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8800GTS CTD'ing...

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This is starting to become my number one gripe about this game: My system is friggen awesome, can run Crysis on High with little trouble, and still I have issues with ArmA on all High Settings @ 3500+/-m settings!!

I checked for memory dumps, and from it looks like, I get pretty much the same error, I don't know what the I/O error could be, but it must be something to do with processing via GPU or god only knows...Next time it happens I'll be sure to post a copy/paste of it.

Nonetheless, for those who have a BFG 8800 GTS 640mb version Video card, and figured a way to remedy the gfx issue, can you please help a fellow arma addict out?

Thank you,


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I have that same card and have NEVER been able to play ArmA. I was so excited for this game. I got all my friends excited and we all bought it. I have still never played it. I crash to desktop everytime. I have tried every graphics setting, waited for and tried patch after patch, new drivers, everything short of a full system reload. I am able to play Half-Life 2, Crysis, Command & Conquer 3, Team Fortress 2, and anything else just fine. This is the only game I have trouble with. I'm really sad about this, but about 2 days ago I decided to give up and I uninstalled ArmA and decided to sell my disk. I was going to put it on Craig's List but if anyone here wants to buy it from me let me know.

I loved OFP to death and was looking forward to ArmA, but I am beaten.

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Have you updated your directx? you can use the web installer on www.microsoft.com/directx microsoft releases updates and fixes to directx 9.0 every 3 month..

and updated the openal driver for your sound it can be found at www.openal.org

and i know some of the drivers for nvidia 8800 series has been prone to CTD on ArmA so try to look around for som older older ones, as I dont have a 8800 Series I cant remember the version that runs best with arma

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(CoreDuo@3 Ghz, 2GB, 8800GTS 640, Audigy4)

ArmA crashes every once in a while but i found that the chances for a crash get pretty high when i ALT&TAB out of it for Teamspeak or other things.

Also, fiddling around with the controls & gfx in the menu during a mission is a very bad idea.

Just yesterday i was on Ramadi (in editor) so i could try out some new controls with my right mousekey... and guess what happened? 3mins of testing & in & out of config menu got me crashed to desktop again.

On the other hand if you just leave everything alone and play on a server it doesnt happen for 2-4 hours straight.

ArmA runs best for me with most things on medium, except shaders (low but with LOWPLANTS installed), postprocessing (low) and of course, antialiasing OFF.

It takes some test session to find a good balance and then stop fiddling around with it and just play.

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I have noticed that with teamspeak open in the background, ArmA has a higher chance of crashing. Although I haven't tested this when I do run teamspeak on my other monitor, it crashes about an hour or so into the game, with it closed it runs really well until I alt +tab or zoom in too hard (weird, I believe there is a memory leak with the nVidia cards?).

I get less crashes with my xfx 8800gts then with my x1950pro (obviously).

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My OPENAL drivers are up to date, as well as the DX drivers, I have had an older ver. of drivers for the game, and recently updated to the most recent nvidia stock drivers (From the website) and tbh, it is running smoother than before, but still crashes! Especially while I am in the air...Really bizarre.

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I posted this in a very similar topic recently:

"One other factor I've noticed which improves stability a lot - apart from using the latest Nvidia drivers and the -maxmem=768 command is to simply reboot before starting ArmA.

This game really works all your system components and I've found that alt-tabbing, repeated CTD's & restarts or playing after browsing the web usually results in a crash or BSOD. A clean boot seems to results in hours of playing without issues - you should also make sure that ALL your drivers are upto date and your running with as many free resources as possible.

I also used to play it fine, on a 6600, but after the upgrade to a 8800 it became flakey - the three changes above has me back to normal, but with higher settings."

"To test your system try creating a dual-boot system with a clean XP install, latest drivers and NOTHING else. I've found a lot of my issues were caused by other software interfering with ArmA - it's a greedy beast and doesn't like sharing your system resources."

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Boom, thank you for the great advice!

I actually tried the stripping of the system to see if it was ArmA conflicting with other items: I have noticed that the use of MSN running in the background and the cause of a person messaging while playing will definitely cause a crash, bizarre really. Another issue is TS and talking can cause crashes as well.

I tried also giving the priority to ArmA in the processes to HIGH or Real-time, I don't know if this will help stability.

Another thing, ArmA being a drag on the system...Is that a memory issue or a processing issue? Is something leaking?

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driver updates and maxmen, have gotten rid of all CTDs for me on my 8800.

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  (enven @ Nov. 15 2007,22:15) said:
Another thing, ArmA being a drag on the system...Is that a memory issue or a processing issue? Is something leaking?

I don't think it's an issue with the coding , ArmA just uses so much of your resources that there's nothing left. Which is fine if nothing else is running, but as soon as another program asks for some resources ArmA throws a hissy fit like Elton John asked to share a dressing room!

I've gone the dual boot route as ArmA stresses all the components and OS so much that it's too hard to identify which one (or more) things are causing your crashes.

