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When Oxygen 2 will comes ???

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Since the released of Texview2 there are no news about the more important release, about Oxygen 2....

Please, could you (the AA team) give us the date of this released? I see the end of my summer's hollidays and I couldn't work to update my OFP creations (Airwolf, Terminator...).

For example, I have tried to do it with the actual tools (for OFP) but one texture name is too large. I have changed this name but when I launch AA, it tell me this time that it can't find the texture with the new name. But I have check and the texture is well in the folder of the addOn!!!!

So please, give us nearly the good tools....




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Simple answer to that question would be: It´s done when it´s done.

But you´re right, no word about it since the release of texview a month before.

Also seeing the released toolkit for VBS2 with Visitor3, Oxygen2 etc. makes me thinking what could be the reason for the delay for the ArmA release.

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Nearly everything can be done with the old tools, but it sounds like you aren't assigning the texture properly. I've got my stuff ingame and it works.

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Besides you can still use the old stuff at least for vehicles or how would things like this been made.

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As a devoted fan of OFP and Arma, I can under your desire to know when these tools will be released. It was my understanding that these tools will be out by the end of the quarter, I seem to recalling reading it someplace. My question is that Fiscal, which would end in September or is that calendar which would be end of December?

I sure BIS understands that these tools are very important to us. The different addons which people made was really what made the game for me. Some of the stuff that was in OFP has made it, and in my opinion much of the popular stuff has not been converted as of yet. It is my understanding that the old tools work to some degree but are no where close to prefect and such conversions are very time comsuming. We are short on islands (mixing textures is a problem as I recall and poses some problems when flying) and most of the addons we currently have are troops, but there is some noted exceptions. I hope we will get aleast one tool released a month.

In the interm, maybe those that have master this conversion as Shadow has pointed out would care to develop a inclusive guide on how it was done so that any layman can accomplish this with a high degree of sucess.

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According to what Edge posted in Czech section the Oxygen 2 is being tested and will be released soon.

Oxgen's release should be followed by Visitor 3.

EDIT: typo

EDIT 2: Forgot some VERY important word...

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hmmm that means, visitor will be released first?

Great. smile_o.gif

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Sorry for disinformation, I've typed it in reverse ! crazy_o.gifbanghead.gif

(or actually I forgot "Oxygen's release")

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Nástroje se nyní připravují a testují a budou samozřejmě postupně vydávány v nejbližší době (opravdu to není fráze). Po TexView bude následovat "komunitní edice" Oxygenu 2 (nástroj na modelování), pak vyjde i Visitor 3 (nástroj na krajiny).


Tools are now being prepared and tested and will be released in nearest future (it really ain't just phrase). After TexView there will be released "comunity edition" of Oxygen 2 (modeling tool), then will be released Visitor 3 (terrain creator).

no updates on release date subject since this post (19th July confused_o.gif ) - Edge later promissed that some examples will be included and that they would like to include basic tutorial for Visitor.

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Hopefully before the world ends in 2012!  biggrin_o.gif

Indeed, BIS is scared to release the tools before the expansion becuase they prob think some pissed off modmarkers will make the addons they have in less time with better quality and sounds or something haha. rofl.gif

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Initialy BIS said that the tools were released BEFORE the release of Armed Assault... icon_rolleyes.gif

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Just to reiterate what has already been said here: There is *very little* that the tools do which cannot already be done with the currently available tools.

Basically, if you can't do it with these ones, you probably can't do it with the new ones. Frankly, if you're delaying work on a mod or addon because of the new tools, you shouldn't be.

Which isn't to say that there aren't significant improvements, because there are. It's just that as far as getting an addon running with (very near) full functionality, the current version of O2 is fully capable of this.

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But it is a fact that a lot of addonmakers hold back their work or don´t start in full scale because of the lack of tools.

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I'm not a modeler myself (well, I haven't finished any of my models wink_o.gif ) but isn't the biggest problem with the current tools that you can't make a custom soldier model (except from Solus' woraround)? And all soldiers that have been released are mere retextures of BIS' models...

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It's also quite impossible to make new island. With the old Wrptool it's impossible to use Arma Model. We definitly need the tools to mod something.

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Yeah, but that doesn't mean we'll be able to open the soldier p3ds in the new O2. It's a new ODOL format and unless BIS also provides refrence models like with OFP then there's no guarantee that we'll be able to actually remodel the soldiers. Unless somebody makes an ODOL to MLOD converter.

One thing I'm really hoping for in the new O2 is a decent unwrapping tool, otherwise we'll be seeing a whole lot of models with again 50+ texture maps that will lag down the whole game.

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Large maps like 1024x1024 or even bigger are next to impossible to place correctly with O2 lite's background mapping method.

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...unless BIS also provides refrence models like with OFP...
SouÄástí Oxygenu budou vzorové modely pro každý typ vozidla a nejspíš i model postavy...

Included with Oxygen, there'll be example models for each vehicle class and most likely even character model...

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Ah, good to hear.

In that case i'm only hoping a decent unwrapping tool will be included.

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I'm affraid not.

I can only translate what has been posted in Czech section, so as long as Edge or someone else from BIS won't release any new informations there, I can't provide anything else confused_o.gif .

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Large maps like 1024x1024 or even bigger are next to impossible to place correctly with O2 lite's background mapping method.

What you do is use multiple textures and when everything is mapped out, you merge them together with a .ptm script.

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