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PhD Research assistance greatly appreciated

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Dear all,

I am a student currently coming towards the first year of a PhD in the School of Arts, Histories & Cultures at the University of Manchester. My topic is centred upon an analysis of how the representation of warfare in video games has impacted upon the wider British Pleasure Culture of War. I intend to carry out a number of short by email interviews related to to the presentation of warfare in the video games. From the respondents I then aim to carry out a number of more in-depth interviews.

I am emailing to see if anyone would be interested in recounting the experience of the playing of war themed games , (you do not have to be British to take part). The short interviews will only take a small amount of time and any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

With thanks

Gareth Crabtree

University of Manchester

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lo buddy,

@Chipper  huh.gif grow up?

Dear vaifan_2007,

That is a very interesting subject. I know of at least one other person other than myself who would probably be interested in taking part. Also a post of this sort HERE would yield a larger responce.

As for myself id love to help out. I feel the portrail of war based games such as ofp/arma in the media is hyped. It would be nice to contribute my opinions and experiances.

My email is luke_fitzpatrick@hotmail.co.uk Feel free to drop me an email anytime and we can take it from there.



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Moving to OFFTopic...

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Hmm sounds like fun, I wouldn't mind participating. smile_o.gif

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Whats the catch? Theres always a catch.

You have the worst avatar in the world. Ever.

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It is an interesting topic. But as you have posted your request for opinions in a public forum you should also share any findings here also! Otherwise you are not using the forum correctly.

I have views about this too but share it publicly so that we can discuss openly!  wink_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

I'd be happy to contribute. Drop me a PM smile_o.gif

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I would also be willing to take part. And would also hope that you share your findings.

Also can you please explain what exactly you mean by "British Pleasure Culture of War"?


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Thanks a lot for all those agreeing to take part, I can assure you that there is no catch. I will be happy to share my conclusions in the future but I believe that it is going to take a while as I am only in the first year of my PhD.

The British pleasure culture of war, is the enjoyment of war stories and narrative that has traditionally been consumed through mediums such as books, comics, and films. I am looking at how the enjoyment of war games challenges and is the same as this

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Hmmmm... interesting. Feel free to PM me if you want to. I'm preparing to try my best answering as long as I am allowed to anonymous.

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