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USM-75R.Hspd -XO-

Public Training

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Though we didn't gain to many friends when we first came to the community. I believe we can gain some back. USM has been up and running for around 4 years now and has always treasured our ability to work as a team to get a mission done.

We have always strived to get people to see military simulation gaming for more than just an FPS. From Joint Operations, to Battlefield 2, little OFP, to present ArmA, we have proven how well an organized group of gamers can perform.

Before you all think this is a recruitment post outside of the fans and squads forum, listen up.

This Saturday, May 25th USM will host a public training server at 1200 hours EST.

This is your chance to get in on some action WITHOUT obligation of joining our team. We have done this in the past and it turned out rather well. When ArmA first started we hosted a public training server where we invited random people into our teamspeak and into our server for instruction based training on cordination, tactics and procedures followed by todays military's primarly the US military.

Our instructors include a current avionics crewcheif and a pilot for various topics regarding combat piloting. Myself a former US Army soldier, and a former 75th Ranger. Some things you will learn...

*How to maintain 360 security with your team in many types of scenarios.

*The inn's and outs of formations beyond what any other team has shown. Such as, in detail, Wedge, ranger file, Traveling Overwatch, Bounding Overwatch, some Platoon Traveling Formations and more.

*We will also cover IMT (Individual Movement Tactics) as well as what you can do to work with people who do not know or use teamwork.

Last time we got about 20 players into our server on ArmA. We're hoping with a little more planning this time to increase that. Numbers help us demonstrate cordination between fireteams.

The teamspeak Ip is ts.usmsquad.com:8767 and our website is www.usmsquad.com. Any problem people we recieve in our ts will be banned accordingly. Our Server is called "USM Warzone" but will be changed to "USM Public Training" on the day of the event. Please post here in response, stating whether you will atend.

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Nice to see other organized groups function in ArmA. We're having a similiar event today @ 1800Z (EST noon) but its reserved for candidates, but observer places are open.

Our "SBP Drill" map consists of around 15 training places that base on a great Dslyecxi's "Shack Tactical ArmA Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures". A lot of individual actions, assigning different roles, etc. Map will be available for download after this test.



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To clarify. Our training session will not be based off of dslyecxi's tactical guide. Yes it is nice to see other teams trying to function in ArmA's pool of bf2 kiddies. Rather than search out globalsecurity and its, up to 50 year old information, we have something a little more up to date. Perhaps we can get together sometime Icebreaker and go over some stuff.

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I understand, thanks for the full info on PMs and here. Hopefully we can play together sometime, usually we play during Mon-Fri at around noon EST, but we can arrange one "night" session here, I believe :]

Our drill covers 4 individual/group training courses and then 8 combat situations where our observers closely watch the candidates and them debrief them.


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To clarify. Our training session will not be based off of dslyecxi's tactical guide. Yes it is nice to see other teams trying to function in ArmA's pool of bf2 kiddies. Rather than search out globalsecurity and its, up to 50 year old information, we have something a little more up to date. Perhaps we can get together sometime Icebreaker and go over some stuff.

It's typically a bad sign when a group has to slam someone else to try to make themselves look good. crazy_o.gif It's even worse when they resort to hyperbole to try to do it (50 year old info? Haha.). Unfortunately, it's perfectly in keeping with what I have seen of your group in the past, and it is not at all surprising that you must dig at other people to try to boost yourselves.

It's a shame that your group does not appear to have changed since you made your initial terrible first impression with the ArmA community. icon_rolleyes.gif

Good luck with your training event. You're going to need it.

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To clarify. Our training session will not be based off of dslyecxi's tactical guide. Yes it is nice to see other teams trying to function in ArmA's pool of bf2 kiddies. Rather than search out globalsecurity and its, up to 50 year old information, we have something a little more up to date. Perhaps we can get together sometime Icebreaker and go over some stuff.

It's typically a bad sign when a group has to slam someone else to try to make themselves look good.  crazy_o.gif It's even worse when they resort to hyperbole to try to do it (50 year old info? Haha.). Unfortunately, it's perfectly in keeping with what I have seen of your group in the past, and it is not at all surprising that you must dig at other people to try to boost yourselves.

It's a shame that your group does not appear to have changed since you made your initial terrible first impression with the ArmA community.  icon_rolleyes.gif

Good luck with your training event. You're going to need it.

Amen. Anyways im looking forward for my Squad to play your clan in a match smile_o.gif

Maybe an Attack and Hold then after one teams won we switch Then its either an Win or a Draw.

