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The Cause Campaign

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Awesome SP mission.

No doubts the best SP mission so far and time has been spent on doing it into what it is.

So far has been running it without any problems. And it gives me a fuzzy feeling to kill the true terrorists, even though only pixel war.

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I was thinking of creating a SLA campaign, kind of an alternative ArmedAssault campaign.

still will i think. can't have too many

Don't let mine stop you. The more the better for the community! thumbs-up.gif

Quote[/b] ]Awesome SP mission.

No doubts the best SP mission so far and time has been spent on doing it into what it is.

So far has been running it without any problems. And it gives me a fuzzy feeling to kill the true terrorists, even though only pixel war.

Thankyou for your feedback Mehmehmeh smile_o.gif

Im glad you enjoy the campaign, one thing to remember though is that every country especially super powers in the world will tend to abuse power for the sake of material interests at least once depending the leadership.

My campaign may seem totally anti-american but it is more of a pessimistic view about war; to me wars are usually fought over material interests or over ideological reasons which will probably still be sparked over land/living space issues. War always costs civilian lives and there are bad people in on both sides of every war.

In the future chapters the player will be exposed to some issues that will make it less easy to consider the Sahrani war in Black and White.

Anyway hope you will enjoy the campaign from start to finish smile_o.gif

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Wars are also a necessary evil as none of us would enjoy the countries which we live or many of the technological advances that we rely on everyday. Regardless, I agree with your remarks.

Next, I didn't see your campaign as anti-american at all. Just a story line necessary to advance a campaign from the SLA side. It wouldn't have felt right had you omitted any so called anti-american plot. biggrin_o.gif

Most definitely a great campaign and I look forward to the next chapter


Is it necessary to throw that garbage out there. As one of those "terrorists" I appreciate the comment. Please leave that garbage off these forums. The majority of us realize this is not the place to toss around such insults. Just an aside, nobody I served with ever felt good about the death of anyone that wasn't trying to kill us. The death of any civilian is something that pains 99.9999% of my fellow soldiers. Those deaths are something we will take with us to our graves, with great pain to our last breath.

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Thankyou Manzilla smile_o.gif It means alot to me that you can enjoy the campaign and see the bigger picture. Especially since it would seem alot more sensitive given that you have served in the military.

Hope you will enjoy the chapters to come smile_o.gif

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Hey Rejn dont let this topic and your campaign turn into some "political" statement thingy. I promised to test and provide feedback on your future chapter(s) but happily will recall that promise if I'm to expect to see some "thought provoking political blabla" stuff.

As you like feedback, this is it, feedback from one of your campaign users/players, dont let it turn into political mess.

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Hey Rejn dont let this topic and your campaign turn into some "political" statement thingy. I promised to test and provide feedback on your future chapter(s) but happily will recall that promise if I'm to expect to see some "thought provoking political blabla" stuff.

As you like feedback, this is it, feedback from one of your campaign users/players, dont let it turn into political mess.

The main concern is always the story line and the missions at hand in a military realism as far as possible context.

Political after thought is present whether subtle or not. But if it does make its way into the missions then it is only there to help advance the storyline and what the charachter(s) are going through rather than just to make a political point out of nothing.

As always your feedback is valued and welcome Snake man smile_o.gif I try to treat the missions as a canvas for immersion and storytelling to get missions which I would like to see happen foremost, but I do like to draw on reality for inspiration.

I don't particularly want this thread sliding into a political debate by all means, however I do wish to distance myself from taking any extreme political opinions and I want to distance myself from taking sides in any political debate through these missions.

Thanks smile_o.gif

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Mehmehmeh, +2WL and 7 days vacation for that comment. If you want to crow about your political views, go somewhere else.

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Hey Rejn dont let this topic and your campaign turn into some "political" statement thingy. I promised to test and provide feedback on your future chapter(s) but happily will recall that promise if I'm to expect to see some "thought provoking political blabla" stuff.

As you like feedback, this is it, feedback from one of your campaign users/players, dont let it turn into political mess.

The main concern is always the story line and the missions at hand in a military realism as far as possible context.

Political after thought is present whether subtle or not. But if it does make its way into the missions then it is only there to help advance the storyline and what the charachter(s) are going through rather than just to make a political point out of nothing.

As always your feedback is valued and welcome Snake man smile_o.gif I try to treat the missions as a canvas for immersion and storytelling to get missions which I would like to see happen foremost, but I do like to draw on reality for inspiration.

I don't particularly want this thread sliding into a political debate by all means, however I do wish to distance myself from taking any extreme political opinions and I want to distance myself from taking sides in any political debate through these missions.

Thanks smile_o.gif

I personally enjoy the perspective of this campaign. Although when I first played it I was a little turned off by the perspective but then I realized this is just a game. Plus the more I played the missions I soon saw that you are one of the more skilled mission makers around. I hope you continue down the same line providing depth to the plot line in the next chapter as you did in this chapter. I applaud your skills.

Lastly, I want to apologize for interjecting what I did. My purpose was not to turn this into an ideological scuffle. I just felt the need to defend any one that has lived through war, regardless of the country one may serve. The word terrorist gets thrown around way to much these days. It is in poor taste to call any member of a military a terrorist, whether Russian, French, British, US, etc. There are far more evil people out there then one that serves ones country and puts their life on the line to help innocent people of the world.

Now, that's enough from me on this subject. Take care all and play this campaign! It's a damn fine creation! notworthy.gif

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No worries smile_o.gif Again thanks for the feedback.

