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operation madman

complait to bis

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I feel like i amunder adictartship in the website!! it is very opreesive.lol.. come down on the rules you are not running a goverment here! i know peopledont use the search engine and you close evrything up that issimular but do we have to spend all that time looking for it?

hury!! this topic is going to be closed becuase it made the dictarship goverment mad!!

i am jokin of course but i do feel i am as if a dictaership here.

forgot all the typos, to lazy to fix them.

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I feel like i amunder adictartship in the website!! it is very opreesive.lol.. come down on the rules you are not running a goverment here! i know peopledont use the search engine and you close evrything up that issimular but do we have to spend all that time looking for it?

hury!! this topic is going to be closed becuase it made the dictarship goverment mad!!

i am jokin of course but i do feel i am as if a dictaership here.

forgot all the typos, to lazy to fix them.


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I personally think it's the way every forum should be.


x2 (not really)

I think they should let the topics die or thriwe freely, and lock topics that deserve to be locked.

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operation madman

I'll spend you a 48h vacation from this dictatorship, how does that sound to you?

You deserve +1WL for discussing how the board is moderated in the public but since it's your first issue I let you get away with a PR.

If you want to complain about a locked topic use the Ask a moderator topic or contact the Moderator by PM.


You can be sure we don't close topics here just for fun, if a topic gets locked then there's a reason for that.

I'm closing this as it just leads to more discussion and flaming.

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