at the base. Sometimes they remain at the "battle zone" and other times they respawn at the base. Like the player, do they only respawn at base when killed? I'm not getting any death messages for AI that are respawning so I'm a bit confused. Can anyone clarify this for me?

I'm glad you like it.

AIs respawn at base when they die. Problem is propably caused by disabling radio when player respawns (black screen with "YOU ARE DEAD" text), so AIs can't report about their deads during 11 seconds.

You can disable this feature by commenting or remove 26th line:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">EnableRadio false;

in DS\remove_body.sqf file

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Thanks for the quick reply and the clarification. I will probably make that radio change - I want to actually hear it if my "men" are dying because then you feel more..."responsible."

I've made some simple changes as I mentioned but I'm not going to even attempt any "structural" changes (assuming I even could) to the mission to make it actually easier. Instead, I'm just going to work harder at keeping my a$$ out of trouble.  pistols.gif

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Just I had a chance to play around with this mission with a couple of friends and it's excellent! Great concept with good mix of objectives, love to see more like this.

Thanks for making and sharing it Przemek_kondor!


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