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Customized Gadgets!

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I'd like to see some customized gadgets in the game to make things easier like "microdrone" and "microflies" for a starter.

You know these little drones the size of your hand with which you can fly around to spot the area instead of getting shot in the ass.

And "tag" vehicles with them, as so to speak, so you won't lose track of them too easily as happens quite often.

What are your thoughts?

PS I don't mean to shift over to the futuristic theme too much like unreal tournament or something! Keeping it realistic but with 21st century digital gadgets.

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That would be pretty cool, but perhaps this should have gone in the 'AddOns Request' thread in the AddOns Discussion forum?

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yea this is in the wrong place  LoL!

anyway i would like a uav  it should not be 2 hard to make.

and one of them robots  that i saw in a VBS2

that would be cool


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You know these little drones the size of your hand with which you can fly around to spot the area instead of getting shot in the ass.

And "tag" vehicles with them, as so to speak, so you won't lose track of them too easily as happens quite often.

Actually no, I don't know. Those don't exist, stop watching James Bond.

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Quote[/b] ]Are you talking about these?

No, those are huge compared to what I ment.

Quote[/b] ]Actually no, I don't know. Those don't exist, stop watching James Bond.

I can't help that your knowledge on the matter is extermely limited but they do exist!

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If i remever correctly i read some dan brown books and he talks about the SF using little cameras the size of flys to gather intell which fly around and look like a fly. And it says all things mechinioned in the book are what tech we have in RL soo.

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I have a small camera, about the size of a 2p coin.It is used on Remote controled aircraft.I also found something similar to that which you can buy.It is about as small as your hand.

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Ive tried to make a model similar to that one in link posted by maddogx, but it looks so ugly biggrin_o.gif

heres early wip shot:mavra7.th.jpg

Im not sure if ill finish it biggrin_o.gif

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There Smaller than that, the size of a real fly i think. Only Military have them so who knws if its real or not, although they seem to have secret Aurora aircraft and we still dont no about that wow_o.gif

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GIJOE94, NOT TOYS... I mean real gadgets!

Matt Rochelle, yes as I said they are WAY WAY smaller!

You honestly don't know anything about the Aurora? The information is out there mate, plenty.

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Quote[/b] ]Actually no, I don't know. Those don't exist, stop watching James Bond.

I can't help that your knowledge on the matter is extermely limited but they do exist!

Actually, you can help it by providing a source of information on them.

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There already is a UAV. I believe its in the KP_CTI addon pack!


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I was talking about "MICRO" drone... not huge uavs!

I mean to fly with it on groundlevel height through urban terrain.

GIJOE94, no it doesn't. STOP CLOAKING up the thread!

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