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About Sparrow1973

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Hardcore simulations
  1. Sparrow1973

    Server - config bind ip ?

    I think it is a good idea to force IP listening like -ip=xx.xx.xx.xx in startup option. We have a server with 2 NIC (2 IP) and we don't know what nic is really used by dedicated server. Very complicated to add -ip like -port command ? Thanks a lot !
  2. Sparrow1973

    8800 problems

    Hi, Count me in in this post. I've an XFX 8800GT XXX and Arma like VBS2 crashed sometimes in same way (perhaps same graphic engine). Little sound loop and system totally freezed with a lot of little red dots.... All others games works fine like crysis... It's not a GPU overheating... (was around 80°C) I've played Crysis 2 hours with GPU@92°C without any problem. I format my PC, issue is still present.... My spec: Intel Quad 6700 4GB Crucial Ballistix XFX 8800GT XXX ArmA launched with -maxmem=512 Thanks a lot.
  3. Sparrow1973

    UDP Socket Query

    Thanks I try to convert this php program, my application is under VB.NET...
  4. Sparrow1973

    UDP Socket Query

    I'm very interresting to know what are commands you sent to the dedicated server to get players names and others infos, port query... etc... are there theses informations somewhere ? Thanks a lot
  5. Sparrow1973

    virtual transceiver for IVC

    Why ?? We are a very serious squad, perhaps not very good about "frag" lol, but we think we're good on tactical, we have some guys who have a good military experience, some guys from VBS1 community So, we hope sincerly that this modification will be out one day, but without BIS helping i think this is "impossible mission"
  6. Sparrow1973

    virtual transceiver for IVC

    We use a similar system in Open Falcon (great F16 simulator), we put directly frequencies for communications and immersion is very great ! So why we can't have two mode ? one mode with actuals features and a realistic communication with a skeletal (don't know if this is the right term, google give it to me ! ) transceiver which we can set our frenquecies And why not to manage propagation of radio signal ? (dream.... Â ) hum, it's just an idea !
  7. Sparrow1973

    virtual transceiver for IVC

    hello ! I would like to know if it is possible in a future patch to use IVC through frequencies which we can set on a virtual transceiver. it seems to be more realistic than "vehicle channel" "group channel" etc... is this realizable ? complex ? do you have to rewrite all IVC engine for this ? Thanks for your reply Sparrow http://www.force27.com
  8. Sparrow1973

    VOIP problem

    Sorry for my english. Today we tried voip system, but this one seems very random. We are 3 in a game and i'm the hoster (DSL 5000/1024 and my PC is in DMZ -no ports filter-) player1 and player2 hear themselves very well. player1 and player2 hear me, but me, i don't hear p1 and p2... what's wrong ? is there any wizard to initialize VOIP ? I change ma soundcard, same problem... somebody can help me ? Thanks a lot
  9. Hi ! how to add events when a flare tripwire is actived ? I try addeventhandler with "fired" event and it doesn't work. I've posted on FDF forum, but my question is still without answer. Anybody can help me ? Thanks a lot ! Sparrow "Wild Wolves" group http://www.force27.com
  10. Sparrow1973

    Directx 9 released

    waouh... thanks very much for this link !! Everything works very very good now !!! CU !
  11. Sparrow1973

    Directx 9 released

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Cloney @ Dec. 23 2002,04:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'> Clooney, I describe trouble as much as i can, and my english is... hum... not very good... So, i retry... hum... When i'm editing mission and i want to create a script (sqs files) i have to do an alt tab to use notepad... But, when i do alt tab, screen stay in OFP game... but windows mouse pointer (white arrow) is visible (in ofp screen)... I use Alt tab one more time, and i see a windows desktop "flashing" one time and back to ofp screen with ofp mouse pointer.... For now, when i want to scripting, I'm obliged to shutdown OFP, make script, restart ofp... hum... not very good for debugging... Red, I've a Nvidia GeForce2GTS... i don't remember very well drivers i got.. i think detonator 40.72... I réinstall my video card drivers this evening.... Thanks !
  12. Sparrow1973

    Directx 9 released

    when i use alt tab, i stay in ofp and i have the windows mouse pointer... i use alt tab one more time and windows desktop appears very quickly and i retrieve ofp mouse pointer... Well, Alt tab works not fine since i've dx9... I there a tips to uninstall DX9, to check that's DX9 that cause this trouble ? My OS is WinXPPro SP1 with native DX8.1 Sorry for my poor english.... Â
  13. Sparrow1973

    Directx 9 released

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Cloney @ Dec. 21 2002,05:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anyone having Alt-Tabbing Problems with OFP?<span id='postcolor'> Hi, I'm a french OFP player... I have also an alt-tabbing problems since i have DX9... Alt tab don't work very well... but with another game like falcon4 or other alt tab works fine... Well, i hope they solve problem soon cause this one stress me for scripting.... So, try to reinstall ofp...
  14. Sparrow1973

    How to remove voice setup configuration...

    thanks a lot....
  15. Hi ! i played with a friend who's activated voice setup configuration... We were on Roger wilco, and when my friend spoke to me, a sound like "a girl screaming" tore my ears... Â I did not see options to remove voice setup configuration to avoid these conflicts... any ideas ?? Thanks a lot...