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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution V3.0

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(Coop 30) Evolution R b1 (also b2, to b6)

That's the name of the map, if you look in the server list you'll more than likely find one running it.

I don't know when it was released, but it's the version I play the most.

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@Shashman nope it has it been released yet but will be soon. I have experienced this crazy mh6 behavior as a passenger but im not sure what causes it. Did you have any mods installed at the time?

@Nonpoint user changabil viewdistance is a feature of evolution you can set it in single player but not normally in multiplayer. Only in the rec building of evolution the effect should last the duration of the mission or untill you disconnect.

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Can you make a version where you can use any vehicle (without the rank restriction thing) and all vehicles spawn back. Cause I have 0 modding skills for ArmA...

Sorry if it has been asked before.

Many thanks if you could notworthy.gif

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Many thanks for this mission. It's just excellent, I love it!!

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I have a question: how come I see guys driving Abramses without proper rank (like Corporal or something). How is this possible?  huh.gif

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I have a question: how come I see guys driving Abramses without proper rank (like Corporal or something). How is this possible? huh.gif

hacks, ban them

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can pilots fly without ranks i seen a guy join the server and jump in a A-10 i asked how you flying without rank he said he was a pilot

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There haven't been pilots in evolution for a good while now. And when there was, pilots had to have the points too. Maybe you played a modded version.

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Or maybe he'd just accumulated the points before, and rejoined, keeping his points wink_o.gif

And yes lol, 'Red' Evolution is out, it's the one I play mostly.

@Rafo: Go and play CTI? icon_rolleyes.gif

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@Shashman w/e... icon_rolleyes.gif

I did not ask you, i asked kiljoy dude... mad_o.gif

As i dont play online only lan with my friends and would like it it like i said in my above post...

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@Shashman Maybe theres a mix up of terms here. If people Join the test server and take the beta version from there mission cache and host it on another server does not mean the mission is "out" in my book. Red is in testing and will be released when its completely bug free or as close as possibil. When this happens I will post the mission for download in these forums. For example you say you play b1 well were currently on b6 (beta 6).

While im on the subject there is no Evolution 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 ad infinitum. These people are just losers trying to make there unofficially (never asked my permission to edit) "modified" versions sound newer and more exclusive to get more players in there servers. sad. Time and time again i have asked people not to use version numbers I will use eventually at the very least.

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Unfortunateley server admins are doing this with other missions as well to get public on.

shame there isnt a way to 'lock' the mission name.

BTW any news on Evolution RED?

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@ Aug. 19 2007,12:08)]Red is in testing and will be released when its completely bug free or as close as possibil. When this happens I will post the mission for download in these forums. For example you say you play b1 well were currently on b6 (beta 6).

Well actually I said I've played on b1 and most of the other b-numbers up to b6. The thing is, it's not just one or two servers which have the Red Evolution, there are loads, and apart from the RACS Littlebird going haywire, the mission is flawless. I prefer it to normal US Evo because you can do missions by yourself, for example.

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@ Aug. 19 2007,12:08)]Red is in testing and will be released when its completely bug free or as close as possibil. When this happens I will post the mission for download in these forums. For example you say you play b1 well were currently on b6 (beta 6).

Well actually I said I've played on b1 and most of the other b-numbers up to b6. The thing is, it's not just one or two servers which have the Red Evolution, there are loads, and apart from the RACS Littlebird going haywire, the mission is flawless. I prefer it to normal US Evo because you can do missions by yourself, for example.

As kiljoy has said time and again....he can only support the official(his own) release of Evolution 3.0 here in the first post of this thread....any reports of bugs should still be related to that version.

Even Evolution 3.0 is constantly being refined on the suicidesquad server with new official versions/fixes/updates/improvements...

We at suicidesquad server have also been running his "EVO RED" which is currently @BETA6 and all comments on it can be posted over at our forums....Full release will be when its ready

You can even find kiljoy on our teamspeak sometimes, to ask him questions personally.

For those running different versions, you should go ask the people hosting the different versions to fix them.

We have nothing against the community helping in the cause to fix/improve these great missions, just that we can not certify that other servers are using the original mission, unedited.

If other servers want to help then simply host unedited versions, and post your requests/bugs over at suicidesquad forums.

This will make it alot easier for kiljoy to keep up hopefully.

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I downloaded Eliteness v2.17 to extract the Evolution.pbo and modify the ranking scores for my small LAN server a few of my buddies play on.

Now, I've never used Eliteness before, but after I extract it, modify the proper file to change the ranking, then do the makePBO, it keeps giving me a lint error for description.ext. When I do the lint check on that file it's saying it can't include certain lines (13-17 for example) or that there is an error in the files it's trying to include. What am I doing wrong?

EDIT : Also tried doing a LintCheck on the original unmodified evolution pbo and it also gives the same error for the description.ext. So why doesn't EliteNess like this pbo? Is there another way to recomplile the mission data into a PBO?

EDIT#2 : I got it working by using cpbo.

On a side note, is there a reason why you set the max view distance in the mission instead of allowing whatever the client sets? I would like to increase it a bit to make it a bit easier to find distant targets in the fast moving jets & helicopters, but I don't want to mess with it if it's going to cause any unwanted side effects.

