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Extended eventhandlers

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Cheers. Very useful indeed!

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A new Extended Eventhandlers is ready - version 1.93: Extended_Eventhandlers193.zip

This one is the same as the one in the A.C.E. mod 1.03 patch and fixes the problem with "InitPost" event handlers not being executed on vehicles that are created after the mission starts. (See Create plane with script - all weapons show)

Changelog excerpt:

Quote[/b] ]XEH Change log


1.93 (Feb 16, 2009)

Fixed: empty vehicles created after the mission started did not get their

        InitPost handlers called...

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Can anyone explain me how to override previously defined event handler?

For example I have:

class Extended_InitPost_EventHandlers
class Tank
  TANK_INIT = "code";

And I want to completely override this code in another addon. Is there a way to do it properly?

Edited by MessiahUA

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I think this will do:

requiredAddons[] = { "CATracked","Extended_EventHandlers" };

TANK_INIT ="_this exec ""\Extended_EventHandlers\init.sqf"";";

Edited by hamis

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So I guess, that if I want to add my code, I need to add it after this exec?

TANK_INIT ="_this exec '\Extended_EventHandlers\init.sqf'; mycode...";

Am I right?

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Well,i'm not expert in scripts but i hope this helps.It is from ch m1a1 replacement config,and there is nothing about xeh except required addons:

class CH_M1A1_Replacement
 Units[] = {"M1Abrams"};
 weapons[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 1.14;
 requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CACharacters","CAWeapons","CASounds","CATracked","Extended_EventHandlers"};
class Extended_Init_EventHandlers
class M1Abrams
 init = "CH_Stuff = [_this select 0, ""random""] execVM ""\ch_m1a1_replacement_cfg\scripts\m1a1\stuff.sqf"";CH_Panc = [_this select 0, ""unhide"", ""unhide"", ""hide""] execVM ""\ch_m1a1_replacement_cfg\scripts\m1a1\panc.sqf"";";
 textures = "CH_Textures = [_this select 0, ""NATO""] execVM ""\ch_m1a1_replacement_cfg\scripts\m1a1\textures.sqf"";";
 markings = "CH_Markings = [_this select 0, ""random"", ""random"", ""random"", ""random"", ""empty"", ""empty"", ""00"", ""00""] execVM ""\ch_m1a1_replacement_cfg\scripts\m1a1\markings.sqf"";";
class Extended_Fired_EventHandlers
class M1Abrams
 fired = "if (_this select 1 == ""M256"") then {CH_Recoil = [_this select 0] execVM ""\ch_m1a1_replacement_cfg\scripts\maingunrecoil.sqf""};";

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This example is just a plain use of XEH. It just adds events handlers and that's it.

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Can anyone explain me how to override previously defined event handler?

For example I have:

class Extended_InitPost_EventHandlers
class Tank
  TANK_INIT = "code";

And I want to completely override this code in another addon. Is there a way to do it properly?

If the above config snippet is found in "MyAddonA", you can override it with the following in MyAddonB:

class CfgPatches
   class MyAddonB
       // The usual bits as units[], weapons[], requiredVersion should be here
       requiredAddons[]={"Extended_EventHandlers", "MyAddonA"};

class Extended_InitPost_EventHandlers
   class Tank
       TANK_INIT="newcode";  // Same name (TANK_INIT) as in MyAddonA

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Ok, thanks for answer, i'll give it a try once more, but AFAIR it didn't work for me before (it executed two eventhandlers).

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Can someone please help me remove or move triggers that i have set up in RTE, I've put them down in the wrong place and seem unable to do anything about it. sorry to ask a newbie question...

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