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co30 Domination! One Team

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Script for generating AI :

First make sure you have the AI version of Domination - I'm not sure if the script exists in other versions. The script you're looking for to create friendly AI is:


The scripts for spawning enemy AI at specific location is tied in with x_serverfuncs and x_createguardpatrolgroups.sqf I believe. Xeno will be able to elaborate further.

Failing that, you could always look up the DACS addon which handles AI spawning and adapt it to your needs.

EVO vs Domination :

Essentially they are both Capture the Island style gamemodes with emphasis on attack - AI will never retake territory, although counter attacks can occur in Domination.

1. EVO only lets you drive certain vehicles once you've "ranked up" (rank is based on kills). Domination allows anyone to drive/pilot anything that's at base.

2. In Domination, bonus vehicles like air units other than blackhawk and armour like abrams must be earned through side missions. In EVO, what you see at base is what you get.

3. Vehicle respawning/repair in EVO is done using FARPS - mobile locations setup by engineer class units when near a repair truck. In Domination, wrecked vehicles are airlifted back to base by players and repaired there.

4. I've found EVO gameplay to be a little faster than Domination, mainly because the servers are usually more populated, however EVO in my opinion doesn't achieve the level of teamwork that Domination does - most people on an EVO server just go engineer and repair stuff until they can pilot cobras then that's the last you ever see of them. Domination on the other hand requires vehicles to be earned through missions, which are very hard to accomplish alone because of the amount of enemy armour.

5. Domination puts more emphasis on individual combat roles than EVO. EVO has medics and engineers who can build MASH tents and FARPs and that's about it. Domination has both medics and engies (the engies can't build FARPS, but they can do on site repairs without a repair truck) and in addition it also has dedicated artillery and rescue teams (the only guys who can rescue hostages or take prisoners), the machine gunners can build machine gun nests and squad leaders can call for airdrops to support their squads.


(but EVO is ok for a bit of rambo action with everyone piling into littlebirds and hoping the pilot can fly straight)

@xeno - with all these new versions flying around, could you update your first post with the v3.02a links please?

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That was a great explanation and helps alot. My friend and I have been playing on an evo server and have had fun but its getting a little old. Especially when you cant take vehicles and go. Its a long wait for a helo to get to the last towns. Especially when there is a guy who thinks he can fly but ends up killing us all before we make it to the town :-)

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can anybody tell me how to remove tanks etc from the target zones and have it still trigger as finished when all inf are dead. I am running a dedicated server.

I want to create an infantry enemy only version but when i remove vehicles it wont seem to trigger the end when i kill all.


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The only difference between xeno's classic original version and mine is the air support option. No need to disable, just start a different map!

If I get any real interest in my version, I'll see about recoding it to a simple optional variable in init/sqf to enable/disable air support, although I'm sure xeno or mando could both code it much better!

Please please please let me know what you guys think about my edition and run ANY version of domination on your servers because at the very least it can only draw larger crowds in to the domination phenomenon!


That's wonderful.

Now, I've got a mildy modified West AI 3.02 and I want to get that Mando stuff in it.

Can you give me a few pointers?

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everything you need to know can be found in the readme included with my domination edit - just look for the link on the previous forum page.

I've detailed which scripts I've altered with mandos help.

Every script I've altered I've made the alterations REALLY obvious (make sure you scroll to the bottom incase there are edits in more than one place)

all the added code is commented either by myself or mando - good luck!

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I got it this morning, just reading through the readme now. I'll unpbo it and see what's inside later.

Thanks mate.

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try looking in the x_createguardpatrolgroups.sqf

there's a bit of code there called something like x_makevgroup which chooses random vehicles from an array of light and heavy armoured units.

You *might* get away with just commenting that code out, but be prepared for a horrible string of script errors when you test it for the first time wink_o.gif

Alternatively, you could find the vehicle array that's passed to that script and just empty it of vehicles - might be the easy option!

Then you'll have to find the script that checks for enemy presence to determine when to say you've cleared the town - not sure where that one is, but it *might* be in x_serverfuncs... happy hunting.

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Then you'll have to find the script that checks for enemy presence to determine when to say you've cleared the town - not sure where that one is, but it *might* be in x_serverfuncs... happy hunting.

ok thanks i'll try that

i had got rid of tanks by changing them to uz mg in the innit but as i say the target was not ending so i will try your suggestion.


looked at your version with mando scripts looks good,

very similar to what I had done for myself :-)

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bear in mind that a lot of the scripted effects can't be tested in editor preview mode - you'l have to compile the pbo to test it.