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Any chance of including Bikes in your next version?  I think they'd be a great addition.  Not too many, just about 6 or 8.

It'd be ace, zipping across the country.

Practical application:  Some one has left a HumVee M2 on the other side of the island, you can't wait for it to re spawn, you need it for a mission.  Pilots are too busy transporting people to the front line to take you all the way to get it and you can't fly your self.  You could use one of the civilian cars and crawl across the hills to go find it...or you could use the bike!!  Wow! belting along the fields!  Weaving in and out of machine gun fire!  Come on, you can see the attraction, this sells it's self. wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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castun If you don't set it it will be 900m for everyone. If you set it to high some people might crash as not everyone can handle it.

Do you know you can set viewdistance in the game in mission hq?.

The view distance slider in options has no effect in an mp game, only single player.

stegman I wouldn't get on a bike on a dedicated server if you payed me. They are bugged and you are guaranteed to die within 200m drive. Seeming there useless I left them out to save what ever resources they use up by having them there.

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@ Aug. 20 2007,16:38)]stegman I wouldn't get on a bike on a dedicated server if you payed me. They are bugged and you are guaranteed to die within 200m drive. Seeming there useless I left them out to save what ever resources they use up by having them there.

wow_o.gif  WHAT!?  wow_o.gif

Oh no way.  

That sucks...too bad i guess. confused_o.gif

Love this mission mate, its real clever. notworthy.gif

P.S.Hope they fix the bikes for Queens Gambit.

P.P.S Hope your ready to convert Evolution to the new islands!  WOW!  New terrain, the lot!


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@ Aug. 20 2007,10:38)]castun If you don't set it it will be 900m for everyone. If you set it to high some people might crash as not everyone can handle it.

Do you know you can set viewdistance in the game in mission hq?.

The view distance slider in options has no effect in an mp game, only single player.

I did not know that, thanks.

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How to make nonstop evolution server?

When I chose evolution from missions list, and all players

will go away, serwer will switch to 'creating' state, instead

of 'playing' state...

How to make to evolution never end? (only when admin

chose other mission)


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I hope that I am not asking for too much, and hope that it was not asked before smile_o.gif

Ka-50 doesn't attack unless provoked. Usually it does flyby, and it is easy to shoot with a stinger. I want it to be very nasty and mean son of mrs.b :P

Su-34 does a lot of aerobatics than engaging us. I'd like to see him very ruthless and mean to us humans biggrin_o.gif

Is it possible to use Mi-8 for AI to deploy AI soldiers if the town has radio tower active? Mi-8 can drop soldiers via chutes a little away from the known position of human soldiers.

If a chopper or vehicle is destroyed then it is marked as "repair needed" on the map. could it be respawned back to base?

Overall, it is a good map, and I love playing it

If you'd like, I may volunteer to join as a tester for the map smile_o.gif

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Ka-50 doesn't attack unless provoked.

I've seen the Kamov attack.  In fact it always seems to come for me when I'm in a Humvee. (I actually hit one with a M136 the other day ! (Ask Mustang, he saw it!wink_o.gif )

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Su-34 does a lot of aerobatics than engaging us.

The Su-34 does indeed do a lot of spinning around and not much fighting.  Although one did bomb and totally flatten a building right infront of me the other day! (Again ask Mustang! )

Quote[/b] ]

Is it possible to use Mi-8 for AI to deploy AI soldiers if the town has radio tower active?

Yeah,  I thought this was meant to happen any way?  Be nice to see though.  Maybe as soon as enemy forces reach a low level, Spec ops could jump in..?

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If a chopper or vehicle is destroyed then it is marked as "repair needed" on the map. could it be respawned back to base?

This is annoying, but it's a good feature.  It teaches you not to waste vehicles and 'buddy up' to go and fix them and bring them home.  I'd like to see this remain the same.

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Overall, it is a good map, and I love playing it

I agree  biggrin_o.gif

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If you'd like, I may volunteer to join as a tester for the map smile_o.gif

Me Too! pistols.gif

P.S @ KilJoy

You were right. I found a server last night with bikes. They suck big time. i was riding one...and then i died! Just like that!

Please do not include bikes in the next version. whistle.gif

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Ah I love using the bike! It's a really handy vehcile to have for those mid-distance journeys where a chopper would be wasted but a HMMWV would be too slow (plus the bike performs much better off road than any of the other vehicles). I've only ever fallen off a bike once (hilarious experience, especially when you have someone on the back rofl.gif ) in Evo.

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OK, I know now how tro set Evolution non-stop playing

on server (persistent=1; in server.cfg)

But, is there any method to backup all game data?

If server will crash, or somebody will change map, I want

to get back to previous state of Evolution mission (score,

mission status, etc)...

THX !!

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Sorry for asking but how do you repair vehicles?

I see them marked on the map and drive there in a repair truck but i cant get them 100% fixed or driveable.

Do you need to be a engineer to fix them or is it a lack of fuel?

I play as the fighting classes since the support are already taken. Plus i rather help my self than others wink_o.gif

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