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this should be a selectable item, not standard

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well i was thinking about it. and parachutes should be a pack item and not standard issue. it should go in place of AT or something i do believe as it is a very large heavy pack that takes up alot of space. for other gear,

may the flaming begin  icon_rolleyes.gif

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The parachute is a vehicle and thus can't be used (and stored) as a weapon. Your suggestion doesn't work at all.

And if there's any flaming this thread gets faster locked then you can take the next breath. wink_o.gif

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i see, would have been cool if it could be worked this way, however it seems they would have to remove the current logic and redesign

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I agree that its currently a bit weird.

I guess it could be modded as an invisible secondary weapon + a script which checks if you are in a parachute, and if you are without the invisible weapon then it puts you out of the parachute and deletes it...

Not sure if it could work properly though.

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Nice that the chute is a "vehicle". Now they better bloody fix it so you can steer it and can start your "vehicle" when you want. smile_o.gif An auto-open at altitude x or lower could be made for safety and AI.

This should make it possible to create a HALO mission. SF drops at high altitude (at night with NVG) and dropping to LO altitude the chute is deployed, then steered to a rooftop from where the mission continues.

Remember BlackOpsHALO from OFP?

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I agree fully with Jamf, I thought BIS had heeded to the community's call to at least make the parachute steerable... confused_o.gif

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It is posibel to make it so you need a weapon for the parachute to open up since FDF made it for OFP if i can remember correctly.

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I dunno, i mean once you use your parashoot you would just leave it behind anyway, but if it helped you run a little faster to not have one, then it might be worth it i dunno....

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This is a really good idea on how to solve the whole parachute issue with the game.

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I'm not sure I agree. Exactly what "parachute issues with the game" are we trying to solve here? But in any case, I Think this suggestion is a step in the wrong direction.

You don't run anywhere wearing the parachute pack, and you certainly try to avoid fighting whilst wearing it. You put it on, struggle on board the aircraft, jump out, land, take the pack off, and then go into battle.

Or alternatively (i.e. if you are a crew member), you get into the aircraft without wearing a parachute, but either put one on if you need to bale out, or use the one built into your seat when you eject.

The parachute can bear a heavy load without trouble, so I don't see any justification for saying that parachuting should reduce the number of slots you have available for other equipment

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