Target clearance may well be one of those things.

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bear in mind that a lot of the scripted effects can't be tested in editor preview mode - you'l have to compile the pbo to test it.

Target clearance may well be one of those things.

no its not that I have pbo it and run it in a dedicated server I think its something to do with current_target_index when I remove the tanks ( I dont know i'm just guessing)

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@xeno - with all these new versions flying around, could you update your first post with the v3.02a links please?

No, not yet. As soon as I find time I'll add some new stuff and add a Schmalfelden version. Then I'll update the first post smile_o.gif


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no its not that I have pbo it and run it in a dedicated server I think its something to do with current_target_index when I remove the tanks ( I dont know i'm just guessing)

You can change the number of tanks, cars and soldiers that are needed to clear a main target by changing the following variables in init.sqf:




It's allways <=


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thanks xeno I'll try that later - thanks for your great mission by the way.

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Hi Turo

Had a chance to play your version of Domination with Mando missles in it. What a great experience it was. We did not have many people on the server we played (maybe 4) so framerates and such were very good. One thing we found is having the Mando missle pack in the game was a little over the top. In particular the air asset control screen. Essentially one player could lay waste to a town before we even got there. The Tow missle on the cobra worked exceptionally well. Somehow the control screen needs more control, perhaps specific ranks can use it. If we get this asset then maybe the ai should have the ability to create a larger counterattack. The only one we saw were spetznats parachuting in. No armour counterattacks. The game is very fun however. Keep up the good work. Xeno did a great job with the base game. And you added to it.

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if we could get the ai to use mando missiles as SAM units (zsu with sams) it would balance it i dont think it does in turoks edit or am I wrong?

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TurokGMT edition *does* have AI using mando missiles for SAM defense - there is a 20% chance that any shilka spawned at main target will be a mobile SAM device also. The percentage can be increased easily (just look in x_createguardpatrols.sqf), but anything above 35% just makes flying a terrifying experience!


thanks for the feedback - yeah I know that mando airsupport is very heavy duty stuff. I've tried to limit it with time limits before certain options get restocked to limit it's destructive power, but cruise missile saturation attacks will ALWAYS ruin the area wink_o.gif

Domination doesn't currently have a rank system built in, but the individual units DO have ranks assigned to them. I might be able to figure out a way of coding the airsupport so that only certain ranks have access to certain types of air support - eg only captin and above can call for cruise missile attacks.

I've designed the inital version to turn low population servers into faster paced tank fucker missions - it was a pain to attack a main target with all that armour with so few people!

So, I guess my main areas for improvement will be either:

1. Limit Air Support in a similar fashion to the artillery - only certain units have the option to call for it.

2. Limit the action to an object eg MHQ or laser designator so player have to communicate with eachother or use inventory space to bring airsupport in. I've also thought about using the laptop addon and binding the action to that - so you can rob the sergeants corpse to get the laptop if /when he gets nailed wink_o.gif

3. Only allow certain rank units to call for certain types of support (although this has issues with low numbers of players - maybe highest ranking unit in the squad can call?)

4. Tinker further with the amount and time availability of types of support - eg saturation attack can't be called for 20 minutes.

I haven't fired the cobra's TOW missiles yet - I know the gunner needs to guide them manually which forces two people into the heli - I really like the new systems that mando missiles adds to the cobra in particular.

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the tow missle works fantastic. Its easy to use as long as you dont get confused with the keys. Dont know how many times I fired a FFAR rocket instead of the tow because I kept using the arma keys.

I like the time value for availability better than rank. Also I really like the idea of attaching an object to availability ie a laser designator or computer. Glad the Sams are in there as well.

My next mission is to see if I can incorporate the esp mod for infantry and weapons into this system.

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ok thanks turok I will fiddle about with that to get the shikas to always spawn - I want to practice my sam evasion skills :-)

erm i dont suppose you could tell me which bit exactly to change I cant find it......... I thought i had it but never getting any enemy radar lock on in the cobra I want to hear the beep beep..

