Halochief89 0 Posted January 15, 2008 I wanted to read about people and their greatest fight in ArmA and it doesn't need to end in survival. Like mine: I created a mission (Black Hawk Downish)where I was a grenadier in a black hawk. The black hawk's pilot was shot by a dshkm machine gun killing him. The helicopter went in a spin. It said I could switch to pilot. I did and was able to stable the hawk. But landed in sakakah right in the middle. The team all disembarked and we all defended the hawk until I was the only left. I ran out of ammo so I took a m9 pistol from the squad leader and defended a little longer until I was blown up by a RPG-7. Ended up I killed over 64 enemies That was mine if you have screenshots, videos also send a link I'd like to see outstanding last stands. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Average Joe 0 Posted January 16, 2008 Well Done, I once caughta-bullet-with-ma-barehands. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted January 16, 2008 Hi all I have some After Action Reviews they begin at the bottom of the page here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....23;st=0 And continue in the next page. I have some videos of it too will try to compress them to put them on youtube. Kind Regards walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smellyjelly 0 Posted January 16, 2008 I was playing one of my missions with just a bunch of enemy tanks and helicopters, and I was the gunner on the AH-1Z. We were flying towards the enemy when all of a sudden we were being shot at. So I disembarked at my pilots request, and when I landed my helicopter crashed right next to me and blew up. Another time I was just playing around. I put down some vehicles and started shooting everything. Finally when I ran out of ammo I through grenades and I seriously think one of them hit a bird. I couldn't tell for sure, but I through it up and then looked back down, but the grenade blew up in midair, but there was nothing for it to hit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_centipede 31 Posted January 16, 2008 Nice AAR there walker... interest me enough to download it. will test it out as soon as i'm free from my office @smellyjelly your handgrenade probably the us side timed handgrenade. so if u throw high enough and the timer runs out, it blows up. if its RACS or SLA grenades, then its a bug i guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted January 16, 2008 Our team had a nice airshow going on at Main Sahrani Airport... of course, there would be G-A, A-G and A-A duels and I just took off with my Sopwith Camel.... so I called one of my guys flying Hind to do a dogfight we made a couple of passes bursting guns (he didn't have a gunner) and he also managed to shoot a couple of rockets at me with no luck... we then did tight turns and tried to get a lock on each other.... I did a quick climb with almost no speed and didn't know the position of a Hind... and then I suddenly got a crazy idea to drop a bomb... and to my and his amazement I hit Hind below me that exploded and drop to ground all in flames.... we all laughed so hard Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted January 16, 2008 Monday June 10. It's 8.30 morning. My platoon reinforced by 2 Stryker ATGMs + 2 M1 Abrams was holding area infront of Mercalillo, positions called defencepost 1, as we started to hear engine roaring from north. Many engines, definedly BMPs as well as few T-72s. Minutes crawled as i started to look for good spot (and got rid of M4 with aimpoint ). Sounds of engines started to crow louder and soon first BOOM. Our M1 had opened fire and got hit to enemy vehicle. Smoke started to rise behind gentle hill. After short while more loud explosions, but it was too chaotic for know what was going on. We were bombarded by 122mm shells, it lasted minutes. When i checked the map, i could see thet our vehicles were not there anymore. Could only wonder did they go away, or were they destoryed. Sure, engine roars could be heard from where i expected enemy to come. Soon barrage moved bit behind us and soon small arms fire arose mixed with automatic cannon, but it wasn't from where i was expecting. Enemy infantry was trying to push to our positions from north-west, that way it had to face just our one squad (squad 1). Pretty soon after that, my squad (squad 3) got orders to move to squad 1's positions as they were running for they lives. We started to move, but unfortunately our movement was cut down. There was aprox two platoons of mechaniced enemys attacking and my squad didn't have a change. Our squadleader ordered us to retreat as well, many were dead already and some were trying to find medic. There was anymore our only squad (squad 2) holding positions to far right with they lighter arms than rest of us. And i could see T-72 joining the assault to our positions as i got behind trees and into valley. So we ran, those few who remained. And got to our second postions, defence post 2. Sometime after that few remainers from squad 2 was running to defence post 2 aswell. You could say that we were literally threw out from our first positions, i don't think we did much naything to enemy. Medics were working on our wounded ones and what was remaining from our platoon wasn't much, no AT-men atall, which was very bad... It was quite grim looking situation. My squad's positions were on hill with trees to far left so i went to search good firing positions. I quess it was 9.30 by then. I could see enemy vehicles tearing down trees in our previous positions. And then the artillery barrage started again... It didn't last long before some of our men were already wounded and one killed as well as enemy vehicles were already getting closer as well as lots of men... they were hard to hit due long disntace and the fact that BMP's were ready to kill anyone they see. Squadleader couldn't take it anymore and so he ordered us to flee. Cracks form supersonic bullets ripped the ear as we were running behind hill. I was sure that we were lucky when we did that. And so were we. Soon that fight ended, our platoon was holding it's second last positions. Defence post 3. There was only one hill before Gorazol which we could try to keep. Whole advance to North Sahrani would dry up with horrible consequences (main forces fighting in vicinity of Everon would be pocketed), if we were threw to Gorazol. What was left of my platoon wasn't much, i quess 5-7 men. Luckly HQ could send us reinforcement. Men and 2 M1's as well as 2 Stryker ATGMs. Platoon was almost full strenght. 30 men, lots of AT-weapons backed up by vehicles. It actually felt quite safe again. We had several hours with out contact to enemy, but there they were half kilometer to north-north-west of us. Then the barrage started again on our positions. I wasn't with my squad, but with squad 2 to far right (they had good positions in small forest next to rocks, when my own squad was in middle of open ). From this battle i don't remember anything, i quess we were already loosing the battle (my squad might had run again in panic, but i remained with Squad 2), when enemy ceased it's attack and pulled back.. There were several enemy vehicles burning in horizon. I i quess i had changed my M4 to M4 with M203 and picked up M136. Enemy was silent, it must have paid heavy toll from that battle. We held our positons and managed to get ammo supply + plus new men. Hours past away and it became darker. Again engines roared, enemy must had new fresh men and vehicles. I in fact saw one BMP doing flying trick, thanks to bug. It ended to it's roof and so nicely enemy lost once again it's vehicle. Then again... Barrage by enemy. I was lying in rocks next to squad 2's positions and enemy vehicles as well as few men started to show themselves on hill. I kept my fire down as i didn't intend to get noticed by enemy. Barrage ceased, but enemy was sitting still. Few vehciels were burning already (M1's and Strykers had to have their part in this, but i could see or hear anything during barrage. Better to keep head down) and i chosed to put my launcer into work. I crawled along bushes to get closer as there was BMP in position which i couldn't fire from longer ranges. One enemy, sniper if i recall, poped visible behind hill crest. I shot him, rushed towards BMP, fired and started to run like h*ll back to positions. I made it. ---Here is long black moment for me. I don't know did enemy need to try new attack during this time or is the following situation directly related to earlier me running away from burning BMP. Situation was messed and so was i--- We kept firing enemies which seemed to be scattered, they were coming by one or by two. I don't know what happened but my squad leader told us to pull back, there was only one guy dead and no remarlable pressure from enemy. We feld to defence post 4... Once again hours past and it was very dark and it started to rain. visibility was zero, but i had NVGs. Squad leader ordered us to get back to defence post 3. Rest of platoon didn't flee in the first place, so i was bit shamed from it. Our squad was almost full strenght while rest of them were in bad shape. We were already out of reinforcements, so they couldn't fill their rank but with few men. Yet squad leader moved very slowly, i don't know what was problem with AI. So i left them behind and ran. Just in time, enemy did come on foot with out barrage (which already did ran out of ammo), using deep forrested valley which led to positions of squad 1, to our far left. Fight was fierze, they came one by one, way too slowly but there was awfully lot of them. I logged grenades to valley and shot anyone who i saw, so did men from squad 1 (my squad was still on it's way, way too slowly). But enemy got lucky and they did hit someones. Eventually Squad 1 reported that it will fall back, too much causlities. I was in trouble, should i hold this spot or get out from here... I decide to go to squad 2 to far right, those men didn't flee and they had good positions. We waited, no enemy movement anymore... Minutes passed and my squad arrived to positions. I knew that enemy's artillery should have new supply of shells any time soon during comming morning. I knew that squad 1 wasn't up to it anymore. Finally we got report that enemy was collecting it's stuff and leaving. I had survived multiple heavy attacks, barrages agaisnt superior vehicle count, altough at start everything seemed to go wrong. Enemy too powerful, my squad always running away from enemy. No reinforcements anymore left. It was way past midnight and still raining. I think i shot 30 of them, most i shot during last battle, when they didin't have vehicles or arty support anymore. There was our company + paltoon of M1 as well as paltoon of Strykers against enemy's mechaniced batallion + company of tanks in this battle. So my part was rather small, only 30 guys. We had less than 20 men left, while enemy still had 50-60 men. But luckly they didn't have anything to support them, all vehicles lost. This was during my betatesting session with mission called Dynamic Delay. In single player mode ofcourse. Funny thing is: That mission was made by me, i wrote scripts and already i had spent tens or hundreds test hours with it during OFP and ArmA. But during this testingsession whole mission blew me away, i didn't know what actually happened it was just haze to me. And hopefully you dear reader didn't fall in sleep Here should be the image about map, bad guality but should give general idea: http://aycu26.webshots.com/image....MG] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Igor101AD 0 Posted January 16, 2008 It was one time when I was having fun in editor. I was pilot in Blackhawk. I was flying around, you know, my gunner was doing his duty . Few minutes later we got under Shilka fire. And in one moment I got a perfect headshot. You know, I got a headshot from Shilka . When I realised what happend I couldn't stop laughing . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smellyjelly 0 Posted January 17, 2008 @smellyjellyyour handgrenade probably the us side timed handgrenade. so if u throw high enough and the timer runs out, it blows up. if its RACS or SLA grenades, then its a bug i guess. I was RACS so it wasn't timed, besides, I didn't throw it straight up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goodguyswearblack9 0 Posted January 17, 2008 I don't know if this counts, but I have shot a Camel with the .50 Cal while it was taking off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted January 17, 2008 I was pilot in an AH1 flying lowlevel and was blasting T72s on the northern part of Sahrani. Suddenly I was taking fire from one and I quickly cut the throttle and managed to go into auto-rotation, with very limited time I found a opening in the forrest and managed to steer my chopper there and landed without any personal injury! The sneaking through enemy territory back to base is another story.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sle 0 Posted January 19, 2008 This kind of thing is the reason I love Arma/OFP above all other games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Halochief89 0 Posted January 19, 2008 I just had another one. We were a US defense around Porto and had vulcans up the yin yang! As well as M119 cannons for on coming BMPs. As we were ready the Kamovs fired their missiles early destroying most of the vulcans. But a couple vulcans remained and hot down most of the kamovs as they flew by. Then the last kamov took the 2 vulcans out as I was still shooting at bmps with my M119. Then I realized the vulcans were gone. So I aimed the M119 at the speeding Kamov and hit him. He flew right into the tower of Porto. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Col. Faulkner 0 Posted January 25, 2008 This kind of thing is the reason I love Arma/OFP above all other games. This is true. The good bits and the fun bits do tend to make up for the little annoyances in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites