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Royal Flush "final mission"

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After securing the prince im ordered to locate the queen/ chopper problem is i cannot seem to find ive even gone around the whole of the south without any luck where it is the only glue i get is that its in the south

anyone know where the chopper or queen is?

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Guest Ti0n3r

There should be a dynamic marker showing the 'Queen's' position on the map once you've been told to capture her. When you get closer to her location she'll head for South Sahrani in a civilian Hummer.

Car chase yay.gif

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odd i dont seem to get that marker but as i look at the objectives they are not ticked off as completed despite the objective is completed maybe thats the cause?

and if thats a case its another to the bugs panel

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Got the same problem, not all objectives are marked but the prince told me to kill her... cant find her though sad_o.gif

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Same here.

The guy with the prince though, does tell you,

'she is heading to the Airport'

According to other reports, there should appear an dynamic marker on the map,

showing her position. There *is* an red marker on the map (all the time; check out)

which marks the position of an fuel-station NW of Corazol and E of the Airport[Fi51].

This marker does not move. There are 2 cars and 2 civilians.


How I did it (with some objectives not checked in the end):

1. Route first reinforcements

2. Race South; there is an faint dirt strip leading east towards

'the' farm(Really bad to see;..not on the map! ). Kill attackers there.

(One might miss them, if they are already deep enough into the strip)

3. Turn around, race further south towards the crossing,

turn left via Modesta to Gaula. Turn left towards Bajo Valor;..

and here, you will encounter an moving dynamic marker,

which is an larger force, about to attack 'the' farm from the

*South* (check briefing)

4. If you managed all this in time, you will only have some

few strugglers at the farm;..if you do *not* manage it, there will

be an pretty hefty firefight...or else. sad_o.gif

5. Once you kill the last attacker near the farm(objective *not*

checked), an cutscene pops in, which seals the fate of the


6. Ok;.. but there was no dynamic marker (played mission three times already)

showing her position and checking the airport turns up nothing.


Either it is *not* really 'the' airport meant, or the scripting fails somehow.

I'm pretty sure, I did everything in order;..except Point 3;..once I learned, what to expect.

But all three times, I have played slightly different (with big firefight, or completely avoiding it)

with the same (non-ending mission) result.

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Odd, the airport in the south was the first thing i checked but didnt the guy said she would be evacuated with a helicopter?

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he does but she needs to get to the airport in a black hummer, its starts in carozol.

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does anyone know if you can see the queen at the end ? she escaped in the chopper in the last mission and i couldn't stop her mad_o.gif

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Well the Hummer had tinted windows so i also couldnt see her although i finally killed her or at least blown up her Hummer.

But i guess there isnt really a model for her at least noone shows up in the editor.

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i think BIS is a little misogynous ... no women in the game , one woman is the evil character in the campaign... whistle.gif

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i think BIS is a little misogynous  ...  no women in the game ,  one woman is the evil character in the campaign...  whistle.gif

No, it's just cheaper that way...no model and no animations have to be done thet way.

AND it will prevent the critizism that they got for their OPF:Resistance female Models...and voices.

Well... this time a proper voice is in the game...but that's all...!

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I have the exact same problems and I found this thread because I'm looking for a way to bypass this problem.

The odd thing is that the first time I played this mission I managed to get the Queen's dynamic marker on the map (and I believe all the previous objectives where considered complete with no exception).

But in that first try I couldn't catch the Queen so I decided to revert and play the mission again but now I can't complete two of the objectives (one of them is to clear the area near the meeting area) and while it appear Objective completed (and no enemy soldiers are near the meeting area) and then I get the cutscene with the Prince ordering me to kill the Queen, I don't get the Queen's position on the map and therefore I can't find the Queen.

If someone as a solution for this problem, please post. Thanks in advance for replies...

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I was miffed. I even made sure I didn't damage her HMMWV (if you do it auto-explodes), and lo and behold. No queen. How convenient. confused_o.gif

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That whole mission is buggy. I played it a few times and I had these problems:


No marker at all. All objectives checked, prince told me to kill her, but nothing happened. Queen escaped.


All objectives checked. Had marker moving on map. Caught up to it, passed the marker on the map, yet I never saw any vehicles on the road. (Again, on the map, my position was shown several times that I already passed it, yet I never saw a vehicle in game.) Queen escaped.


All objectives checked. Had the marker over that gas station and it never moved. Queen escaped.


The queen has a team waiting for her near the big hotel in South Sahrani (east of it.) I once killed this team, but it changed nothing (this was in case 3, when the marker was there but not moving.)

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Well I hope. NO, I DEMAND that this campaign issue gets fixed even because I bought Queen's Gambit mainly for this Mercenary campaign!

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Well I hope. NO, I DEMAND that this campaign issue gets fixed even because I bought Queen's Gambit mainly for this Mercenary campaign!

*** SPOILERS ***

well if you've got this far the only thing left is kill the queen and a cut scene.

I just went through the mission with no bugs, and found it to be a great little mission.

At the previous arms dealer I loaded my men up with sniper rifles. then when the mission started headed to the hills north east of the the farm over looking the first attacking column, wipped them out from above (hence the sniper rifles) then moved down to the farm, had a chat with the prince, but then for the second column we held our ground at the farm, the column attacks from the west. After that assault we are told the queen is making a run for it, jumped in the 4x4 and headed to corazol. civilians were spotting her location along the way. passed the gas station and up the hill to the airport. We caught up with her and tried to take her alive (shot out the wheels) but her hummer blows up regardless.

I had to do the last chase twice as I was a little to close the first time we caught her.

The first time I let my ai drive and we were a little slower and so were the queens position markers from the civilians, we finally caught her heading up the hill to the airport.

The second time though I took to the wheel, we moved a lot quicker and so did the queens markers, we caught her at the same spot though.

Personally I think the developers of the campaign wanted to add a little drama so the queens hummer is NOT driving through carozol but the civilian markers are added as you get closer. Its only when you get close to the gas station that her car is actually visible. hence the random marker? (maybe left by developers)

As for all objectives complete but no markers, have you returned to the farm after taking out the second assault?

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This mission is not buged, just back to the prince, he well told you more information about next stage of this mission... and markers will be always activated.

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As for all objectives complete but no markers, have you returned to the farm after taking out the second assault?

Yes I did that and I returned to the prince where he briefed me about the next objective (killing the Queen) but NO markers (Queen's position) ever appeared.

In fact the first time I did this mission everything went OK, with me dealing with the guys near the prince and the second column and after the Prince's briefing with the markers appearing (Queen's position) but I didn't reach the Queen in time and she escaped, so I decided to repeat the mission in order to finally manage to kill her but with the exception of that first time the markers with the Queen's positions never appeared to me again (even after the prince briefs me). This is in fact my problem.

But thanks anyway for the replies. If someone has more sugestions and/or comments please post.

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Have you tried to revert to the mission, or cut scene before. If not jump in a 4x4 and start to head toward carozol. Not sure but maybe the first marker only appears when your on the road. confused_o.gif

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Have you tried to revert to the mission, or cut scene before. If not jump in a 4x4 and start to head toward carozol. Not sure but maybe the first marker only appears when your on the road.  confused_o.gif

Yes. I tried to revert the mission several times, but no avail.

I always drive towards Corazol, but the results were the same and in the only tiem (the first one) when the mission trigger fuctioned correctly the marker apeared well before Corazol.

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Same problem. Whatever i try, i never get this dynamic marker. So i have no idea where the queen is driving. mad_o.gif

But it's even worse. Resuming the missions result in crashs ("problem with arma.exe). So i had to copy all my save-files of the Arma-folder to a backup-folder, revert the mission, save, and then copy the old save-files back and load the actual mission-status again. This worked and i made it finally to the end, and now this bug. confused_o.gif

Regarding mission-design, i think it's well made, nice story, but to be honest: i hate all these missions with time-limits. More or less, i always feel to have to go "gung-ho", no time for proper planning and professional execution of the job... confused_o.gif

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