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Improve Mouse Resolution

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At 100m it is not possible to aim properly because of the poor mouse resolution. I can either aim above the enemys right or left shoulder but I can't aim at the head!

This is extremely annoying.

Is there a way to improve the mouse resolution?

I was said that there is value in the config that can easily be modified.

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i feel exacty the same.. sad_o.gif

Would be nice a fix for this issue..

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Buy a mouse with higher DPI

or you can overclock the USB port

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Logitech MX518 icon_rolleyes.gif

Its not about the mouse, drivers or anything else.

Its ArmA.

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Yeah i have a Logitech G5 at 2000dpi and it's still tough to make precise shots.

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Did you try to set your mouse res in windows and ArmA to the lowest level?

If so, was there any change?

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I have an Logitech G7, similar to the G5 but without cable.

My ArmA mouse resolution is set to the lowest level, and i often switch the mouse driver resolutions "ingame" on the fly. Works great that way.

Lowest res for aiming, middle for normal movement and the highest res for driving and flying (fighting against the fucking auto center feature).

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Quote[/b] ](fighting against the fucking auto center feature).

Support the anti-auto center movement smile_o.gif

BTS Vote for removal of autocenter

count with my vote on that "issue".

Though thats not the subject in this thread, if i say so myself.

if you chnage your control settings mouse sensitivity you can have a better aim. But in other hand you will not be able to look around or scan horizon as you want. confused_o.gif

would be really nice if this "issue" could be improved without losing any "actions"

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Is there no solution?

It is getting more and more annoying.

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I tested ur problem on a Microsoft Habu Blue,Logitech G5 Laser, Centrios X7, I cant seem to replicate your issue.

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I had issues too, its all about tweaking it right in windows, in setpoint if you use it and in game. And BTW at longer range you should aim for the torso anyway... unless you have a sniper rifle and even then.

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Quote[/b] ]Buy a better mouse, perfect solution.

I am sorry but as far as i know there is no better mouse on the market. At least from the resolution...

Would be cool if you read the answers before you.


Seems like the only way to solve this problem is to put the ingame mouse sensitivity to the minimum and adjust the windows sensitivity to correct this. The higher the sensitivity the lower the resolution.

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It is not a mouse issue

Zoom in with the iron sights and notice that you cannon make movements smaller than a certain distance.

Turning down the sensitivity in the ArmA control options to the lowest seems to shrink those 'steps' and it becomes smooth. Trouble is, then aiming is too slow for most people.

The guys saying 'buy a better mouse' don't actually know what the problem is whistle.gif

I have my in game mouse sensitivity at half way. People who use higher setting will probably have a harder time with this.

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It is not a mouse issue

Zoom in with the iron sights and notice that you cannon make movements smaller than a certain distance.

Turning down the sensitivity in the ArmA control options to the lowest seems to shrink those 'steps' and it becomes smooth. Trouble is, then aiming is too slow for most people.

The guys saying 'buy a better mouse' don't actually know what the problem is whistle.gif

I have my in game mouse sensitivity at half way. People who use higher setting will probably have a harder time with this.

Open "profiles\Users\yourName\yourName.ArmAProfile" and change following values to something lower than 1

Quote[/b] ]mouseSensitivityX


I use =0.750000; for both and it solved the annoying aim problem.

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Open "profiles\Users\yourName\yourName.ArmAProfile" and change following values to something lower than 1
Quote[/b] ]mouseSensitivityX


I use =0.750000; for both and it solved the annoying aim problem.

Or you could just lower them in the control options tounge2.gif Same thing isn't it? Maybe I'll try lowering it a bit. It doesn't affect me too badly at the settings I'm using, but sometimes it does get annoying.

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And i use the tiny buttons below the mouse wheel, to set the resolution up or down.

No mouse issue? I doubt that.

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Logitech MX518  icon_rolleyes.gif

Its not about the mouse, drivers or anything else.

Its ArmA.

Dont think its arma, because I dont have that problem at all.

Razer CopperHead works great.

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Second that, Razr Copperhead works fine for me too and that's on win XP native drivers still after a fresh OS install because Vista blows. (sorry, off topic on that bit.)

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I don't have any problems at all on stock settings with a cheapo microsoft mouse.

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more mouse dpi means faster mouse movement, i play with 800dpi and its the perfect sniper setup.

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I don't have the problem with my Razer Diamondback if on full speed or not how ever i do use the on the fly sensitivity to get it how i need it for each game i play.

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