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6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

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As I've already suggested, having rifle tracers set in the ArmA difficulty options removes the need for the *.hpp file, and there are the other points I've mentioned. I'm gonna keep bugging you about this until it happens tounge2.gif

The main reason I want this is because it will be more fair in MP, with everyone who isn't using the mod still able to see my rifle tracers.

If all the changes that the misc addon does are disabled by default, then I guess it is no big deal.

Things like the tracking markers and dead body removal seem like something that should be specific to a mission, not part of a mod.

Anyway, I still enjoy having these tracers and the Modwar sounds together. It improves the atmosphere in ArmA so much.

Quote[/b] ]As I've already suggested, having rifle tracers set in the ArmA difficulty options removes the need for the *.hpp file, and there are the other points I've mentioned
No it does not. (Well sure, for your "I need Rifle Tracers enabled by Default, but)

Rifle Tracers Enabled/Disabled is but a fraction of the total configurability of the Addon. The addon is FULLY (fully, as in, every single setting; Per Ammo/Weapon: Enable, color, per, onlyLast, size etc) configurable for Single Player, by the user, which is a big wish for many, as no default-setting pleases everyone.

Multiplayer is a different story, there only the settings that a mission maker puts in, or the default settings of the addon have effect.

Your idea about the difficulty Setting for MP is a very good one, I don't think I have to repeat again that i'm looking into it, right?

A possibility is to remove the NEED of the config file for Tracers, by going back to having a SIX_TracersCfg addon which ppl can use to change configuration with (which would require the hpp file). But it makes it all even more complicated if you ask me.

Also I have been thinking about your "MP Fair" point... AFAIK the tracers enable/disable settings are actually for EVERY rifle etc. So in your example, having a server with disabled Tracers, still gives you the advantage of seeing MG and other kinds of tracers wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I'm gonna keep bugging you about this until it happens tounge2.gif
I respond very bad to nagging, bugging, (same in this row: whining, bitching and blablabla), you of all ppl should know and understand that wink_o.gif

ModWar Sounds are good indeed, and im happy you are enjoying the tracers aswell. There are still plans for improvement of them of course, but those were not meant for v0.1 wink_o.gif

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If you need more people to voice their opinion about having the tracers standalone, then add me to the list as well. I run your latest release with all the mods, but in reality all I really want are the tracers sad_o.gif

Edit: Just for the record, I'm a SP guy and never once played ARMA mp yet and don't plan to, so the majority of your hard work I'll never see. All I hope to eventually get from this are the tracers and AI wounding. Also is the AI wounding on by default or will it need to be added into existing missions.

One last plea. Since you have the bleeding working for AI, is there any shot at all you might add actual wounding to the AI on top of the bleeding? By wounding I mean shooting a guy and they go down and act wounded. If not, I'll wait for another mod, I understand this isn't made for SP and is more of an MP oriented effort.

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If you need more people to voice their opinion about having the tracers standalone, then add me to the list as well. I run your latest release with all the mods, but in reality all I really want are the tracers sad_o.gif
I know all you really want are the Tracers. But to use the Tracers you will have to include the Misc Addon.

If you could tell me 1 real reason except "I just like to have 1 addon" I can really consider it,

but I haven't read one real reason why I should drop my current vision.

Other than a valid point in my opinion; The default enabled extra functionality is not always wanted, so disable it by default.

With the default disabling of the unnececairy functionality, I think we tackled all real and valid complaints.

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Other than a valid point in my opinion; The default enabled extra functionality is not always wanted, so disable it by default.

With the default disabling of the unnececairy functionality, I think we tackled all real and valid complaints.

That would mean I had to read the readme and put in some effort smile_o.gif

I'll just try that route then. Thanks for the work and the tips smile_o.gif

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That would mean I had to read the readme and put in some effort smile_o.gif

