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We want new info about Game 2 from BIS now!

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Don't you thing that BIS should at least us say anythings new about Game 2? Are they still working on this game or not? I don't have more patience to still waiting of new information about game 2. Why Maruk doesn't say us, of they still working on this game? Is't very hard to say us some new about it, Maruk (or Suma)?

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I'm willing to bet that "G2" is in a far to early state to make any major statements about how it'll be like, don't think BIS want to promise the community something they're not sure they can keep. That's at least my take on why they haven't said much about it yet, I could probably be wrong of course.

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BIS have several teams witch working on our projects. Prague studio working on ArmA (expansion), BIS´s HQ in Stribrna Lhota working on GAME2 and BIA working on VBS(1/2) simulation.

GAME2 is new project witch need time, GAME2 will be dynamic with new improvements - We must waiting.

Play ArmA and wait for expansion. 2008 is unreal date for GAME2, but I would like some new screens, tech alpha videos or some new informations too wink_o.gif

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im more than willing to play arma, hell its the entire reason a brought a new rig. I am more than willing towait the same time for game 2 as i did for arma if it merely equals the evolutionary gap that arma maked from ofp.

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Don't you thing that BIS should at least us say anythings new about Game 2?

No. Because there's probably nothing new to tell.

Quote[/b] ]Are they still working on this game or not?

I'm pretty sure they do.

Quote[/b] ]I don't have more patience to still waiting of new information about game 2.


Quote[/b] ]Why Maruk doesn't say us, of they still working on this game? Is't very hard to say us some new about it, Maruk (or Suma)?

Like said above, maybe because they simply don't have any news to tell?

Your topic title is totally wrong at all. It should maybe say

"Can we please have some new infos about Game2". wink_o.gif

The reply from spoock pretty much says it all.

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GAME2 is new project witch need time, GAME2 will be dynamic with new improvements - We must waiting.

Play ArmA and wait for expansion. 2008 is unreal date for GAME2, but I would like some new screens, tech alpha videos or some new informations too  wink_o.gif

I still don't understand why people seem to think Game2 is going to take so many more years of development. It has been in the works for at least 4 or 5 years now, and we saw a very alpha version of the game at E3 2005. So if BIS has been activly working on Game2 since then, its not impossible... in fact its quite plausible we could see a release in the next year and a half.

And Opteryx, durring E3 a couple years ago (and in several magazines since) we have heard about several features Game2 has promised, many of them very ambitious... so I doubt your reasoning is correct, as its far too late for that. The fact is, they have actually said quite a lot about Game2, just nothing new in the last two years... Personally I hope a progress report is around the corner somewhere. It would be really nice.

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Game2 works started in sometimes 2004. Xbox version took many times. confused_o.gif

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I'm not too fussed about waiting till 2009, 2010 or longer, but I just hope it's way more advanced, polished and has loads of great features and great AI when it does come out smile_o.gif

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W0lle sure, I can understood thath BIS have us nothings new to tell, but I thing it's time us somethings new to tell. ArmA is now overall in the World and why BIS don't make a news about game 2 (like, the game is still in development)? It will be better for Community, becouse some people (I to) would heard something new. And about my topic title, you have right. I have to hard it's written. Sorry. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Game2 works started in sometimes 2004. Xbox version took many times.  confused_o.gif

Thats actually incorrect from what I understand... I was reading threw the magazine articles and such from E3 2005, and they said the game had been in development for nearly 3 years at that time. So its likely that actual game development started in 2003,... FOUR years ago. So if it came out at the end of next year, that would be at least five years of development. Thats alot of development time... so it would be very possible to see a release next year. And any number of reasons could have contributed to the length it took for the Xbox version... dosn't mean anything when it comes to Game2.

Lets also look at the possitive side of things... if Game2 development had stopped, we would very likely know it. So its safe to assume its still kicking. Hopefully we will see info about the game around about the time of E3...

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W0lle sure, I can understood thath BIS have us nothings new to tell, but I thing it's time us somethings new to tell. ArmA is now overall in the World and why BIS don't make a news about game 2 (like, the game is still in development)? It will be better for Community, becouse some people (I to) would heard something new. And about my topic title, you have right. I have to hard it's written. Sorry. icon_rolleyes.gif

So you're saying that

1) BIS has no news

2) BIS should tell us news

Am I the only one to see the contradiction there? "Please tell us about the news you don't have".

I seem to recall BIS is still busy with ArmA making patches, you're suggesting that they abandon ArmA as-is and go on to something else?

Just wondering, that's kinda not making sense...

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Some kind of statement from BIS regarding Game2 would be good.

I am one of those people who are almost stopping playing computer games altogether. BIS could keep my interest up with little bits of information about their future products. There is a danger that no game developer will get my money anymore as I am losing interest in computer games. BIS has my acceptance over the ideology of what they are doing and thus they have the best possibility of all game developers in having a little bit of my money.

If they are interested in taking it...

For Armed Assault I would need a new computer to be able to play it with proper quality. I have refused for now to spend a lot of money in expensive hardware that I might even not use for playing games (which would mean it is a complete waste of money to buy new hardware). Game2 could be the thing that keeps me interested in playing computer games and eventually forces me to buy the new hardware?

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W0lle sure, I can understood thath BIS have us nothings new to tell, but I thing it's time us somethings new to tell. ArmA is now overall in the World and why BIS don't make a news about game 2 (like, the game is still in development)? It will be better for Community, becouse some people (I to) would heard something new. And about my topic title, you have right. I have to hard it's written. Sorry. icon_rolleyes.gif

So you're saying that

1) BIS has no news

2) BIS should tell us news

Am I the only one to see the contradiction there? "Please tell us about the news you don't have".

I seem to recall BIS is still busy with ArmA making patches, you're suggesting that they abandon ArmA as-is and go on to something else?

Just wondering, that's kinda not making sense...

You have don't me understand. I mean, thath BIS have nothings new to tell, but they can us say, WHAT is with this game. I don't expected much infos, screens and so... I would only hear a little of infos, but such things as: They still are working on this game, They say us when we get new info. Such things. BIS hase nothings new ABOUT the game to tell, but about, if they still working and so they can us tell... do you have understand now me? banghead.gif

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Quote[/b] ]You have don't me understand. I mean, thath BIS have nothings new to tell, but they can us say, WHAT is with this game. I don't expected much infos, screens and so... I would only hear a little of infos, but such things as: They still are working on this game, They say us when we get new info. Such things. BIS hase nothings new ABOUT the game to tell, but about, if they still working and so they can us tell... do you have understand now me? banghead.gif
So when you want Info, why are you kicking dust here in the forums, instead of looking at the BI Project Page about Game 2?

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This isn't BF people!

We don't need or want a new game every six months or so!

Im still happy with OFP after 6 years.

I'm just buying a new rig for ArmA. I will most likley be happy with ArmA for anouther 6 years.

Quality over quantity!

I know you said you only want info. But I mean, even weanting info on the NEXT game when ArmA is still only a baby in OFP timelines is how it leads to a constant stream of sticking crap from other devs insted of a sted plop of solid gold turd every 5 or so years by BIS!

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hahah loved your harsh gangsta thruth telling style Blazin! smile_o.gif

totally agree with you! Blazin guns Blazin! thumbs-up.gif

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This isn't BF people!

We don't need or want a new game every six months or so!

Im still happy with OFP after 6 years.

I'm just buying a new rig for ArmA. I will most likley be happy with ArmA for anouther 6 years.

Quality over quantity!

I know you said you only want info. But I mean, even weanting info on the NEXT game when ArmA is still only a baby in OFP timelines is how it leads to a constant stream of sticking crap from other devs insted of a sted plop of solid gold turd every 5 or so years by BIS!

As much as I agree with you I must say that financially and in terms of competition a 6 year interval is alot.

The competition will only increase in this genre I believe, especially now with next-gen technology hopefully bringing with it new sandbox games with vast areas.

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This isn't BF people!

We don't need or want a new game every six months or so!

Im still happy with OFP after 6 years.

I'm just buying a new rig for ArmA. I will most likley be happy with ArmA for anouther 6 years.

Quality over quantity!

I know you said you only want info. But I mean, even weanting info on the NEXT game when ArmA is still only a baby in OFP timelines is how it leads to a constant stream of sticking crap from other devs insted of a sted plop of solid gold turd every 5 or so years by BIS!

Well first of all, we haven't had a new game in nearly seven years. As far as Im concerned ArmA is not a new game at all. Its just a remake of OFP with slightly better graphics and a few engine fixes. Its hardly a "new game".

From what we have heard of Game2, it sounds like Game2 is going to be truely Next Gen and an actual "new" game. So in your theory of a new game every 5-6 years... Game2 is it. And if BIS should happen to have it ready to be released in the next year or so, there going to release it.... there not going to hold off on it becuase some people are still enjoying ArmA/OFP.

Tho Game2 was only in a very early stage back durring E3 05, its only logical to assume its come a long way since then. Its not like were asking BIS to work on a new game, or crank out games at the pace of EA, we just want info on the Game they are already working on. And don't kid yourself... if BIS had the resource and ability to crank out games every 6 months to a year, they would.

Lets also not forget the big issue here... its not cheap to release a game every 5-6 years. It was that very issue that likely led to the creation, and rush development of ArmA, and ArmAs relatively poor quality (Fixed alot threw patches, but still far from a high quality game). If ArmA was never made, and Game2 wasn't released yet... that would have been another two year of almost no income for BIS, while they are paying a full dev staff... not very smart from a bussiness stand point. ArmA helped pay the bills and keep Game2 in development.

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I just noticed this thread again and noticed how many typos I made in that last post!

Anyway, I still ain't got that new rig. But BIS's old, slightly rotten gold turd is still treating me well.

ALSO back to the first page:

BIS Started working on Game2 in 2003? Maybe THAT work went into OFP:E? Then they worked more. That went into ArmA? So if you want more advancment, you still gotta wait. Unless you want a game exactly the same as ArmA but with a little bit of different content and a new name?

I can see why so many companies nowadays just spew out titles every 4 or 5 months. Cause its "What the people want" judging from the many threads I notice like these all around the gaming world.

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Well first of all, we haven't had a new game in nearly seven years. As far as Im concerned ArmA is not a new game at all. Its just a remake of OFP with slightly better graphics and a few engine fixes. Its hardly a "new game".

From what we have heard of Game2, it sounds like Game2 is going to be truely Next Gen and an actual "new" game.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'an actual "new" game'.

Whatever the developers do I wish they don't change the gameplay which is IMHO the most precious thing about OFP and now, ArmA.

I mean, better graphics and less bugs and more features for expansion are extremely welcome, but pray keep the gameplay intact...

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