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Forgot to mention-

1.AI doesn't want to hold fire even when they are not under fire.

2.Weapon sway seems a little strong

Edit- Sway seems fine when mod line=@FFN;@ECS;@ACE

Earlier I had that reversed and had lost a lot of Ace features

3.Ai refuse to leave their Set Defenses once set.

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I use only ACE 1.02 Mod with this and I seem to be missing something.

My Ai does not deploy smoke shells, tanks do not cooperate with infantry, infantry won't build defences, I seem unable to use any fire support, also the AI behaves the same as before (no changes in CQB battles).

Maybe it's because of my CPU? (Intel Pentium IV 3.4 HT) Or because of ACE?

(get a feeling like FNN mod doesn't work with ACE units)

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I use only ACE 1.02 Mod with this and I seem to be missing something.

My Ai does not deploy smoke shells, tanks do not cooperate with infantry, infantry won't build defences, I seem unable to use any fire support, also the AI behaves the same as before (no changes in CQB battles).

Maybe it's because of my CPU? (Intel Pentium IV 3.4 HT) Or because of ACE?

(get a feeling like FNN mod doesn't work with ACE units)

Just off the top of my head here but are you using the Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo that came with the FFN mod? If so, make sure you delete that one and use XEH v1.92(most recent public version and the same one ACE v1.02 uses). Also make sure if you have any other XEH .pbo's in other mod folders that they are v1.92 as well.

I'm not sure if that's the cause but it sounds like it.

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I use only ACE 1.02 Mod with this and I seem to be missing something.

My Ai does not deploy smoke shells, tanks do not cooperate with infantry, infantry won't build defences, I seem unable to use any fire support, also the AI behaves the same as before (no changes in CQB battles).

Maybe it's because of my CPU? (Intel Pentium IV 3.4 HT) Or because of ACE?

(get a feeling like FNN mod doesn't work with ACE units)

Just off the top of my head here but are you using the Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo that came with the FFN mod? If so, make sure you delete that one and use XEH v1.92(most recent public version and the same one ACE v1.02 uses). Also make sure if you have any other XEH .pbo's in other mod folders that they are v1.92 as well.

I'm not sure if that's the cause but it sounds like it.

Hmm I have two kinds of event_handlers. Normal named one's and second is Event_handler.Acemod1.02 (298 bytes) the normal one is 30kb.

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I use only ACE 1.02 Mod with this and I seem to be missing something.

My Ai does not deploy smoke shells, tanks do not cooperate with infantry, infantry won't build defences, I seem unable to use any fire support, also the AI behaves the same as before (no changes in CQB battles).

Maybe it's because of my CPU? (Intel Pentium IV 3.4 HT) Or because of ACE?

(get a feeling like FNN mod doesn't work with ACE units)

Just off the top of my head here but are you using the Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo that came with the FFN mod? If so, make sure you delete that one and use XEH v1.92(most recent public version and the same one ACE v1.02 uses). Also make sure if you have any other XEH .pbo's in other mod folders that they are v1.92 as well.

I'm not sure if that's the cause but it sounds like it.

Hmm I have two kinds of event_handlers. Normal named one's and second is Event_handler.Acemod1.02 (298 bytes) the normal one is 30kb.

That second one should be there as it's the signed file. Although I remove all the .bisign files and place them in a folder named Disabled, just for my own convenience, since I don't play MP.

What about the Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo in the FFN Mod folder, what's the date and size of that one?

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I use only ACE 1.02 Mod with this and I seem to be missing something.

My Ai does not deploy smoke shells, tanks do not cooperate with infantry, infantry won't build defences, I seem unable to use any fire support, also the AI behaves the same as before (no changes in CQB battles).

Maybe it's because of my CPU? (Intel Pentium IV 3.4 HT) Or because of ACE?

(get a feeling like FNN mod doesn't work with ACE units)

Just off the top of my head here but are you using the Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo that came with the FFN mod? If so, make sure you delete that one and use XEH v1.92(most recent public version and the same one ACE v1.02 uses). Also make sure if you have any other XEH .pbo's in other mod folders that they are v1.92 as well.

I'm not sure if that's the cause but it sounds like it.

Hmm I have two kinds of event_handlers. Normal named one's and second is Event_handler.Acemod1.02 (298 bytes) the normal one is 30kb.

That second one should be there as it's the signed file. Although I remove all the .bisign files and place them in a folder named Disabled, just for my own convenience, since I don't play MP.

What about the Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo in the FFN Mod folder, what's the date and size of that one?

Hmm, I don't have such file in there (Only MP and objects files)

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Ahh, I'm not sure if this makes a difference or not but you may want to copy the extended_eventhandlers.pbo from the @ACE/AddOns folder into your @FFN/AddOns folder. Also make sure your target line of the shortcut has @FFN at the end of it.

Mine looks like this -mod=beta;dbe1;@ACE;@FFN (It's got a lot of other things in it but for simplicity's sake I didn't include all the other stuff.)

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Ahh, I'm not sure if this makes a difference or not but you may want to copy the extended_eventhandlers.pbo from the @ACE/AddOns folder into your @FFN/AddOns folder. Also make sure your target line of the shortcut has @FFN at the end of it.

Mine looks like this -mod=beta;dbe1;@ACE;@FFN (It's got a lot of other things in it but for simplicity's sake I didn't include all the other stuff.)

hmm, gonna try your idea pretty soon, I am little busy at the moment.

EDIT:: Currently the only difference I see, the enemy is smarter, sends a team to flank from side (  notworthy.gif ) and overally makes better decisions.

But it looks like they're still not using any smoke, nor any fire support, nor make foxholes or enter any houses.

EDIT 2:: Lol, I witnessed CAS airstrike A-10 being stuck in the air confused_o.gif .  Also everybody seems to use binoculars to call the Artillery, but no visible impacts thus far. (No artillery fire)

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Ai will leave their Set Defenses once their squad leader 50M away from it set.(so if you are player squad leader.just run away 50M from defense,then your squad will catch up with you)

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Great addon:AI now is much smarter, flanks you, uses surpressive fire, uses plants and buildings as cover, uses teamwork, and is more aggressive.

con:No smoke used. AI does not enter houses (so far) unless commanded to, faster AI reaction time needed.

AI was improved greatly, but I've seen an AI and AI pass by each other. Eventually, they shot each other, but it took a second for each to react.

Overall 8/10 You have made AI firefights awsome now. AI is quite deadly.

P.S. what order should I put ACE and FFN in? Also, special forces units by ACE are not represented as special forces.

It there a way to change this? Thanks!!!

Edit: AI does sometimes make stupid decidesions, such as going prone on a street. Is it possible to eliminate that and stick to buildings like most do now, or is that impossible to do with Arma's AI? ( I heard that they calculate by meters and maybe they can't calcualate enough to move stick to buildings all the time)


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Great addon:AI now is much smarter, flanks you, uses surpressive fire, uses plants and buildings as cover, uses teamwork, and is more aggressive.

con:No smoke used. AI does not enter houses (so far) unless commanded to, faster AI reaction time needed.

AI was improved greatly, but I've seen an AI and AI pass by each other. Eventually, they shot each other, but it took a second for each to react.

Overall 8/10 You have made AI firefights awsome now. AI is quite deadly.

P.S. what order should I put ACE and FFN in? Also, special forces units by ACE are not represented as special forces.

It there a way to change this? Thanks!!!

Edit: AI does sometimes make stupid decidesions, such as going prone on a street. Is it possible to eliminate that and stick to buildings like most do now, or is that impossible to do with Arma's AI? ( I heard that they calculate by meters and maybe they can't calcualate enough to move stick to buildings all the time)


For the order I assume you mean in the target line? Check my last post, that seems to work for me. I haven't noticed the SF thing but I'm glad you mentioned it. I'll check it in the morning but I'm eager to hear what Tony says about this. About the smoke issue. I'm using ECS as well but strictly for the ambiance but if the AI don't use FFN's smoke deployment I'm wondering if activating the one for ECS would work. I'll check this in the morning as well.

