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Hacks & Cheating..

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Well i mostly been playing on the Berzerk games and for the past 3 days theres been a sharp increase in people playing with hacks..

One player was able to have unlimited ammo, we started to notice this after this player was in a vulcan and was firing non-stop for about 5 mins.

Another player was using some kind of stupid explosion hack that destoryed everything and killed everyone without the player being indentfied there was not much to do as there was about 50 players on the server, in the end the admin closed the server altogether. confused_o.gif


Last night someone was spawning AI Snipers in the base, which resulted in alot of players getting TKed at the spawn, his name was "Duck"

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One player was able to have unlimited ammo, we started to notice this after this player was in a vulcan and was firing non-stop for about 5 mins.

When you are near ammotruck, you can fire ~5min non-stop. Then ammotruck is empty.

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So is BIS working on this, or are we stuck waiting for the hackers to get bored and leave?

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yesterday i was playing evo and this guy was flying a cobra w/ only 10 points.

he had a weird hack name with weird symbols.

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One player was able to have unlimited ammo, we started to notice this after this player was in a vulcan and was firing non-stop for about 5 mins.

When you are near ammotruck, you can fire ~5min non-stop. Then ammotruck is empty.

BerZerk maps dont have ammo trucks.

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yesterday i was playing evo and this guy was flying a cobra w/ only 10 points.

he had a weird hack name with weird symbols.

thats nothing. oh wait when you disconnect and reconnect you have all your points again rofl.gif

doesnt nessaraly mean he was cheating.

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One of the most simplest ways to prevent hacks in ArmA is to host Servers with equal Mod only. So if you have no MODs then they can't have any either. This eliminates about 75% of the wannabe Hackers. Problem with this is that then most servers would have to be Vanilla ArmA to avoid any hacks period.

Another way is to scan there files before entering you server... Problem with this is that just scanning the weapons file takes for freakin ever so you server will be really slow on entering.

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I've been working on a script collection called SWAF AntiCheat, but I've been a bit reluctant to release it, because BI claims to have properly implemented the .bisign method in 1.08. If that is true, the anti-cheat scripts shouldn't be needed I think.

If that still doesn't keep the cheaters out though, I'll finish up and release the scripts.

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hiding inside a dead body fare play huh.gif  some guy was able to hide inside a dead body prone ...lol  peekaboooo!    i went up to get the ammo the guy crawed out a dead body and shot me?huh.gif?? biggrin_o.gif

how about this, i made this video from coop game online

My Webpage

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I've been working on a script collection called SWAF AntiCheat, but I've been a bit reluctant to release it, because BI claims to have properly implemented the .bisign method in 1.08. If that is true, the anti-cheat scripts shouldn't be needed I think.

If that still doesn't keep the cheaters out though, I'll finish up and release the scripts.

mad i'm sure it may come handy so or so smile_o.gif

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Weird experience the other day: a guy joined server, used some freaky thing to create an army of zombies and a few kings in the centre of town.

Spoiled the match that was happening, but it did take everyone by surprise. A funny cheat in the right circumstances, but annoying nonetheless in a serious game.

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ah, cheaters, my favorite kind of people online...

you can only be sorry for them. no matter how hard they try, they just cannot come up with a cheat to solve their problem.

no cheat will get their tiny p****es bigger biggrin_o.gif

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That last palyer to come on your coop wouldn't have been some one named chris only we had some one with that name on our server and he was spawning out of dead body when he got kill here's hes chris id 9209349 iv'e banned it on our server.

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ah, cheaters, my favorite kind of people online...

you can only be sorry for them. no matter how hard they try, they just cannot come up with a cheat to solve their problem.

no cheat will get their tiny p****es bigger biggrin_o.gif

Well, to a certain extent I agree with you, but there are different kinds of cheaters.

There's the guys who just want to be better than others to fight their inferiority complexes, then there are the griefers who want to destroy the fun for other people because they are unable to form normal social bonds, some just make hacks for the money....

Most people who use cheats either have one or the other psychological disorder or they are just immature, but not all of them are trying to compensate for miniscule genitalia (although some undoubtedly are  wink_o.gif ). There have been a few quite interesting studies about online cheaters recently. Once you realize how pitiful most of these people are, it really does make you feel kind of sorry for them.

Poor guys.  confused_o.gif

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The best thing to do is just tell them they have psychological problems and then leave, or continue to expand on how you're not making fun of them do to anger, but pity that they have sunk so low.

