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What's the difference?

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I was wondering if anyone can tell me what the difference is between the last two versions of O2. Is the new one more stable or something? I haven't noticed any problems with the previous version- I haven't really used it all that much, but it hasn't crashed on me or anything.

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- New one has no export options.

- Has some import formats removed.

- It can now use scripts.

That's all I have noticed.

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many differences


- have errors with sharp edges :/ sometimes you want make something sharp edged and it is smooth and poor shadow :/

- new support materials, so addon made in NEW cannot be open in OLD !

- new selects only front face, not all faces like before (face select tool) , sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad, there should 2 options of selecting :/

NEW is for ARMA, old is for OFP

but NEW is much better, because it has many possibilities of other 3d soft

i don't use ILLEGAL pirated 3Dstudio, Photoshop, so for me NEW O2 is better because allows me to do more than i could do with old one

OLD was better in one issue - it was working without game installed, so i could do some addons in my office , where all was on pendrive, now impossible :/

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Well Vilas, there are also people who use freeware modelling tools that still outperform O2.

Even for BIS O2 is just an import and setup tool.

I have noticed the sharp/smooth edges don't work well anymore. sad_o.gif

Projects will suffer from this since import isn't 100% accurate and I usually have to fix sharpness afterwards.

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i make almost all my models in Oxygen only

few parts were made in AutoCad, few from imported meshes from net

but yes, sharp edges now suffer, i know, yesterday night i spent some time on ons tupid rifle, which in old oxygen i could do without problems with shadows of faces

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Quote[/b] ]It can now use scripts.

just use UIDebugger.dll from RC3 in RC1 and you will get this feature wink_o.gif

O2 have to be just imorter to arma from 3ds format - but his feature is wrecked or removed... BIS public tools are always cutted with a lot of features removed. That's a tradition just like lack of support smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]i make almost all my models in Oxygen only

and i can't say they are great wink_o.gif there're just a few good models that were made in o2 only. even for ofp. and a lot more time has to be spend on them compared to other tools. At least UV mapping is too bad in o2 thus anothere tools needed.

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many differences


- have errors with sharp edges :/ sometimes you want make something sharp edged and it is smooth and poor shadow :/

- new support materials, so addon made in NEW cannot be open in OLD !

- new selects only front face, not all faces like before (face select tool) , sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad, there should 2 options of selecting :/

NEW is for ARMA, old is for OFP

but NEW is much better, because it has many possibilities of other 3d soft.

The last beta version is only for ofp? It seems to work fine with the sample models BI provided.

I don't know what versions they are.. BI released a beta of the new tools and then a release candidate in the form of a pack. These are the versions I'm talking about.

For free 3d editting software, you can try out Blender, if you want! Some fairly high quality stuff has been done with that. I don't personally use it (I've never tried it), but their uv unwrap tool is to die for. I use a uv unwrap tool derived from their code and it's the cat's ass.

Oh, and thanks to everyone who replied so far!

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where can i download the old version so i can import stuff from 3dsmax?

You can't anymore. It's no longer hosted and BIS people asked not to mirror it when they hosted it (and everyone listened AFAIK) because it was short to be updated.

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They removed import functions? It does bother me when they intentionally make things harder for modders. Especially when other games allow modders to do those things. Reminds me of OFP when they disabled the animation tool in O2. But then someone made an RTM animation tool eventually.

Well at least they left some useful features in the beta tounge2.gif

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the 'export' features in the RC1 have been less than useful. (to me anyway).

and the import features in RC3 are also, less than satisfactory, imo.

it's all still RC so hopefully some issues with getting stuff into and out of o2pe (without degradation) will be rectified.

if it doesn't then i am putting some effort into finishing a little tool(s) that should help alleviate this problem. i'd prefer there to be no need however.

principally stems from the desire to do more on characters and character anims (and all that this entails)... with a view to having more variety in character size, but this of course requires complete sets of anims... and as a personal learning excerise.

things like this though are always RL time dependant...

'new' in O2PE? hmmm, i do like the 'Resource Library Window' muchly used... heh.

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Well me thinks removing features can also be an attempt to reduce the number of bugs in the program, and not an attempt to limit you.

If some code doesn't work well, then just remove it. Problem solved.

It's possible  tounge2.gif

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Well me thinks removing features can also be an attempt to reduce the number of bugs in the program, and not an attempt to limit you.

If some code doesn't work well, then just remove it. Problem solved.

It's possible  tounge2.gif

If BIS worked by that logic, ArmA would be the modern equivelant of Pong...

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Well I was thinking that an internal tool isn't that important... the game is different.

But the tool, if it allows BIS to do their work then that is enough for them. It's not worth to polish it as much as a commercial product. So there could be a temptation to remove stuff which they never really cared to implement properly, before giving it to public release. For example, import/export functions could be only partially implemented for the specific file formats. I do not know. But it could be true that not all properties of the file formats are supported in this kind of tool. As an example of why to remove some functionality from a public release of this kind of tool.

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the 'export' features in the RC1 have been less than useful. (to me anyway).

The export and import features have been quite useful to me. There doesn't seem to be anything that RC3 offers that's more important than that. O2 seems more of a vehicle to properly prepare *addons* for integration into the game, rather than ground-up artwork asset building. Without the ability to freely move in and out of O2, addon building would be much more complicated.

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