mattxr 9 Posted September 1, 2007 Why don't BI help pay for the community's bills? as they keep OFP/ArmA going. This is the sort of nonsense that makes me wonder why BIS, or ANY company, would announce future plans for future products. I've seen this activity over & over again on games forums where anyone able to type comes up with the most negative pathetic whining in order to have a voice. I would suggest that BIS simply keep quiet about any future development and simply announce a few weeks ahead of the release. As it seems that it is the announcement that sends people into paroxysms of anguish then perhaps the vocal negatives need to be shielded from it, enabling them to concentrate their whining more efficiently on current products perhaps Developers simply let themselves in for endless negativity based on screenshots that will bear little resemblance to the finished product as most negative posters cannot grasp the difference, and in fact leap joyously to the attack based on little evidence. I simply wonder why they bother. If anyone would like an explanation to BIS' general silence, then simply read threads like this. I'm off to do something more positive, I have no doubt as to the bottomless pit that represents negative whining. Go on & bleat about freedom of speech, right to opinions etc, while I go and do something I ENJOY Well said. Indeed, Instead of sitting on a PC Fourm writing a whinning post go do something construtive. 1. Makes you happer 2. Keeps the fourm clean 3. Stops the need for us posting like this.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gaffa 0 Posted September 1, 2007 If you think im "whining" thats your opinion IMO im just stating facts. Where would any game be without complaining/complimenting? How long would OFP of lasted without complaining/complimenting? Is it ok to compliment and not complain? Im sure if BI read our posts, they will take positives out of them. Even if you think we are "whining", BI might come out with something just to shut us up. You never know! Quote[/b] ]Indeed, Instead of sitting on a PC Fourm writing a whinning post go do something construtive.1. Makes you happer 2. Keeps the fourm clean 3. Stops the need for us posting like this.. LOL! What makes you any different? Have you got nothing better to do than reply with posts that are off topic? Have you not figured it out thats its people like you that causes the flaming? If you let people discuss between themselves, instead of getting involved with nonconstructive posts in the first place maybe the topic will die down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spm1138 0 Posted September 1, 2007 This thread is utterly ridiculous. ArmA was never supposed to be any more than an interim product. I always knew that there would be another game coming out after it. I also have to say that ArmA wasn't one of those games that gets snuck onto the shelves prior to reviews coming out either. Every review of it I read said it was rough around the edges. Admitedly you might have read different reviews to me. For reference: There's also prior experience with BI games to consider too. I mean Flashpoint was clunky and slightly shonky and the units in the default release were inaccurate or oogly or both. I wasn't expecting ArmA to be especially shiny or finished. I feel like I got exactly the game I was expecting. The announcement of ArmA2 wasn't any kind of surprise really since I heard about Game2 and ArmA at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME. Really. What's to complain about? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted September 1, 2007 ? I feel i should be posting this else where No complaints here! I even bought 2 copies! As you can see from my sig! 455 hrs and counting! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barely-injured 0 Posted September 1, 2007 It is rather funny to see all those people complaining about the game as being not as was promised. It is as if it was sold to them on their door steps by some creepy looking door seller (sorry the name of this profession escapes me now) who simply made up some promises of what is included in the little box and they believed him. seriously the only situation in which this kind of argument would be even slightly acceptable is that if you were living in the Czech republic and you have PRE-ORDERED the game, otherwise if you are living in Germany or the 505 zone and definitely if in the Atari zone then you really have no excuse. I mean other than the many reviews and previews in all languages and other than all the screen shots and videos everywhere. Other than all that there was alot of players here on these forums and on other forums who were playing the game and posting all their comments and videos and performance data every time the game was released in a new region or everytime a new patch was released. I truly dont see how you could have ignored all that and went and bought the game based on your expectations. As far as I'm concerned BIS really did deliver what they promised which is that ArmA would be like OFP 1.5 and from what I got it is definitely more than that and definitely worth the 50$ CAD. These complaints dosent seem that they can help anybody here in improving the game in any way they are merely expressing dissatisfaction with the game and its developers and if that was the case I suggest that you people pack your stuff up and go the codemasters forums, there seems to be quite a rally of anti-BISers gathering there. I think it is the best solution. By the way the game runs fine on my crappy AMD 3200+ 2.20 GHz with 1 GIG ram and a 7600gt Sorry my English is not that good and I apologize if I was harsh a bit, but rushing to conclusions just makes my blood boil. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBO_ 0 Posted September 1, 2007 Bis have announced game3. You can play as a pro or a con there is only 1 mode "FORUM SPAMMING" you either post whats you think about a game you purchased over and over again in different threads but your not allowed to post the exact same words in each thread ,you have to put a different spin on it each time . Or you Post absolute die hard affection and unwielding responses to these posts allowing no form of antiestablishment text whatsoever. addons include Abbreviations such as wtf fps WIP and predefined statements such as : go and play another game; Its your pc; judging by the amount of posts you have made; and many more user content is apparently easy to introduce , you simply make a text file and save it in notepad as .IIRC apparently they have found a captive market somewhere of 100 or so that they know love to play these kind of games. the goal is to make as many threads as possible full of the same shit and eventually cause the forums to blow up. Personally i think it all sounds like an old forum game called arma general . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted September 1, 2007 Man with bitten fingernails, torn (already turning gray) hair, child who thinks he's dad is mr. teddy bear, wife who doesn't remeber what his husband was like when he was actually listening what she is saying... It has been ridicilous small amount of money for lots (= too much) things to do. It has been an adventure, some times nerve breaking... but hey that is the best thing about it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted September 1, 2007 The 'complainers', please take a left and head over to their place. The 'supporters' take a right and head over here. Those in the middle, go wherever you want but this place get closed before it gets even more ridiculous. And no there will be no refund for 'beta testing'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites