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guys are better one x1950pro 512mb or one gf8600gts 256 mb  which he works better?

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Out of those 2 cards the ATI 1950 is definatly better. have you looked at the new Nvida 8800GT cards? It should give you a large performance boost over the 1950 and it's under $300 US

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I do not recommend any 8000-series cards. It looks like almost every single one of them has the annoying texture-flicker problem. It isn't very bad in ArmA, only some walls flicker at distance sometimes. But that makes some BF2 mods, like Project Reality unplayable. And it is annoying, trust me. I have RMA'd my card and got a new one, but it still did exactly the same thing.


A friend of mine bought this 8800GT as it was a new G92 chip. Guess what? It flickers for him too.

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Didn't they fix that problem with the newer driver sets? Oh and all DX10 cards have issues at the moment. Some things were changed such as how certain effects are rendered so it can have some undesirable effects.

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Didn't they fix that problem with the newer driver sets? Oh and all DX10 cards have issues at the moment. Some things were changed such as how certain effects are rendered so it can have some undesirable effects.

Nope, I've waited the fix, tried every single driver from 158.18 till present.

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By texture flicker do you mean stuff like the door on the building on airport that flickers, cause that did exactly the same for me on x1950pro as on my 8800GTX

The biggest problem atm for 8800 is the milky fog.

That's supposed to be fixed in v1.09 (which should be out soon i guess)

Other then that it's a great card, costly but great performance. Don't ask me about ati's newer cards cause i don't know how they perform.

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ok i dont get this in so radical way on 1650 nor 1950

but i noticed some of the textures like doors or windows flicker at distance in similar way ...

but only some and sometime ...

either is some agressive optimizing on AF or i dont know ...

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On my humble 8800GTX x2 I do get it once in a blue moon..... But it is far away from as bad as in the video.

The constant fog is of course another story............

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This looks like a z-buffer problem. Any texture close to each other keep swapping because the card can't pick which is actually visible. Nvidia should fix it but then again they never fixed tearing issues on any of their cards (Mehmehmehs and Dwardens problem maybe). I have tearing with my 6800 Ultra but it's so not noticeable that it doesn't bother that much.

Can you guys see if you can adjust the z-buffer? Like switch it to 32-bit z-buffer?

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Show me a sample of your problem in Arma.

Not in BF2 as I don't have that.

I think it's the same, but again, I HAD IT ON BOTH MY x1950 and my GTX, maybe even a bit less on the GTX.

Dunno how to tweak zbuffer on my card.

I don't like installing all those little apps that tend to fuck up VGA drivers/disable great stuff like Teamspeak overlay.

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Check your Nvida Control panel. I can't open mine because Nvidia can't program or don't give a crap about 6800's anymore. Whenever I click to open it nothing happens and these are the absolute latest drivers. icon_rolleyes.gif

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heres the scoop, i have a 8500 gt 512 megs pcie and i can max out arma's gfx settings with minimal fps hit, including view distance, the only problems i get are ctds and the occasional render glitch..

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