I guarantee if you tried this the crashes would stop, as ArmA isn't badly coded - it's just nearly impossible to test all the possible permutations of hardware/software we all have.

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Im running ArmA on a LT GF 8500GT...LOWBUDGET card...

2Gb Ram and a 3.2Ghz P4HT...

I run the game on Normal settings, 3500-4500VD

Verry verry rare ctd´s, like 1 in month...

And i have TS on, i have Panda Av on, i have

Emailscanner on, MSN...

Its in the CARD...MUST BE...Since im running

the game almost flawless...Both SP and MP...

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lately i've been having lots of ctd's, but i think it could have been because of faulty ram. we'll gonna play tonight and see if the problem has gone away. allso i think that maxmem might give me ctd's so gonna test without it allso.

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Arma doesn't like Alt Tab on my 8800GTX, other then that it rarely crashes.

Btw if i alt tab, and go back i get some huge graphic issues before crashing: people, weapons or vehicles start looking like huge aliens (the model just goes everywhere). Don't know what it is, but when i don't alt-tab i don't have any problems, accept for fog bug which should be fixed in next patch.

As soon as I use maxmem, my Arma becomes unstable.

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  (Fk Andersson @ Nov. 17 2007,10:08) said:

Im running ArmA on a LT GF 8500GT...LOWBUDGET card...

2Gb Ram and a 3.2Ghz P4HT...

I run the game on Normal settings, 3500-4500VD

Verry verry rare ctd´s, like 1 in month...

And i have TS on, i have Panda Av on, i have

Emailscanner on, MSN...

Its in the CARD...MUST BE...Since im running

the game almost flawless...Both SP and MP...

Thank you for your considerate and tactful contribution to the discussion, your argument is valid for your graphics card - it simply doesn't have the 'bollocks' to make any real load impact on the rest of your system and your framerate will reflect that.

Those of us who spent more than 30 euros on our cards are obviously going to have different issues in using the 'very high' settings.

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So that i run the game with 25-40Fps in

mp, on Normal settings. On a crappy system

isnt valid info...

But you running same game with other cards

(Highend) and trying to MAXOUT the game

resulting in CTD´s...Is...

I still say ITS the CARDS...Not the game....

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  (RogueSnake @ Nov. 18 2007,15:32) said:
I've had a ton of problems with my 8800 in arma as well.  I tested every driver out there, and finally found one that works.  This driver fixed all issues.  I hope it works for you guys too.

Try this one:


Thanks RS!  I willl try this one out for sure... Im running a 8800GTX and I cant play for more than 20-30 min without some serious system crash (BSOD or total freezeup).

Edit: Well I didnt get far with theese drivers. The models seem messed up (low poly thingy) and my fellow teammates

have lost all their textures. Now they are running around looking like grey, humanoid robots (wich made me laugh pretty hard).

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MORE woes with the 8800GTS sad_o.gif

I had the occasional problem, though I've never crashed to desktop, the game locked and I had to reset the PC.

Last night i upgraded the drivers (163.75) in an attempt to fix this and it has made it WORSE!!! Now what happens is upon launching ARMA it complains about a missing graphics file in \my documents\arma...

I've tried uninstalling the game completely and reinstalling, still the same problem.


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To both the last two posters - did you uninstall the previous Nvidia driver first, restart, then install the new one?

I was using the 163.75 for quite a while with no crashes, now switched to the 169.09 beta.

You might like to delete the whole Arma directory in 'my documents' and let the program create a new one on startup - you could have a corrupt file or settings.

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Yes I did test the driver... with a GTX tough. And it chewed my graphics up and spat it out again like outdated butter on a

hot summersday. I went from 169.09beta to 160.03 (wich was the butterspitter driver) to 169.04beta and now everything is stable as a snitch with concrete boots.

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Even I cannot play AmrA. I use the 163.75 drivers and all other drivers are up-to-date. It badly crashes (not to desktop, but a blue-screen! ) every time I play regardless of the detail setting (even at very low! ). Yesterday I tried it on a LAN with a friend of mine and my PC crashed every time after about 10 minutes of play. The MAXMEM=512 command does not work.

So, If all other games runs, the graphic card and its drivers are NOT the problem, right? That leave... Armed Assault. confused_o.gif

I cannot think that all the proposed solutions here are worth of something. Seriously, restart the PC? Delete the pagefile.sys? Install very old drivers? Use the -MAXMEM=whatever command? Ridicolous. People plays other games other than ArmA and they works just fine.

This game needs a good patch, point. A very good one.

Too bad, such a great game I would love to play and now I'm forced to sell it (if I find someone that wants to buy a defective game). sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

Fortunatly there is OFP! smile_o.gif  notworthy.gif

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I share your frustrations. I too have no other issues in other games - only ARMA. Obviously some people have greater problems than others.

Sometimes in the BSOD (blue STOP message) will be text which tells you the device which caused the BSOD. Is it the graphics every time? ANd have you tried NO SHADOWS within the graphics options (that seemed to make mine a little more stable)?

And do you have a vanilla 1.08 ARMA or do you have mods?

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