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Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI)

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im pretty sure one hour on a real battlefield is enough to fill several swear jars.

But i agree on the burping.

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wink_o.gif The burping and coughing is, I believe, considerably less noticeable in the upcoming version (lower sounds). And it doesn't happen if you're actually in battle either (it's dependent both on whether or not you're "in contact" and your current combat mode).

The swearing isn't going anywhere. If there's one thing soldiers do, it's swear. A lot. All the time. Everywhere. In the next version you'll get a whoopass full of new English sounds though (courtesy of our very own Cameron McDonald), most of which I think are pretty PG-13 biggrin_o.gif

Thanks for the compliment though! Glad you're enjoying. smile_o.gif



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Quote[/b] ] I think are pretty PG-13 biggrin_o.gif

O! NO! crazy_o.gifconfused_o.gif

"target elimin..."..WTF??!! huh.gif we are not on training! F@#! pistols.gif

we are on "real combat"(again this word smile_o.gif ) on pressing stress and adrenalin!! crazy_o.gif

Real Good Old Solder Do Not Restrain In Expressions !! tounge2.gif

sorry my bad bad engliz)) icon_rolleyes.gif

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Quote[/b] ] I think are pretty PG-13 biggrin_o.gif

O! NO! crazy_o.gifconfused_o.gif

"target elimin..."..WTF??!! huh.gif we are not on training! F@#! pistols.gif

we are on "real combat"(again this word smile_o.gif  ) on pressing stress and adrenalin!! crazy_o.gif

Real Good Old Solder Do Not Restrain In Expressions !! tounge2.gif

sorry my bad bad engliz))   icon_rolleyes.gif

Agree, that annoyed me even in OFP xD

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It might be a good idea to release two versions: one with and on without swearing. If that isn't too much work ofcourse wink_o.gif.

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It might be a good idea to release two versions: one with and on without swearing. If that isn't too much work ofcourse wink_o.gif.

Since it's very easy to customize the addon to ones personal taste, isn't it to the end user to decide if he wants these kinds of sounds or not? smile_o.gif

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Sorry, you must've misunderstood:

I'm not going to censor any swearing anywhere, it's just that the hundreds of sounds added via Cameron McDonald's ECP DSAI extension pack were taken from various games : and these games quite often tend to be pretty PG-13. So when I say "less swearing" I simply mean the original BIS curse-filled voices will statistically be less likely to pop up. I'm not removing them!

And as Sickboy says: creating your own language packs is no harder than having an dePbo'er handy and knowing how to read/cut-copy-paste :P

Fear not.



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I already tried to cut them out myself, but I did not find the source sample. It says something like ca/.../*.ogg. I did not see anything (and even the path) in the vanilla ca.pbo. where is it located?

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When it comes to the default English sounds, the paths in fact reference to your "addons/sound.pbo/missions/" folder. You'll need to open that one up to find the sounds used. After that, you either need to listen to each sound to find out what they're saying, or use this OFPEC resource to find out what hides behind each Univ_##. After that, what you need to do is go to "RUG_DSAI.pbo\RUG_DSAI\" and find the .sqf files named stuff like "DSAI_Behaviour.sqf". These will contain arrays of all the sounds used: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_safe=






Now simply remove the ones you don't want. (the "RP_S_" prefix simply means "Robert Polo, Safe")

thumbs-up.gif Good luck!



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Hey, I never saw your DSAI had been released as an addon ! Now, that's a good news ! Going to try this as soon as possible...

I liked the script version, although as some said, the units tend to cough and burp too much when they don't know what to do wink_o.gif I eagerly await the updated version !

Thanks Wolfrug smile_o.gif


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Sorry for adding a post, but I can't get the addon version to work huh.gif

I tried it without any other addon (except for Extended Event Handlers), but no luck so far. What am I missing here ? I just copied RUG_DSAI.pbo and RUGDSAISpa.pbo into a @DSAI\Addons directory, and correctly added it into my shortcut. No sound, no voices...

Help ! sad_o.gif


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Hi Malick,

it might be you have a different version of the extendedinit.

it works fine with t he older version but doesn't work with the newest version.

Perhaps this is where you problem is?

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Indeed. smile_o.gif I think however you can have the older version of the Extended Init Eventhandlers addon loaded together with the new with no ill effect, so hopefully that's a temporary solution at least. If SOMEONE (*looks at Sickboy* :P) would get around to finishing up the paperwork, we could get the newer version that's compatible with the latest XEH out (and has a bunch of new sounds and such).

Hope you get it to work anyway!



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I think I have Extended Event Handler v1.1 installed.

Well, I hope next version will be compatible with the newest XEH1.2 ! Tnaks for the answers anyway smile_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]If SOMEONE (*looks at Sickboy* :P) would get around to finishing up the paperwork
Arghh, memory like a hoze... What can I say... im Dutch wow_o.gif

I'll get right on it mate wink_o.gif

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Hi Wolfrug,

First off, let me say how much I'm enjoying your addon. It brings healthy dose of atmosphere to an otherwise rather sterile game. Occasionally, it provides some excellent comic relief: a soldier shouting "And make sure you don't give your position away!" at the top of his lungs while the squad is sneaking through enemy-infested territory is nothing short of hilarious wink_o.gif

I have a question though, or rather, a request. Would it be possible to lower the DSAI volume over certain distances? Right now it happens quite often that troops over a hundred metres away sound like they're standing right on top of you. The volume is fine up close, but it doesn't seem to scale with the distance between the source and the receiver. I realise I could lower RUG_DSAI_TerminalDistance, but I'd rather not. I do want to hear enemies 300 meters away, but it would be great if the sounds were more muffled over shorter distances.

Thanks in advance,


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Hi there!

Thanks for the kind words first of all, enhancing atmosphere is exactly what this addon was made for. However you might as a first step try downloading and using the latest version of it (over at RUG DSAI RC 1.0, which among other things fixes a lot of the volume problems (much thanks to Sickboy's modifications).

If that doesn't solve it, feel free to post in the other topic and discuss it.

I don't suppose any mods could lock this topic, since it's no longer relevant? Thanks.



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