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virtual transceiver for IVC

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hello ! wink_o.gif

I would like to know if it is possible in a future patch to use IVC through frequencies which we can set on a virtual transceiver. it seems to be more realistic than "vehicle channel" "group channel" etc...

is this realizable ? complex ? do you have to rewrite all IVC engine for this ?

Thanks for your reply



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For one, yes it would probably be too cumbersome to implement, and it would also be a lot harder to use than the current system.

There is such a thing as "too much realism".  smile_o.gif

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When you say IVC - do you mean internet voip chat, or something else?

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If they allowed for user labeled channels (and effects overlay or limited bandwidth for static and tight comms freq's, but that can actually be added with an event trigger) this would be moddable in a second. Had this discussion months ago.

-If (channel label) == (selected channel) then it's heard and transmitted.

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TeamSpeak already has this feature. Gotta add I find it funny as hell how the words "too cumbersome to impliment" come all too easy when it comes to wanted features. Justread the same words about adjustable sights implimentation.

That feature should have been already coded into ArmA.

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TeamSpeak already has this feature. Gotta add I find it funny as hell how the words "too cumbersome to impliment" come all too easy when it comes to wanted features. Justread the same words about adjustable sights implimentation.

That feature should have been already coded into ArmA.

Yes, every single feature that a person has ever suggested should have already been implemented into ArmA icon_rolleyes.gif

If adjustable sights are not too cumbersome for a modder to implement (since I was referring to do it via modding when I said it would be too cumbersome to implement IMO), then why don't you show us a way to do it which would not be cumbersome? Maybe with your excellent modding skills you could show us how it's done nener.gif

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We use a similar system in Open Falcon (great F16 simulator), we put directly frequencies for communications and immersion is very great ! wink_o.gif

So why we can't have two mode ? one mode with actuals features and a realistic communication with a skeletal (don't know if this is the right term, google give it to me ! smile_o.gif ) transceiver which we can set our frenquecies

And why not to manage propagation of radio signal ? (dream.... inlove.gif  )

hum, it's just an idea ! wink_o.gif

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An addon, containing a dialogue mask with dummy frequencies bound to the internal Arma channels, could do the trick, no ?

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With a trigger for range to inhibit transcieving when too far away.

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I think that eventually having an addon that enabled 'realistic radios' would be amazing. Having to switch frequencies to contact different squads, realistic interference, monitoring the emergency frequency for mayday calls. I think that'd be really cool for immersion. Totally impractical for the actual game, but great for immersion =D.

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Would not be impractical at all for a realism squad like The Regiment.

Allowing creation of channel labels would be nice for a dynamic script.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Create RadioChannel (side, "label", *range if limited or 0 if global*)

Could go as far to mod a radio interface and switch through the channels..

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Quote[/b] ]Totally impractical for the actual game

Why ?? wink_o.gif

We are a very serious squad, perhaps not very good about "frag" lol, but we think we're good on tactical, we have some guys who have a good military experience, some guys from VBS1 community wink_o.gif

So, we hope sincerly that this modification will be out one day, but without BIS helping i think this is "impossible mission" wink_o.gif

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