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@xeno or mando

I'm editing x_vehirespawn.sqf to give an action to respawned MHQs. So fa, I have this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// by Xeno

private ["_delay","_disabled","_moved","_newveh","_startdir","_startpos","_type","_vehicle"];

if (!isServer) exitWith{};

_vehicle = _this select 0;

_delay = _this select 1;

_moved = false;

_startpos = getpos _vehicle;

_startdir = getdir _vehicle;

_type = typeof _vehicle;

while {true} do {

sleep (_delay + random 15);

_moved = (if (_vehicle distance _startpos > 5) then {true} else {false});

_empty = (if (({alive _x} count (crew _vehicle)) > 0) then {false} else {true});

_disabled = (if (damage _vehicle > 0) then {true} else {false});

if ((_disabled && _empty) || (_moved && _empty) || !(alive _vehicle)) exitWith {

deletevehicle _vehicle;

sleep 0.5;

_newveh = _type createvehicle _startpos;

_newveh setpos _startpos;

_newveh setdir _startdir;


if (_type == "M113_MHQ") then


_newveh addaction ["Air Support", "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];


//***** END OF ADDED CODE *****

[_newveh, _delay] spawn x_vehirespawn;



but it's not doing the job. The MHQ is respawning fine, but not with the required action available - little help?

EDIT - nevermind - I was editing the wrong bloody script - I needed x_vrespawn.sqf!!

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Remove that code from there, that is not the correct place:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// allow_console.sqf

private["_accidx", "_veh"];

_accidx = -1;

_veh = objNull;

while {true} do


if (_accidx == -1) then


if ((typeOf vehicle player == "M113_MHQ") && (player == driver vehicle player)) then


_accidx = vehicle player ["Air Support", "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

_veh = vehicle player;





if (driver _veh != player) then


_veh removeAction _accidx;

_accidx = -1;



Sleep 1;


Now you may execute this directly from init.sqf

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cheers once again mando... notworthy.gif

I did get it working - but your solution is much less of a dirty hack than mine whistle.gif

It also makes sure that only two people can ever be calling airsupport - the drivers of the MHQs, my solution enabled anyone nearby to start shouting down the radio for planes wink_o.gif

*sigh...I just can't get back into the habits of thinking like a code monkey...



<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_accidx = vehicle player ["Air Support", "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

be this instead?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_accidx = vehicle player addaction ["Air Support", "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

*hopes to god he just scored a point from mando... pistols.gif

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Linkage :


Current Version is now v0.4

Significant Changes :


- removed ability for all players to call air support

- air support can now only be called from MHQ (assumed there is a satellite uplink, makes more sense and prevents rushing)

- added 10 minute timer before cruise missile saturation attack can be fired

- removed individual cruise missile strikes

- spawned shilkas now have 30% chance to be equipped with 24 mando SAMs (if you can steal one, you get to use them!wink_o.gif

- added 3 respawning MH-6s - (you can never have too many helis in a mission with all those SAMs flying around!wink_o.gif

Additional File Edits from Domination v3.02:

allow_air_support.sqf - NEW SCRIPT FROM MANDO! Simple script to enable air support console for drivers of MHQ

init.sqs - changed initial value of cruise missile saturation availabbility.

- Disabled individual cruise missiles.

- Added Air Support action to both MHQs

description.ext - Mission now shows "Domination! TurokGMT Edition" on mission loading screen

x_weaponcargo.sqf - all ammo crates now have 100% chance of containing AA and javelins

All feedback greatfully accepted!

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Beware, as said before, missile saturation attack option is there to effectively penetrate areas protected by a dense anti-missile ring (for example, Gnat's naval group wink_o.gif ), and it is devastating. If you enable this kind of attack in Domination you will probably disrupt the playability equilibrium of the mission. IMO it would be more fair to enable just individual missile attacks, and why not, add also cruise missile launchers for the enemy and playable long range anti-missile capable SAMs for the friendlies.

As a side note, of that 30% of enemy ZSUs being SAM capable, you may also limit the number of SAMs also anti-missile capaple. For example, only 1 or every 3 SAMs being able to intercept your cruise missiles.

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I've seen the saturation attack in action mando!

My edition is tailored towards low population servers where the high armour presence of enemy AI is more of an irritant.

It should be noted that the current setup of the saturation attack only targets 4 armoured units - there is often upwards of 10 or more armoured units at main target areas in domination.

What should be taken into account is that the main target areas also have radio towers calling in reinforcement armour, so the saturation attack provides a quick way through the armour shield for saboteurs.

Also, saturation attacks may destroy bonus opportunity targets such as ammo trucks in main target area or friendly captive soldiers so it's a risky business.

I'm hoping players will only call a strike as a last resort or for a good laugh - the LONG timer will also encourage conservative useage.

Do you think we could code a saturation launch to occur as the result of a player vote? That would be a nice control method - plus a nice challenge for you!

As for the missile interceptor SAM shilkas, seeing as there is only a 1 in 3 chance that they'll have AA missile capability anyway, they may as well also have the ability to intercept missiles.

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