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Doesnt matter anymore, i found a way.

hehehe ..... were you reading what Suma said.


Too true.

Good code gets respect anyway, who doesn't know Kiljoy.

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Doesnt matter anymore, i found a way.

Converting the file to binary like Evolution? There are tools that should have no problem decrypting that. Guess it protects you from the morons though.

Personally I don't like the idea of encrypting missions. I know there are morons who steal your work, just complain and let people know that it's your work.

I learned a lot by looking at other peoples work, that's one reason why I'm against having it encrypted.

Just look at my mod. Totally unencrypted and the config is still in *.cpp format with comments. I have even suggested that people look at it when they asked me about certain things.

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one of ways how reach similar solution is split mission to server side only and client side only elementes

then ofc client only gets part of mission and can't host or mod it's use

but this isn't easy task

btw. i also stand behind the 'open' scheme ...

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Converting the file to binary like Evolution? There are tools that should have no problem decrypting that.

I'm sure it's not 'encrypted', thus it needs not to be 'decrypted'.

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Personnally, my stance has always been, and will always be: feel free to rip my work open, learn from it if you find anything to learn, create, and credit me if you remember me.

I can't see any valid reason to go the Microsoft way rather than the Linux way when it comes to scripting.

We have all learnt from other people's work. Knowledge and competences - and therefore the quality of mission-designing - are more likely to improve if access to scripts remains open.

Besides, you can't prove a "scripting" idea is yours. I've seen people have the same idea several times in the past - often implementing it differently -, and this is all the better for the community.

I for one try to credit as much as I can all those whose work inspired me. But then I can't mention everyone, simply because I don't remember them all - or the list would be too long, and probably slightly unfair.

If you feel you should have ben credited for someone else's work, just say so, or wait for someone to do it, as the community is quite vigilant on that regard.

And if in the worst-case scenario you don't get credited, what's the big deal? You don't lose anything, and people still know who you are and what you've done.

Strange idea, really.

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Currently no reliable encryption is possible, because the game needs to be able to decrypt the data, and as long as anyone can reverse engineer the game, anyone can get the decryption key. Hacking any such encryption is so easy it is simply not worth implementing it.

I would like to clarify situation with data authentication is very different, which is why we decided to use digital signatures to protect addons against modification.

Authenticating data come from a given source is already possible and can be done reliable when implemented properly. In this case the private key stays safe in the hands of the one who is signing it, and no reverse engineering can reveal it.

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Personnally, my stance has always been, and will always be: feel free to rip my work open, learn from it if you find anything to learn, create, and credit me if you remember me.

Yeah Suma. No Pbo can depbo my pbos without the know how to create them.

Igor you sure as hell wouldnt like it if i took your Blacksword mission changed a few things and changed the names and passed it off as my own now. wink_o.gif

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matt or i just skip the header and extract the data ... sorry smile_o.gif

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No Pbo can depbo my pbos without the know how to create them.

lol, giggle... uhuh... sorry...

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