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AI does sometimes make stupid decidesions,but rare,suppress fire or mortral or situation will all make AI do something.even human make stupid decidesions.

the AI in close range sometimes stupid(especailly in building) ,I think this is the ArmA engine's problem,can only be fixed in ArmA2

these AI not work on player's squad,just want you have totally control of squad.

AI take down building is not randomly,it's surely depond on their waypoint of squad leader or the way they passed by.and maxium 3 soldiers enter a same building.however,the squad leader take cover randomly in a 50M radius,this make soldiers enter building in 50M radius of waypoint or the way they passed by.

ACE's smokeshell seems not named "smokeshell",otherwise it should work with FFN's smoke deploy

by the way,I'll still test the new muilteplayer version of FFN MOD,hope I could got it ready asap.

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Hmm, just wanted to say, Once I took the ACE folder out, FFN started to work as intended yay.gif

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Hmm, just wanted to say, Once I took the ACE folder out, FFN started to work as intended  yay.gif

Which replacement file were you using with ACE? MP or SP? I've only played with FFN, ACE, ECS and many other Mods/AddOns briefly but it seems to work pretty well. I only tried it with the MP replacement file. I'll have to try it a little further, maybe I'm just seeing things. biggrin_o.gif

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I'm running GL3, ECS, ACE and FFN. Now what I'm NOT sure of is whether EVERY functionality is working for all mods BUT what I do get is something REALLY special.

For some reason I'm getting quite a slowdown though. I need to do more digging - taking out certain things to see where the slowdown is occurring.

Is anyone else experiencing a slowdown ?

[TAO] Kremator

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im using GL3 and FFN and sometimes with ACE. no major slowdown happening. id guess its that ECS, its a really heavy thing as far as i remember.

tony, is there a way to turn off some features of FFN? id guess that the best AI combo we can get is:

FFN infantry behavior and tactics

GL3 info sharing and reinforcements management

GL3 artillery support


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im using GL3 and FFN and sometimes with ACE. no major slowdown happening. id guess its that ECS, its a really heavy thing as far as i remember.

tony, is there a way to turn off some features of FFN? id guess that the best AI combo we can get is:

FFN infantry behavior and tactics

GL3 info sharing and reinforcements management

GL3 artillery support


Doesn't this setup work when using just the MP replacement file and GL3? Maybe I'm mistaken here but I thought the MP replacement on activates the infantry behavior and tactics. At least I hope that's the case cause that's all I really want to use in FFN.

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for what i've tested ECS could be the source of the slowdown, at first i used ACE+FFN and it works quite well , later i used a combo of ACE+ ECS(without AI enhnacement , only FX) and FFN (without voices) and works well but a little slower than without ECS

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Cool - will check. Shame cos ECS brings some great stuff to the mix.