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I thoroughly enjoyed your campaign - thanks for making it. I hope you'll make a sequel to it. smile_o.gif

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Thankyou smile_o.gif Glad you enjoyed it. A sequel will of course hopefully follow smile_o.gif

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Excellent campaign! Love it! Much better then the orignal Arma campaign and on par with the Operation Flashpoint campaign! It just feels more realistic then the Arma campaign.

Great job! And continue the good work!

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Thanks Dezzerx smile_o.gif

I hope Chapter 2 will be even better and more immersive than the first.

I've spent a bit of time fleshing out the plot and I hope that you will all continue to enjoy the story and missions as it/they progress(es).

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Just letting everyone know Im considering starting an early bout of voice acting auditions for extra's.

There are often times when I require some extra voices for variation, either for radio intercom's or actual conversations depending your mic capability...

When I get back beginning of Febuary I will be didicating a chunk of my time in getting some chapters done for my ARMA campaign.

I've spent a fair ammount of time considering cutscenes but mostly have focused on plot execution and how the story should pan out along with the missions at hand.

If anyone is interested in auditioning for some voice acting in Chapter 2 let me know.

Im accepting samples as of now and if you feel up to it here are some random samples that have nothing to do with the mission plot so no spoilers.

I'd like people to try their hand at so I can consider whether or not to use other peoples voices for different parts/pieces, Ive done them in order of acting requirement from least to most:

Any accents/No accents welcome.

1) "Eagle 1 this is ground control Delta, you are clear for landing. Out."

2) | Good evening, your listening to the BBN Network. Im Alan Peterson and these are the headlines: "

3) "Sinore." (In the tone of acknowledgment. Somewhat oppressed.) "Sorry Sinore. I havn't seen anyone like that around here."

3) "Sonovabi%^@! Where the hell did that come from!?" (anger)

4) Name's Emilio... You new here? Yeahp (like a sigh) ... another human bullet.

5) PLEASE! I DON'T WANNA DIEEEEEE! (fear/paniked)

Send any samples to rejenorst@hotmail.com

in 44mhz 16bit stereo or mono. Any voices used will have their makers/owners credited to them at beginning of mission(s) and their email will be in the readme txt that comes with the campaign including voices done etc.


- FILE(s) should not exceed 5megs.

- RECORDINGS won't start until around Febuary 2008 most likely.



You should have a mic and preamp/mixer and some ok acting ability or decent voice if you want a charachter role. Although if you can record at decent quality you may be able to get small parts here and there. Otherwise I may add your voice to radio comms etc where quality isn't a huge issue.


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Thanks Chris smile_o.gif Glad you enjoyed it. What this space for a sequel smile_o.gif

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A 1.09 patch beta is now available. Im wondering if people who have played my campaign could let me know how the campaign runs with the new patch?

Especially the Savegame issue which should be solved for mission 5 now.


The patch is only a beta but if anyone can just comment on wether the patch does anything bad/nothing/good to the gameplay of my campaign I would be very grateful as I am currently out of the country until end of Jan.


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Hey Rejn,

I'll try to test it out this afternoon. I'll report a feedback for tonight.

P.S.: And the answer is yes, i'm not dead tounge2.gif

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Thanks Yeb biggrin_o.gif Good to see you again smile_o.gif


Yeb sends word that the campaign plays fine under 1.09

Quote[/b] ]Hey Rejn,

as promised, i tested your campaign out this afternoon, the patch brings huge performance improvements and slightly improves ia, and i may say the ia is much more fun to play with and against, and your campaign especially brings it out.

Anyway, i did not notice pathfinding messed up, only what is part of arma feature i guess tounge2.gif, i only played the campaign once with 1.09, i'll check out deeply later.

About the ia, i really do not know what bis did with but it seems more active, funnier to play against, especially noticeable on the third mission (the one with the us tanks driving on mine field).

About the savegame issue, i had no trouble whatsoever, i'll give a try with the queen's gambit campaigns as it has exactly the same issue (CTDs when loading mission) as your fifth mission in which we must seize Corazol used to have.

Anyway, I'll give some tries to your campaign and report feedbacks whether i notice news troubles, issues, etc...but to sum up, this patch slightly improves your campaign (especially the gameplay), but i guess it's harder to get better when you are already at the top, anyhow, the patch does not change the game that much(not sure of the translation but i guess you get it).

My settings: Super ai on, enemy and friendly ai at 1; about the mods, the only one i have which may affect gameplay is durg's vegetation fix.

Merry Christmas xmas_o.gif,


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I started Chapter 2 before I left for the Philippines and will have to finish it when I get back. Hopefully chapter 2 will be done in Febuary/March. I will release missions for beta testing as I make them. smile_o.gif

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Yea, chapte 2 is comming!

The last mission is the best, with the much radio traffic, and so on!

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Unfortunately due to work commitments in the Philippines I may not be able to return home for another few months.

My return date is somewhere within the next 4-6 months at which point Arma 2 may already be released but I guess we will see.

Sadly I will not be able to produce any missions until I get back to Australia... sad_o.gif

If Arma 2 is released before I get back then expect a "The Cause Campaign" for that.

If I get back and Arma 2 isn't out I will continue work on my campaign as intended but sadly the campaign won't be out until mid year or so sad_o.gif

Sorry guys... sad_o.gif

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Don't worry Rejn. We will patiently wait for the master to return. xmas_o.gif

All the best and keep up. smile_o.gif

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