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Someone's feeling a lil guilty. Don't recall mentioning any names. Just stay outta my posts Dslyecxi.

I remember your know it all arse from our previous incounter.

And you ain't seen shit USM bud, all you've done is start shit on forums cause thats where you reside.

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If you would like proper and detailed instruction regarding how to operate as a team and control the battlefield attend Saturday's pub training session.

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Someone's feeling a lil guilty. Don't recall mentioning any names. Just stay outta my posts Dslyecxi.

I remember your know it all arse from our previous incounter.

And you ain't seen shit USM bud, all you've done is start shit on forums cause thats where you reside.

I would like to point the quoted post out as a prime example of the kind of attitude, lack of maturity, and generally poor behavior that you can expect from the USM folks.

To those that plan to attend, you have been warned. wink_o.gif

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To clarify. Our training session will not be based off of dslyecxi's tactical guide. Yes it is nice to see other teams trying to function in ArmA's pool of bf2 kiddies. Rather than search out globalsecurity and its, up to 50 year old information, we have something a little more up to date. Perhaps we can get together sometime Icebreaker and go over some stuff.

It's typically a bad sign when a group has to slam someone else to try to make themselves look good.  crazy_o.gif It's even worse when they resort to hyperbole to try to do it (50 year old info? Haha.). Unfortunately, it's perfectly in keeping with what I have seen of your group in the past, and it is not at all surprising that you must dig at other people to try to boost yourselves.

It's a shame that your group does not appear to have changed since you made your initial terrible first impression with the ArmA community.  icon_rolleyes.gif

Good luck with your training event. You're going to need it.

Amen. Anyways im looking forward for my Squad to play your clan in a match  smile_o.gif

Maybe an Attack and Hold then after one teams won we switch Then its either an Win or a Draw.

Yeeeeaahhh lets go Matt :P

Well im unaware of the negative attitude against this clan soo im staying well out of it.

But i think this public training is a good idea thumbs-up.gif

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Dslyecxi drug a conflict from PRMM over here, that is why there is negative attitude towards us. We hosted a public training server before and gained publicty as a team that knows what they are doing. Attending the public training session will help you out more than you think even if you have read the tactical guide.

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Uh, guys.

USM is trying to better itself (I actualy used to be in it, but quit after getting slammed just for talking about them, let alone being in them) and Dslyecxi is the ArmA king (Both in his gude and many awesome videos and his ShackTac team).

I would have thought nowadays, with your tactics guides and Training Sessions, you would be hand in hand helping eachother better the guide and the actual operations.

*Turns into a hippy*

Lets just all be friends! huh.gif

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Dslyecxi drug a conflict from PRMM over here, that is why there is negative attitude towards us. We hosted a public training server before and gained publicty as a team that knows what they are doing. Attending the public training session will help you out more than you think even if you have read the tactical guide.

My issues with you and your group stem from your behavior on the ArmA forums and nothing else. I didn't even find out about your PR history until after our first exchange. If I were you, I wouldn't even bring up Project Reality - you're not going to help your case any by making people aware of the impression you made in that community. wink_o.gif

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So moving on........ I hope a lot of people attend so ArmA can be played the way it was ment to.

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..without adding too much fuel to the fire....... nener.gif

1. a quotation from USM-75R.Hspd |XO|'s original post

"...Numbers help us demonstrate cordination between fireteams."

I think the word you're finding elusive is "coordination"

2. a quotation from another USM-75R.Hspd |XO| post

"I remember your know it all arse from our previous incounter."

here the grammatical lapse would be "encounter"

3. and last but not least by USM-75R.Spyder

"So moving on........ I hope a lot of people attend so ArmA can be played the way it was ment to."

I do believe you "meant" well..... tounge2.gif

It would appear Dslyecxi, that based simply on their grammatical prowess alone, the USM presence on this thread have proven your point!   nener.gif  I for one, would rather trust a tactician who is able to spell.

see you on the flipside!

"the Wise learn to swim, by watching Fools drown."  -- the Monk

"thank GOD for the multitude of Fools."  -- the Monk

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wow, can we get on with the purpose. Congrats monk you proved you are a bigger nerd than I am. I'm military, my brain says "kill" not "spell encounter right". The training day is not meant to promote our team nor was it originally meant to bash Dslyecxi's little tactical guide. It was to further advance the publics knowledge on tactics and procedures. Monk if grammar really bugs your ass so much, then don't bother reading this forum as this is not to discuss my grammar. If I do not recieve at least 20 people willing to attend Saturday's training, I will scrub it, and yall can learn from dslyecxi's half ass shit. We gain enough recruits daily to not have to worry bout hosting an even to try and better the public view of the game. Once again, back to the topic.

