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V.I.R.U.S. - AR - Winter

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Hi folks...

The V.I.R.U.S. - Armageddon Rising mod still need some time, so I decided to release the island earlier... For now it is a beta version (Version 0.92) Would be great to have some feedback and maybe some screenshots... to adjust the brightness of the snow and so on...

Tested with 1.05. It's a standalone Addon.

Here is the readme and some screenshots:


Quote[/b] ]This addon is no official addon of Bohemia Interactive Studios - no guarantee for working

How to install:

1. Unpack the 2 files somwhere on your pc

2. Go into your Arma Maindirectory

2.1 Create a folder named @VirusWinter

2.2 Create in the new folder another folder namend Addons

3. Copy the 2 pbo files into the new Addons folder

4. Create a link to your arma.exe on your desktop

4.1 open the new link with a rightclick and click properties

4.2 add the targetline following: -mod=@VirusWinter

5. Start the link on your desktop and have fun


Version: 0.92 beta

- Known bugs: bad textures on bad weather conditions

- Features: > Snowy island groundtextures

> Snowy trees and some leafless

> changed plams into conifers

> killed the little animals like dragonflies and so on =)

> removed nearly all the grass (logical)

- Features in the upcoming Versions: > change oriental houses against the nordish ones

> make the trees more leafless

> fix bugs which the users will find (I hope not so)

Copyright @ BATTLE-ARTS-COMPANY 2007

@ Bohemia Interactive Studios 2007




Winter Island:

Download Winter Sahrani 256Mb



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Looks very cool. I would be a big fan, but V.I.R.U.S mod doesnt work on my PC ;-(.

good luck

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There is no need to have the VIRUS mod installed.

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I am not sure if someone upload it too...

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why not say so , the link going working after 2 hours

download now smile_o.gif

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Would be the same^^ Anyway I hope you can enjoy... If you read the readme you will that some stuff will be changed in Version 1.0! smile_o.gif

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Very Cool, Winter Island weee!! (In the meantime we can use the Urban Retextures biggrin_o.gif)

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great thanks, btw. are there winter units included I saw some screens on armed-assualt.de where there was a winter unit

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No they are not included because they belongs to the mod like this island... the communty wanted to have this island so I released it now! smile_o.gif But if you all can show me that you like winter in ArmA I maybe release all other Addons of the mod. And the cmpaign when it's done.


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No they are not included because they belongs to the mod like this island... the communty wanted to have this island so I released it now! smile_o.gif But if you all can show me that you like winter in ArmA I maybe release all other Addons of the mod. And the cmpaign when it's done.


I don't like any Sci-Fi in my OFP Games etc, I think that's what V.I.R.U.S. is about etc, but Winter 0wnz big time! It would be wicked to have a whole scala of Winter stuff... Especially weather effects etc smile_o.gif

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Nah... not Independence war... that's more realistic... But armageddon rising plays in the future so you could be right... anyway the units looks exactly like the standard arma unit so far... only with snowy skins^^

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Nah... not Independence war... that's more realistic... But armageddon rising plays in the future so you could be right... anyway the units looks exactly like the standard arma unit so far... only with snowy skins^^

Roger smile_o.gif

I'm just checking how you released the files...

ur names are SaraLite.pbo and plants.pbo

Problems with this are:

[*] When ppl extract it to their Addons folder, they overwrite their plants.pbo and will have to reinstall the whole game. People must redownload/unpack/install the original SaraLite when they wish to play that.

[*] You can not use the old SaraLite while this SaraLite is installed, not even when installed in a mod folder, the last-loaded will always be the 'active' one

[*] Not 100% sure about this one, but when ur plants.pbo is loaded from a mod-folder, these plants will be used in all-islands that make use of them smile_o.gif

Suggestion; take a look at the guide posted for Island Creation, or take a look at some of the other released packs, it could explain the process of changing pbo names and classes smile_o.gif

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Thats why I supposed a modfolder... Then there are no problems! wink_o.gif (See readme)

EDIT: Nah if both SaraLite versiosn are in a different folder you can use both but not a the same time. Well it is a beta I also will change the names in the full. smile_o.gif

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Thats why I supposed a modfolder... Then there are no problems! wink_o.gif (See readme)

The problem is still there then; when your mod-folder is loaded, the plants will be white on all islands and the original Sara Lite is not usable when the winter modfolder is loaded.

Last and Least; If we end up with having 10 SaraLite pbo's because ppl don't change the foldername, i'm afraid it's kinda messy smile_o.gif

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Yeah what I said in my edit^^ smile_o.gif Will change this for sure. The Rahmadi island will be converted into snow also later... smile_o.gif

Go and test a bit around! smile_o.gif Then give me a feedback about bugs or something:) And maybe shot a screen! wink_o.gif I am very curious about how it look on other systems :P

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Yeah what I said in my edit^^ smile_o.gif Will change this for sure. The Rahmadi island will be converted into snow also later... smile_o.gif

Cool, looking forward!

Another suggestion, add readme file to rar archive in future releases... Some ppl only download and don't read a page, or download from a site where ur addon is hosted but not the readme... in any case it's easy to have the readme in the package or at the very least an url/link to where a readme might be found smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Nah if both SaraLite versiosn are in a different folder you can use both but not a the same time.
Exactly. It's simply unnecairy making the process harder... Can't use both at once so a Multiplayer community would need to reboot their server and games everytime they want to play either on the Winter or on the normal SaraLite island smile_o.gif

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Ok sickboy... I will upload the ReadMe also and add it to my first post... xmas_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Go and test a bit around! smile_o.gif Then give me a feedback about bugs or something:) And maybe shot a screen! wink_o.gif I am very curious about how it look on other systems :P
Impossible... 09:00-17:00 Job smile_o.gif

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So you are surfing in the internet while working... :P lol

Working now on getting the leafes away

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So you are surfing in the internet while working... :P

Same with me biggrin_o.gif but there's a bright side to it - fast downloads at work wink_o.gif

PS; great work, how's the performance doing compared to the standard Sahrani?

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I don't care about performance atm... but i think it is a bit better because there is not much grass...

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btw any chance you can make add snow piles, like the hay stacks and modify them to snow piles, i remember that was one old ofp addon island that had some few objects remade also to winter setting smile_o.gif maybe have them editor placeable too so mission editors can add extra snow here and there. wink_o.gif a little pic below fråm the side type of.

/ \___

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Do i need a sarahlite addon to play this or something? When I start it up (and I know im doing everything correnctly) I just see my normal Sahrani, Afghanistan, Rhamadi, and DessertSahrini1.3... When I load Sahrani (hoping to see the textures changed) I see nothing sad_o.gif

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some issues i found :

-i have noticed that the trees move with the wind from the trunk , not only the branches.

-the textures on the snow zones are too Symmetrical , i think it would be more reallistic to make just plane white textures , it also would make a sensation of depth to the snow.

- it would be cool to make white dust for the vehicles when they go offroad

- and it would add a lot of atmosphere to replace the sounds when you step on green zones (now snowed) for sounds of Trodden snow , i think in OFP there were good sounds like that .

just constructive suggestions , keep up the good work !

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