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Massive CPU price cuts - Coming July 22nd

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Wow. the intel CPU's that are a couple of hundred bucks would have cost over a grand in performance price 1.5 years ago.

upgrade now...

Question, does ArmA take advantage of Quad Core Cpu's?


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ArmA doesn't support multicore cpus but may see some increase in performance by virtue of having some background tasks being run on the cpu cores that aren't running ArmA.

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Hehe, that looked excactly as a spambot, just not with a 100 links to pornsites tounge2.gif

From what my friend has told me, Intel is dropping their prices the 22nd of July, but this might be the pricedrop, just a few days before schedule.

Thx for the link, I'll compare it to local prices smile_o.gif

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Yeah no problem, i knew it kind of would, but Im hoping my fella ArmA friends will be able to take advantage of this...

The website is a article on Anandtech.com , which is one of the very few reputable reviewers on the internet, who does a thorough unbiased job.

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Many of us have known about this date for weeks smile_o.gif

Will probably purchase a quad core, but for work related reasons.

Majority of games don't take advantage of dual cores (including ArmA), so upgrading to quad for games alone might not be worth it.

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ArmA doesn't support multicore cpus but may see some increase in performance by virtue of having some background tasks being run on the cpu cores that aren't running ArmA.

by latest test to performance gain is about 25%, mainly from graphics driver as they support dual core.

from Quad core I would stay away until real Quad cores come out. The Intel "two chips in one box" Quad, together with their slow external memory controller makes no good combo.

we will see if there is really a price drop. Many dealers already reduced prices and Intel will try to take the wins from AMD not being able to keep up.

Hopefully AMD gets a hit with their real Quad, so the competition keeps going. (the only think that really makes prices dropping)


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Quote[/b] ]The table below has all currently available Intel CPUs (as well as a few that are due out soon), but you'll notice that some lines are in red. The lines in red are products that are available in the market, but no longer make sense to buy after the price cuts next week.

It has the Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 in red, what should I be looking at instead? I want to take advantage of the priceing and performance of the E6600 but now it seems ill need something else.

Will this mean I need to choose a 1333 motherboard or do they still support it?

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...and take it from this AMD <span style='color:red'>fanboy</span>, buy a Core2Duo


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It has the Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 in red, what should I be looking at instead? I want to take advantage of the priceing and performance of the E6600 but now it seems ill need something else.

Will this mean I need to choose a 1333 motherboard or do they still support it?

I guess the 6750 would be the natural step to take. But I guess that's up to you and your wallet. I'm kind of hot on a 6750 myself.

But regarding the mobo's, anandtech wrote on page 2 that some mobo's may just need a bios update. If you already own a c2d board you might want to check manufacturor. Else wait for the new ones that should arrive along with the cpu's.

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...and take it from this AMD <span style='color:red'>fanboy</span>, buy a Core2Duo


or opetron(wich i plan to do)

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