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hypno toad

Where do think Sahrani is based off of?

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I've been to Guadeloupe and it has two towns on it that you OFP'ers may be familiar with - Le Moule (Known as Moule where we stayed mostly) and Lamentin (Just drove through it)..

Coincidence? I don't think so.. wink_o.gif

One side of the island is fairly flat and dry - compared to the other side (The West side) which is semi tropical and mountainous.


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Deffinetly not based on Cyprus, the only real life refferences they would have used would be of cirtain areas not for the whole island.

If you look at Sahrani it has a strange land formation and the settlements are all small and don't contain the things you would expect from an island based from Cyprus.

I have just come back from Cyprus and can say it looks f**k all like it.

Can't argue with pictures my friend smile_o.gif

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My opinion was always that Sahrani was inspired by Cuba, although obviously the coastline is not at all similar. If you've been there you'll know what I mean...oil extraction installations with nodding donkeys on sandy stretches along some of the coast, whilst other parts feature steep hills with lush semi-tropical vegetation...lots of spanish influence and old history...overlaid with Communist recent influence and history.

However, the information re. Guadaloupe is interesting...maybe I'll change my mind...

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I think South Sahrani is Israeli Influenced and North Sahrani is Nazi Germany Influenced.

North Sahrani: The German Flag and the SLA Flag look alike alike, and the army is dressed in 1940's Military Gear. Houses and landstyle look like 1940 German countryside.

South Sahrani: Similar landscapes and housing to Israeli, with both desert and green lush, Flag is almost exactly alike, without Jewish star and turned, and they wear the exact same color uniform the Israeli's do.

The Island itself may not look like the countries, but the landscaping does.

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I think North Sahrani is Israeli Influenced and South Sahrani is Nazi Germany Influenced.

South Sahrani: The German Flag and the SLA Flag look alike alike, and the army is dressed in 1940's Military Gear. Houses and landstyle look like 1940 German countryside.

North Sahrani: Similar landscapes and housing to Israeli, with both desert and green lush, Flag is almost exactly alike, without Jewish star and turned, and they wear the exact same color uniform the Israeli's do.

I think you confused north and south? tounge2.gif

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I think you confused north and south? tounge2.gif

I did confuse it, woops. But I fixed it. Give it a good read and see how much sense it makes though.

We are helping South Sahrani, as we are Israel training them. We also fought against the Nazi's.

Too many similarities.

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