I'll just try that route then. Thanks for the work and the tips smile_o.gif

Yeah Mate, so it goes, so it goes smile_o.gif

To make it easy on yah, SIX_Misc.hpp, class SIX_Misc:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

tracking=1; // 0 - disable. 1 - enable

bodyR=1; // 0 - disable. 1 - enable

I guess I dont have to say much more smile_o.gif

I am however seriously considering disabling those by default and leaving it up to the user to simply enable them smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Edit: Just for the record, I'm a SP guy and never once played ARMA mp yet and don't plan to, so the majority of your hard work I'll never see.
Yikes, If you ever feel the need to try some Coop with nice chaps, feel free to come look around some time :PP
Quote[/b] ]Also is the AI wounding on by default or will it need to be added into existing missions.
Having the SIX_CRDS Addon loaded means automaticly that the addon will work on all units in the game, where the unit is local smile_o.gif I am uncertain atm about override as im not able to check my code atm lol but will make sure there are possibilities for override. For some features I might consider dialogs and all smile_o.gif

Also just thinking, in MP I should make a switch that the CRDS is only enabled when the server has it also enabled etc wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]One last plea. Since you have the bleeding working for AI, is there any shot at all you might add actual wounding to the AI on top of the bleeding? By wounding I mean shooting a guy and they go down and act wounded. If not, I'll wait for another mod, I understand this isn't made for SP and is more of an MP oriented effort.
Thanks for the idea... I will look into it... The matter should be as interesting for SP as it is for MP; So there is a large chance that it will make it in smile_o.gif

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Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it as well as the core work you've done. I only ask about the wounding again because while bleeding out an AI is a great idea, it doesn't have that visual impact because it's a rare case where the ai just gets wounded and if they do, they don't act wounded. Just a personal pet peeve of mine with the engine, and nothing to do with your efforts smile_o.gif

And thanks for the MP offer, hopefully I can find the time for it sometime smile_o.gif

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Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it as well as the core work you've done. I only ask about the wounding again because while bleeding out an AI is a great idea, it doesn't have that visual impact because it's a rare case where the ai just gets wounded and if they do, they don't act wounded. Just a personal pet peeve of mine with the engine, and nothing to do with your efforts smile_o.gif

And thanks for the MP offer, hopefully I can find the time for it sometime smile_o.gif

NP Mate! Keep it up urself aswell smile_o.gif)

As replied above I will look into it and toy with the idea.

AFAIK their accuracy is affected by wounds just as ours, but I dont have hard evidence as I never really tested it lol smile_o.gif

Accuracy is of course only one thing... As we receive black outs and stuff due to CRDS, they should have some sort of disability by it too smile_o.gif

Im still searching for someone who would like to toy around with the sounds (volumes, types etc) of CRDS, anyone interested?

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Ruby Wax said "Give the public what they want and they'll drag you down with them"


Keep it your vision wink_o.gif you know best how to package your addons.

As an aside, can you clue me in to what method you used to capture events? I use a huge trigger to catch all "hit" events but that means each mission needs the trigger. How do you capture all events of a particular type?

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I really dont understand people are making that kind of pressure on you sickboy, to change your addon.

I found out by myself how to enable or disable markers, body removal and so on.

I feel it is very good as it is now, editable to own gusto.

You asked me for suggestions for improvement. I have a lot of suggestions but they all point to the AI behavior. So I guess this is something for another mod (like SLX) from Solus.

I wonder what you plan to include in future updates?

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Seem like I'm not the only person who doesn't want the MISC addon. I just want the tracers, and now after RC3 the tracers dont even work. Its get more and more complicated after every release. Now I have to install dta files and MISC files and whaa..? I dont need this stuff like configuring custom tracers in SP. I just want the tracers and thats it. I'm going to go back to beta RC6 - it was a MUCH better release. It was simple and it worked.

I can't complain and moan because I ought to be greatful for what your doing for us - for free.

But I just wanted to state my opinion.

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@Kroky: Ty mate. I will summarize soon what I'm planning smile_o.gif)

Seem like I'm not the only person who doesn't want the MISC addon. I just want the tracers, and now after RC3 the tracers dont even work.

Common sickboy, pleasssse?

They are working fine, 100% certain mate.
Quote[/b] ]Why is MISC bundled with the tracers?
How about you read the conversation of the past page? crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]They are working fine, 100% certain mate.

not really, because after installing RC3 I have no tracers - most of the time. Seems buggy now, if I spawn myself in a aircraft like a AH6 or a A10, I get no tracers. If I spawn myself as infantry sometimes I have tracers sometimes I don't. Seems very random.

And yes I have it installed correctly, I have the @SIX_Tracer folder and the @SIX_Misc folder in my arma directory as well has the hpp files in the dta folder.

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Quote[/b] ]They are working fine, 100% certain mate.

not really, because after installing RC3 I have no tracers - most of the time. Seems buggy now, if I spawn myself in a aircraft like a AH6 or a A10, I get no tracers. If I spawn myself as infantry sometimes I have tracers sometimes I don't. Seems very random.

And yes I have it installed correctly, I have the @SIX_Tracer folder and the @SIX_Misc folder in my arma directory as well has the hpp files in the dta folder.

There are days, I wish mankind never invented Single Player biggrin_o.gif

I stand corrected, I'm 100% sure it works in MP biggrin_o.gif

I'm on the bug in SP whistle.gifsmile_o.gif

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Since your talking bugs...

I have a weird one that I can't explain.

I made some new weapons for fun and in one of them when I'm in the scope view I get tracers every round. In 3rd person every 5 I think. I kid you not. Since it was a weird bug with a custom weapon I didn't worry about it. It inherited all traits from the M4a1.

I'll post them tonight and send you a link if you'd like to test it and see.

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6thSense.eu "Pack1" RC4

Changes RC4


[*] Fixed Player Determination Once more, hopefully for good This time. Fixing the problem that Tracers etc. did not work or 'half' in SinglePlayer

[*] Disabled GroupTracker & BodyRemover by default. Please enable inside SIX_Misc.hpp. Solution based on requests @ BI Forums thread

[*] Split markers from SIX_Misc to SIX_Markers. Solution based on request by MaddMatt

[*] Added define SIX_MARKERS to SIX_Misc.hpp, when defined it will use the SIX_Markers (Make sure you have the pbo installed in with SIX_Misc). If you want to use standard BIS Markers, please comment the SIX_Markers define, like: // #define SIX_MARKERS

[*] Changed SIX_ENA_VOICE define to SIX_VOICE_ENA


[*] Fixed missing stringtable entry

[*] Fixed problem with medipacks not disappearing after used

@Zootia, SP Problem:

Resolved mate biggrin_o.gif

Ps, you could at least simplify it a bit by putting all the 6thSense.eu Addons in 1 folder e.g: @SIX_Addons or sth smile_o.gif)

Quote[/b] ]I can't complain and moan because I ought to be greatful for what your doing for us - for free. But I just wanted to state my opinion.
Thanks mate... I act on most wishes as best as I can, but hey.. the more extra experience you can get with fiddling around with Addons and Configs the easier it gets and the closer you maybe get to be inspired or get interested in toying with Configs, Scripting and stuff urself wink_o.gif)

@Kroky, CRDS Save/Load problem:

I have not unlocked the Commander mission but after unpbo'ing and repbo'ing (plus some removal of lines in description.ext) I was able to load the mission, save, load, kill a few, save, load, kill a few, while shooting+hearing cryouts, save, load, works. Close ArmA, load, works.

Could it be rechecked with the latest version?

@Ebud, Weird Problem:

Hmmmmm, that would be very weird indeed... Camera change and tracers appearing in different order/per/last bullets...

Lemme know when you got something solid smile_o.gif I will look into it anyway though smile_o.gif

@MaddMatt, difficultyEnabled Idea:

Will do tryouts and look into it in the weekend.

Markers independency:

Split the markers to SIX_Markers, as additional addon for SIX_Misc. The addon can safely be left out, altough if you enable the Tracker script either play with the addon or comment #define SIX_MARKERS from SIX_Misc.hpp

CRDS Multiplayer Check:

Prolly inserted over the weekend, and THEN I hope I can finally drop this RC act and get over with the final v0.1 (I know, after repeating that at least 3 times it does start to sound funny biggrin_o.gif)

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Like the changes, downloading smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]

@MaddMatt, difficultyEnabled Idea:

Will do tryouts and look into it in the weekend.

Sounds good. After thinking about it a bit more, I guess it would be a good idea to use the cfg file for SP, and check the difficulty only for MP. Though you are probably already going to do that.

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Like the changes, downloading smile_o.gif
That pleases me wildly biggrin_o.gifyay.gif

Plz lemme know your results after trying smile_o.gif

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Now it works again. Thanks.

One suggestion, in the next release, can you make it so that the tracers start closer to the tip of the gun?

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Now it works again. Thanks.

One suggestion, in the next release, can you make it so that the tracers start closer to the tip of the gun?


Tracers+Tip of gun;

Hard one. I will have to toy with it, so it is possible that it won't be in the next release as I want to really move to final v0.1 soon.

The problem is that when the tracer comes too close to the barrel, sometimes the tracer appears to come from somewhere else (like high up/below/right/left of you).

Are you referring to the tracers in Multiplayer or the MP Editor/Ingame Server. Or are you referring to Singleplayer?

I ask this because Multiplayer has set an extra delay because tracers seemed to appear 'earlier' than in SP.

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My understanding is that tracers don't ignite for a couple of hundred yards. Couple of reasons for this, one main one is that it prevents pinpointing of your position smile_o.gif

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My understanding is that tracers don't ignite for a couple of hundred yards. Couple of reasons for this, one main one is that it prevents pinpointing of your position smile_o.gif

Sounds like it calls for a configurable setting biggrin_o.gif

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Had a quick go with the new version, played the "Battlefields" SP mission and got my ass kicked tounge2.gif

All worked fine smile_o.gif

Also, I've sometimes noticed in SP that when I fire, for a split second I see the tracer in a weired position near the top of the screen. It's not that visible, and seems as though it's some distance away. Haven't noticed it when looking through the sights. It might be visible by doing a quick test on Rahmadi.

Maybe change this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// in MP sleep 1 frame to accomodate for tracer coming out too close to barrel :)

if(!SIX_SP)then{sleep 0.001;};

to this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// in MP sleep 1 frame to accomodate for tracer coming out too close to barrel :)

sleep 0.001;

That should fix it. Real tracers don't ignite instantly anyway, so it wouldn't look bad and it would look the same as in MP. Maybe change the time to 0.05, so the distance the tracer appears from the barrel isn't different depending on FPS.

These tracers are almost perfect.

Once addon signing starts being used hopefully these tracers will be allowed on most servers biggrin_o.gif

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My understanding is that tracers don't ignite for a couple of hundred yards. Couple of reasons for this, one main one is that it prevents pinpointing of your position smile_o.gif

Sounds like it calls for a configurable setting biggrin_o.gif

LOL, well only insofar as much as different rounds will have different delays biggrin_o.gif but really I doubt it's worth the trouble smile_o.gif

There is really no reason to have tracers that start at the muzzle, certainly in RL terms anyway wink_o.gif

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Had a quick go with the new version, played the "Battlefields" SP mission and got my ass kicked tounge2.gif

All worked fine smile_o.gif

Also, I've sometimes noticed in SP that when I fire, for a split second I see the tracer in a weired position near the top of the screen. It's not that visible, and seems as though it's some distance away. Haven't noticed it when looking through the sights. It might be visible by doing a quick test on Rahmadi.

Maybe change this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// in MP sleep 1 frame to accomodate for tracer coming out too close to barrel :)

if(!SIX_SP)then{sleep 0.001;};

to this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// in MP sleep 1 frame to accomodate for tracer coming out too close to barrel :)

sleep 0.001;

That should fix it. Real tracers don't ignite instantly anyway, so it wouldn't look bad and it would look the same as in MP. Maybe change the time to 0.05, so the distance the tracer appears from the barrel isn't different depending on FPS.

These tracers are almost perfect.

Once addon signing starts being used hopefully these tracers will be allowed on most servers biggrin_o.gif

Wicked to hear Matt, joy joy joy :-)

About the sleep 1 frame in MP and not in SP:

In my tests... SP had a slight delay by itself when firing, this delay was gone in MP, hence the 1 frame sleep in MP biggrin_o.gif

Reading your message now kinda contradicts my earlier findings, in this case i'll check it wink_o.gif

Something though;

a sleep command always sleeps at least 1 frame, so sleep 0.001 should in nearly every case make this happen.

1 frame might be longer/shorter than the other as it depends on FPS.

I don't like this method because it's "unmanaged/unpredictable", I don't have full control over the wait/distance of tracers appearing this way.

Another method could be a distance check of projectile to shooter, but a while loop without a sleep might be performance intense when many bullets are being fired. We can't use a sleep because that means always 1 frameskip which brings us back in our earlier state: unmanaged/unpredictable

Afaik WaitUntil loops also sleep 1 frame after checking the condition.

Now im starting to get uncertain if while loops also sleep 1 frame after running through the statements.

Must do tests in the evening I guess biggrin_o.gif

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