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Hspd, you're contracting yourself a bit in the thread. I suppose I should point it out for those that haven't been paying attention.

Quote[/b] ]Rather than search out globalsecurity and its, up to 50 year old information, we have something a little more up to date.

I replied to that, since it was obvious you were referring to my work. You replied with:

Quote[/b] ]Someone's feeling a lil guilty. Don't recall mentioning any names.

Which is, quite frankly, a bald-faced lie. Proof? Your own forum post about this topic, where you use the same bizarre "50+ year old" terminology. Quoting from your forum, where you deemed fit to post a stickied topic decrying my tactics guide for some unknown reason:

Quote[/b] ]His information seems mainly based off of globalsecurity.com's information of which some information dates back to the early 1940's.

I'll refrain from posting the rest of it, since it's basically just an angry, bitter rant brought on by... well, I don't know.

Anyway, the point is that you claim innocence in making a dig at me, when it's quite clear from the evidence that you have a serious grudge against me and feel threatened by the tactics guide. This doesn't exactly make you look all that great.

Contradiction number two. What is this event about? Teaching the community (doubtful) or recruiting (likely)? I present the following quote:

Quote[/b] ]The training day is not meant to promote our team

And yet, later on, you talk about scrubbing it and then cite that you "gain enough recruits daily" to not have to worry about having a training day. Gee, that sure does make it sound like a recruitment effort disguised as training! icon_rolleyes.gif

And yet again we see you taking a shot at a tactics guide that has received nothing but praise from the community since its release. Quoting:

Quote[/b] ]yall can learn from dslyecxi's half ass shit.

I think any ArmA player would be better served by reading my "half ass shit" than attending any kind of "training" (cough cough recruitment cough cough) event put together by the likes of you. icon_rolleyes.gif

Hopefully the community can see through your act, or at the very least observe your behavior in this thread and draw the appropriate conclusions from it.

I would hate to think that anyone would show up to your "training" (recruitment) event and be as badly burned by it as they're likely to be. Judging by your own forum post about it, not only do you not recruit the best of players, but you're complete dicks about trying to make people look bad because they no longer had time to play with you. It's disgustingly petty and is another prime example of your general approach towards the ArmA scene.

Why don't you just scrub this "training" (recruitment) now and save everyone the heartache? Or you can keep it going, attempt to spite me, and sprout a whole new batch of USM-haters after they have to deal with your shit. There's a reason your group is not welcome in the Project Reality community, and it looks like you're on track to repeat your earlier mistakes here.

To those considering this "training" (recruitment), consider this. There are many great communities that have sprung up around ArmA. Many of the top-name ones from the past have transitioned over or are transitioning over (ie 6th Sense), quality new ones are forming, and there is a huuuge selection of groups that you can join up with. Shop around. My recommendation is to be extremely wary of USM, based on the behavior I have personally witnessed both in these forums, in PMs with their members, and on their own forums. If you want to play with a mature group of people who deserve and get respect based on their merit as a player and their ability to be a good person, instead of by demanding respect and treating members like shit, you would do well to avoid USM and seek out a different group.

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I know USM, and despite this forum BS they are great people to play with and are mature folks. People should drop the forum warrior stuff as its really lame. Typically there are 2 battlefields, in game and on the forums; people should know they are seperate icon_rolleyes.gif . What I think what pissed highspeed off is the fact that someone came in and possibly tried to hijack his thread with his own "training" thingy, which was kinda lame I must admit.

Anyways thats all the rant I will say for now.

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I can see this thread getting locked, but on the topic at hand, I'll see if I can make it. Always good to learn new things.

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I'm military, my brain says "kill" not "spell encounter right".

Hmm...guess you must be of the "jar-head" branch of the military?  I should have guessed.   tounge2.gif

"the Wise learn to swim, by watching Fools drown." -- the Monk

"thank GOD for the multitude of Fools." -- the Monk

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Whether you attend our training session or not I don't care. I will say that if you don't you will miss out on things that no other team that I've ever heard of had though to opt in. Thats all I'm going to say. Nice work at turning another one of my threads into a flame post, you pose.

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My opinion currently is that I love to see a guy like Dslyecxi give help to community players with his dedication to ArmA, although he works primarily on other BIS projects. Before ArmA I read his fun AARs and loved the WGL action.

So, where is your "contribution to the community", USM? :]

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