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How to aim with bombs?

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^ I dont have any kind of CCIP or whatever. How can i know where the bomb will impact. This is not WW1 where you had to drop the bombs by good guess!

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the Laser Guided Bombs on the Harrier require a laser designator to provide a target - once there's a laser target, you'll be able to lock on with the bombs and release, and they'll be guided into the target by the laser marker

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since this is not a flight sim which have a fully modeled FCS to tell where the bomb would land, there is no way for now to do a porper unguided bomb run without using dive bombing technique, dunno, maybe someone would creat a script that cover this in the future, but god guesses

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The closest indicator for a CCIP is the true direction indicator (the moving circle that shows where the planes momentum is pointing, regardles of attitude gyrations).  It's greatly helped me at ironbombing, though you always need to be in a dive of some sorts to offset the drag and increasing downward velocity of a bomb.  It's a decent approximation.

Just thinking out loud, but if there is this indicator, is it feasable to think a CCIP could be made?  confused_o.gif   We now have altitude (sealevel) and altitude above ground.

Edit: hehe, 4 in 1 beat me to it

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<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>ArmA-Harrier: A Multi-million-dollar attack-jet bombing-maneuver:</span>



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in the matter of fact this is very effective and accrate way to drop your bomb, well, as long as you dont dig straight into mud like a chopstick

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1.) You are right. This is the most accurate way to drop a bomb which exists

2.) But the harrier is not supposed to work like that but rather is a highly sophisticated jet which is supposed to drop bombs without even getting close to the ground from far high

3.) The harrier is not build like a ju and that is why it cannot just pull up the jet 10 meters above surface

4.) the bombs for the harrier are way to strong so you cannot drop them that way because you usually will get blown away by your own blast.

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as far as I know Ju-88s had bombs with timers so that they would explode 10 seconds after collision. Maybe that can be done with ArmA.

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HAHA Manday too true, having to divebomb in order to accurately drop bombs is a helluva joke I gotta say.

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You know your speed, your location and altitude. And the direction to the target. What more is needed?

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  (Spokesperson @ June 02 2007,19:19) said:
You know your speed, your location and altitude. And the direction to the target. What more is needed?

A book on trigonometry?

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  (Spokesperson @ June 02 2007,19:19) said:
You know your speed, your location and altitude. And the direction to the target. What more is needed?

Sure Spoke release a video of how its done It would be appreciated!

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  (Average Joe @ June 02 2007,19:28) said:
  (Spokesperson @ June 02 2007,19:19) said:
You know your speed, your location and altitude. And the direction to the target. What more is needed?

Sure Spoke release a video of how its done It would be appreciated!

Yeah. But better don't show it to the airforce or they probably will remove all board-computers from their future jets, just 'cause they will have recognized they spent millions on what pilots actually can learn to do themselfs...

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This sort of topic reminds me of the day i went to see my doctor.

I had a pain in my elbow whenever i bent my arm, so the doctor said to me "don't bend your arm then".

Basically there are some things in ArmA that you just can't do properly, or you need better tools for the job, in this case a joystick would be advantagous. There was a video released of one guy (Dallas i think) doing a laser guided bomb run absolutley perfectly. But unless your a fu**ing good pilot and know your way around a joystick better than your wifes cl*****s, then your in for a rough ride me thinks.

Thanks for giving me such a good laugh with that superb picture... thumbs-up.gif

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Exactly!  yay.gif

There'll be a problem with non-flat terrain. But it can be seen on the map beforehand. Just make sure you fly at the same height above sea.

g=9.8 (m/s^2) (probably ok)

v= your airspeed at the drop bomb point (it's m/s).

Get your zDist. (manual work)[\B]

Mark some reference hill (a bit away) or even better the sea. Check its height, call it PointHeight. Find the height of your target. TargetHeight. You need fly over this hill with a pre-determined height (difficult if not over water), say FlyOverPointHeight. Then zDist=FlyOverPointHeight+PointHeight-TargetHeight

Get the fall time t.[\B]

zdist=(g*t^2)/2 (Height above target, z wise)

t=sqrt(2zdist/g) (time before the bomb hits the ground)

Get the distance to the target (manual work)[\B]

xydist=sqrt(dx^2+dy^2) (Distance to target, x,y wise)

2 Practical Alternatives

1)You know the airspeed you want to keep and want to know where/when to drop.

xydist=v*t (Gives you how far away you got to drop)

2)You know the distance at a certain point and want to know at which velocity you need to drop.

v=xydist/t (Gives you at what velocity you got to drop)

Just enter this in a script or make a program, or maybe you've got a calculator that supports coding. The manual work can be removed through scripting.

I think one XX-XX line on the map is 2000m

Input: PointOverHeight, PointHeight, TargetHeight. (xyDist OR v)  (the first three should be acquired at the airport).

Output: Either v (at the point where you want to drop) or xydist (if you're planning to keep a certain velocity before the bombing run).

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Or you could do what i do and guess its more fun biggrin_o.gif

Is it gonna hit is it gonna hit hit, go on go on yeeee.... awww damn get it on the next run rofl.gif

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  (Mr Reality @ June 02 2007,20:11) said:
This sort of topic reminds me of the day i went to see my doctor.

I had a pain in my elbow whenever i bent my arm, so the doctor said to me "don't bend your arm then".

rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif best answer from a doctor!!! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

man, im sure he was the best from his promotion. lets hope he never gets to operate people whistle.gif

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Mr. Reality you know I appeciate anyone giving me a reason to spam my youtube video:


It's less about flying skills and more about communications skills. You either need to place an AI SF Recon or cooperate  with another player to execute a succesful kill. The majority of the job is to get a player undetected into a good spot, where he can designate valuable targets from a safe position. The pilot only has to safely aqure a lock on the target and line up the target. The higher you are, the easier it gets.

Anyways dropping bombs blindly can be done with succes even if you don't enter a vertical dive, but I don't recommend it if you have access to laser designators. It's like shooting a sniper rifle without using optics. Just get some air time in the editor and you'll improve both designated and blind bombing.

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It should be no prob calculating that stuff if you make it into a script or add it to your calculator. Just input and get output in no time. xmas_o.gif Christmas time

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Ive just made this simple video in the past 5min showing how easy it is to hit a target unguided. lol.

Bomb Drop - Right Click Save As

for some gay reason it wouldnt let me upload it to youtube.

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3rd person that is what we call cheatin' big time. tounge2.gif

If you got an airspeed of 300km/h then drop a little more than 500 m away. Should be one small GPS box-length. X-X

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