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108-Is there still hope?

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Screenshot taken from the ic-arma.com battle on saturday. 3 hours long and no crashes. Is there still hope we can get what we promised regarding 'Massive' battles? There was a touch of lag but it was by no means unplayable. Quite an achievement. The largest i had seen previously was 86 and it was a lag fest.

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Moving to MP.

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That's pretty sweet. What was the map exactly? Was any AI playing? Any scripts running? How come this time it wasn't laggy?


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We played on Sarahni, in the north. There were no AI, just people playing. The only scripts we use are for vehicles respawning(I think). There was a bit of lag but as mick said it was very much playable.

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The Map was a Attack And Defend Style Map we play each week.

The Map has been built and used by Myself,Wedge,Seanie,Norrin and Imustkill.

The Map Contains 3 objectives which must be captured in order to advance the following week.

E.g. One army must hold 2 or more points to win the battle in the three hours and gain the intiative for the following week.It uses a Flag Capture and Counter script written by Norrin,and also his revised version of Karrillion's vehicle Respawn Scripts.

Currently no AI are used,due to obvious reasons.

The player base consisted of 50 slots for Opfor and Blufor allowing members of both Armies to battle,with an additional 8 slots for the admins on the Independent Faction.

The server ran reasonably well under such conditions and was more than playable.

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lol nice biggrin_o.gif i wish i could join ya inlove.gif man the feeling of greatness when playing on such a big mission got to be incredible smile_o.gif

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The IC battles are great, more tournaments should follow this principle xmas_o.gif

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i was in that match tounge2.gif too bad the east vehicles didnt respawn, but nonless it was a big match with a lot of players.

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I am proud to say that i was there too.

Quote[/b] ]i wish i could join ya inlove.gif man the feeling of greatness when playing on such a big mission got to be incredible

why the hell not, its open to anyone. Just sign up at the website.

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