[TAO] Kremator

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Tony , if you have time maybe you want to spend some time fixing this RPT sintax errors:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 99: '/CfgTextureToMaterial/sa1.material': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 100: '/CfgTextureToMaterial/sa2.material': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 5148: '/CfgAmmo/B_127x51_Shell_TR.typicalSpeed': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 5159: '/CfgAmmo/B_762x51_Ball_TR.typicalSpeed': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 5299: '/CfgAmmo/TR_MissileBase.laserLock': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 5300: '/CfgAmmo/TR_MissileBase.simulation': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 8395: '/CfgVehicles/Shell.model': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 8601: '/CfgVehicles/TR_DraggerBase.accuracy': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9252: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SoldierWCrew_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9267: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SoldierECrew_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9282: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SoldierGCrew_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9297: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SoldierWpilot_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9312: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SoldierGpilot_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9327: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SoldierEpilot_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9342: '/CfgVehicles/TR_M113_RACS_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9359: '/CfgVehicles/TR_Stryker_ICV_M2.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9376: '/CfgVehicles/TR_BMP2_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9392: '/CfgVehicles/TR_Mi17_MG_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9407: '/CfgVehicles/TR_MH6_RACS_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9422: '/CfgVehicles/TR_UH60MG_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9438: '/CfgVehicles/TR_FieldReporter.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9462: '/CfgVehicles/TR_King.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9486: '/CfgVehicles/TR_Riboli.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9510: '/CfgVehicles/TR_NorthPrimeMinister.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9534: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SouthPrimeMinister.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9558: '/CfgVehicles/TR_OfficerW_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9582: '/CfgVehicles/TR_OfficerE_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9606: '/CfgVehicles/TR_OfficerG_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9630: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SoldierWB_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9653: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SoldierGB_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 9676: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SoldierEB_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 13976: '/CfgVehicles/TR_ZhangMengLong_NPC.cost': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 14333: '/CfgVehicles/TR_SAM_West.displayname': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 14852: '/CfgVehicles/TR_FlashShell.model': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 14853: '/CfgVehicles/TR_GASshell.model': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 14854: '/CfgVehicles/TR_Grenadeshell.model': Missing ';' at the end of line

File tr_obj\config.cpp, line 26560: '/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/TR_AmovPercMsprSSurWnonDf.speed': Missing ';' at the end of line


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im using GL3 and FFN and sometimes with ACE. no major slowdown happening. id guess its that ECS, its a really heavy thing as far as i remember.

tony, is there a way to turn off some features of FFN? id guess that the best AI combo we can get is:

FFN infantry behavior and tactics

GL3 info sharing and reinforcements management

GL3 artillery support


Doesn't this setup work when using just the MP replacement file and GL3? Maybe I'm mistaken here but I thought the MP replacement on activates the infantry behavior and tactics. At least I hope that's the case cause that's all I really want to use in FFN.

well yes and no. the main problem is, that the artillery gets stuck for some reason. and also the soldiers arent able to paradrop properly. on top of that, leaders and other units are able to call a chopper support, which causes my ArmA to crash. those extra things were in fact the reason i ceased using .81 version of FFN. the support choppers and such stuff made it really messy.

global unit and reinforcement management as seen in GL3 cannot get much better, while tony's "little" thing FFN has pretty much the best AI on tactical level. and as the life period of ArmA draws to an end, it would be a good thing to sum up all of these best features into one mod. or at least make FFN as modular as GL3, with on/off options.

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Hmm, just wanted to say, Once I took the ACE folder out, FFN started to work as intended  yay.gif

Which replacement file were you using with ACE? MP or SP? I've only played with FFN, ACE, ECS and many other Mods/AddOns briefly but it seems to work pretty well. I only tried it with the MP replacement file. I'll have to try it a little further, maybe I'm just seeing things.  biggrin_o.gif

Just MP as recommended crazy_o.gif

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nevermind, i hoofed and poofed and blew some entries in configs, so mine is now capable of sending artilery fire on GL3 basis. and it doesnt crash anymore smile_o.gif.

edit: nevermind that nevermind, back to the drawing board.

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I'm using the following target, but I found a bug, a convoys would dismount infantry when targeted instead of repelling an ambush with vehicles.

nosplash -profiles=Profiles -mod=beta;DBE1;ACE;@ECS;@GL3;@FFN;@VopSound1.17

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got you william1,all sintax errors fixed now.

if wanna combo mod,just use the "TR_FFN_MP_replacement.pbo" file(not the SP one),this is AI only replacement.(you know in SP one FFN already contain artillery support and another supports)

btw,I've made a new version for MP gameplay(fix errors).

it's done tonight,I've test it in Evo and some another coop missions with firend,work fine and no error,no lag and no crush.I'll keep on testing it tommorrow,if it still ok,I'll release it.

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