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USM-75R.Hspd -XO-

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I wouldn't say Dslyecxi's TTP was composed of 50 year old information.

Hspd was using hyperbole to try to help his case. The reason they don't get specific about this mythical "50 year old" information is because it isn't in the guide. It's the only way he can attempt to devalue the guide. I take that as a compliment, though... to have to resort to such ugly hyperbole means that you couldn't think of anything legitimate to say instead. wink_o.gif

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Dslyecxi, maturity is not a double standard. Please read my previous post, and stop posting in this thread. Your really wasting your time right now. As I said, I wish you well but good-bye.

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Dslyecxi, maturity is not a double standard. Please read my previous post, and stop posting in this thread. Your really wasting your time right now. As I said, I wish you well but good-bye.

Spyder, I'm not directing any of my posts to you. Someone raised a question and I addressed it. I think you're under the impression that because a post concerns your group, that you somehow can dictate who can and cannot post in the thread.

Your buddy used some lame hyperbole to hype your group. I'm calling you on it. Others are calling you on it. You've obviously made up your mind to ignore it and pretend that it's not a problem, but that doesn't mean that I or anyone else has to ignore it.

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Its over now, all you are doing now is proving how much of a glutten for conflict you are. Time to drop it and get back on topic.

If you are going to attend the training tomorrow please note that you will be asked to show up in teamspeak in order to get the password to the server. Our Teamspeak IP is ts.usmsquad.com:8767 show up at 1200pm EST and act maturely, things will go fine, and you will learn something. Later all.

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