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QG United Sahrani

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What exactly is different on United Sahrani as compared to the older one? I haven't seen any difference. I'd have expected some repaired buildings in Bagango, but no.

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I believe the checkpoints are down in Corazol, may be wrong there. I noticed there are new things in Bagango like the factory and the T.V. station on the hill to the east.

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In the fact main changes are noticed in north Sahrani. You can find a few new prison camps. TV station in the east part of Bagango. Some roads changes/added (mainly in forests' area) and other things.

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Some of the bases are now destroyed. There is a hotel on one of the islands to the North of Corazol. There is a bigger base in the North-East forest. The base in the North is different. There are a few destroyed bases now. I think there are a few new random buildings about as well. The quarry at baganago has changed. The TV station. A couple new roads maybe (atleast 1). If you play the Royal Flush campaign it uses a bunch of them so you will notice them.

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a new rebel camp in the northern mountain region with a secret road and watchtowers hidden along the road

and what the others are saying offcourse

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As well as the bridges are fixed so that they AI will go over them..

However a PATCH should make this standard on the normal map as well...

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I asked this in the general QG thread. Frankly there's not much different; aside from adding stuff in for the Royal Flush campaign, all I've noticed is that they've removed the border line at Corazol (but not the tank traps from the South beach there, although I guess that's realistic), changed some of the Communist posters in the north for some commercial adverts (but not all of them... you can still see lots of posters of the old North dictator). In Bagango they removed the big statue, but there's still the same Communist slogan on the government building there. And the North still has different post/telephone boxes etc. Seems like it was a pretty lazy re-unification. icon_rolleyes.gif

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I like Sahrani better with the bases intact, but then again I love the Uniteds camps and tv-station (and ofcourse the fixed bridges)... So I would like to have the new stuff into the original Sahrani icon_rolleyes.gif

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a new rebel camp in the northern mountain region with a secret road and watchtowers hidden along the road

and what the others are saying offcourse


Grid reference?

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a new rebel camp in the northern mountain region  with a secret road and watchtowers hidden along the road

and what the others are saying offcourse


Grid reference?

North of Punto Precito, West of Selva de Cozo and Mataredo, East of Selva de Cresta and the base near Selva de Cresta. All it really is is just some buildings hidden in the trees and if you look at it while you are playing there is a road but it doesnt show up on the map.

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