Most hackers just do it to make other people angry, and if you start yelling childish remarks, you should realize they don't care. Infact, they are sitting on the computer laughing at you.

The trick is to use bigger and more direct words so they have to think about what you're saying. Calling them a idiot will make them happy, but if you actually go inside their mind and suggest logical reasons for the root of the problem, (like they were made fun of as a child), then you may strike a nerve.

The worst thing the hacker could do at this point is come back with a bunch of his friends and totally destroy the server. The best they could do is just leave, (I wouldn't expect an apoligy, but I've been wrong before  wink_o.gif  )

That's my theory though. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, I've never seem a hacker in this game, although I don't play too much multiplayer anyways.

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That last palyer to come on your coop wouldn't have been some one named chris only we had some one with that name on our server and he was spawning out of dead body when he got kill here's hes chris id 9209349 iv'e banned it on our server.

omg, thats not a cheat, its an ArmA bug.

sometimes the spawn is for some players a little bit fooked up, so they dont spawn at the normal spawn like everyone else, instead of that they are spawning where they died.

plz unban this poor player, cause it wasnt his fault to spawn at his dead body.

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Bis you got a big problem here, this is geting worse, today every server I have played (around 10) was fucked for this cheats, I have all the night without finish just 1 mission

This cheats are not made for get super frags, this cheats are made for fuck the game to ever1, the people must lost the game interest if you can't fix it ASAP

Arma can permanently ban game ID of cheaters, the problem is they are using dynamic game ID, I think detect and autoban the people changing the ID during the game is easy, now you need find the way to detect a fake game ID of players incoming to game, consider if the people can play with fake ID they can also play with pirate copy of the game

anyway, WE NEED IMMEDIATE HEEEEEELP banghead.gif

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The worst thing is, more and more people are getting banned for no reason. Simply because many server admins often cannot distinguish between a cheat/hack and a game/mission bug or feature even.

I guess that's the bad side of a complex game-engine combined with user-driven content. I can see a neverending learning curve ahead smile_o.gif

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yesterday i was playing evo and this guy was flying a cobra w/ only 10 points.

he had a weird hack name with weird symbols.

Map bug, bot can use all vehicle as driver/pilot

When you got 10 points, you became caporal and so you can recruit one AI. So you can use all vehicles !

The gunner place doesn't require point, you can go gunner with 0 point wink_o.gif

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he had a weird hack name with weird symbols.

i'd ban him just for that biggrin_o.gif

if I can't pronounce your name over TS, you're out biggrin_o.gif:D:D

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he had a weird hack name with weird symbols.

i'd ban him just for that biggrin_o.gif

if I can't pronounce your name over TS, you're out biggrin_o.gif:D:D

Truuu... Traaa.... Trot? ... Nope, that's not it.... ah, sod it - BANNED!


Jokes aside...

Hehehe, actually come to think of it, most hackers I've seen did use leet speak in their names. They must actually think it's cool.

Bis you got a big problem here, this is geting worse, today every server I have played (around 10) was fucked for this cheats, I have all the night without finish just 1 mission

This cheats are not made for get super frags, this cheats are made for fuck the game to ever1, the people must lost the game interest if you can't fix it ASAP

Arma can permanently ban game ID of cheaters, the problem is they are using dynamic game ID, I think detect and autoban the people changing the ID during the game is easy, now you need find the way to detect a fake game ID of players incoming to game, consider if the people can play with fake ID they can also play with pirate copy of the game

anyway, WE NEED IMMEDIATE HEEEEEELP banghead.gif

The only way to effectively get around people changing their ID would be to force them to register an online accout with their ID, like in BF2/2142, before they can play online. I personally would be all for it, but many people are against it.

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if I can't pronounce your name over TS, you're out biggrin_o.gif:D:D

Truuu... Traaa.... Trot? ... Nope, that's not it.... ah, sod it - BANNED!


good one. you can say I was asking for it. biggrin_o.gif

but, really, most hackers use weird characters as an effort not to get kicked out. one time, admin just couldn't reproduce the player name with ``˛˘^°˘°˛^#"$ or whatever in it to kick the guy off.

and it's something like truut (or troot) smile_o.gif

stands for "male bee" in croatian. you know, the lazy f*ck that doesn't do a thing biggrin_o.gif

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