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Your team must eliminate a convoy before it reaches Ortego. You will be inserting behind enemy lines, there is no information where about the enemy is but we do have scouts watching the convoys position. They will update you on its route. The best advantage point to attack the convoy will be in Corazol because any further will take you deep into enemy lines. Once you have past the yellow Neutral Zone you will be in enemy territory. Enemy reports a lot of patrols just north of corazol but there will be enemy in building and rooftops in corazol watching the border so be very careful. Tactics is a key component in completing this mission. Good Luck Soldiers.

Quote[/b] ]


-- C O N V O Y  [ S W ] --


There is a northen convoy heading to the south though corazol, it must be destroyed.

Also there is an ammo depo near banago, it also must be destroyed.



- Destroy Convoy

- Destroy Ammo Dump



- Matt Rochelle

- Slattaz

- SWAF -- [beta Testing]

- KillJoy

- Sickboy

- Karrillon

- Kronzy

- Dr Eyeball

- Norrin

- And everyone else i forgot to mention


Version History:


-Basic Design


-Advanced Design


-Improved Advanced Design

-Added Urals

-Added Group Respawn


-Improved MP Code


-Added Small Outposts Near Big Bridge

-Added Extra Ammo Creates to Corazol

-Fixed Convoy Waypoints


-Added Sickboys AI manager Scripts

-Fixed Convoy Waypoints #2nd Attempt

-Added More Units to Airbase


-Added Random Weather

-Finalized Airbase

-Updated Sickboys AI Manager Scripts

-Further Optimised MP Support


-Added A Medic

-Added Some Medic Stations Around the Area

-Added a Half Destroyed Medic BMP to Corazol

-Changed Convoys Waypoints #3rd Attempt


-Changed Route of Convoy to stop them getting stuck on bridge

-Added More Units to the convoy

-Added More Security units to the Ammo Dump


-Added Lastest Update to Sickboys AI Manager Scripts

-Updated Random Weather to KillJoys Weather system

-Changed Convoys Start Position to stop it getting stuck at bridge

-Changed Players Start Position

-Changed View Distace [FOR MP]

-Changed Terrian Height [FOR MP]


-Added MHQ Spawn

-Added Setting Options


-Removed MHQ Spawn

-Added Revive Spawn



-Added MDXAnti-Cheat Framework


-Took Out All Addons

-Updated Revive Script


-Changed Convoy Position So it does NOT take 25min to reach corazol


-Removed MDX UAV due to some small bugs

-Added Transfer Script so players can make there own groups with friends.


-Added More AI manager spawning units [inside Buildings and Aircraft]

-Updated Revive Respawn

-Added Some New Background Effects [sounds, Burned Out Vehciles so on..]


Final BETA test with SWAF. None known bugs [ release candidate public ]

DOWNLOAD!!! --> CONVOY [Version 1.15a] - Right Click Save As [removed temp]

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Reserved For some screenshots:

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Reserved For some screenshots:

Btw: Im having some trouble converting the mission.bin into a mission.sqm again can anyone help?

Mail me or upload a link and I can do it.

[email protected]

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oki Download link is now avaiable check second post.

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Well, well, well. Time to review a mission from one of our post-iest members. I'll get on it right away.  biggrin_o.gif

- EDIT: Link seems FUBAR'd. confused_o.gif

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Well, well, well. Time to review a mission from one of our post-iest members. I'll get on it right away.  biggrin_o.gif

- EDIT: Link seems FUBAR'd. confused_o.gif

Fixed it now.

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First advice:

- Make the mission file a PBO, will you?

- Where's your overview?

- "Good Luck Soldiers" is not a name, nor a place. Too Many Capitals.

- There is a Corazol you forget to capitalise in there too.

- Your briefing has ugly spaces all the way through it.

- RTB marker isn't working.


- Got a script error the instant I started the mission, something relating to player_revive.sqf. That said, I may have done something evil when I converted the folder into a PBO... everything else seems OK insofar.

Shame on your beta testers for letting these through the fence.

Will report further as I see it.

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First advice:

- Make the mission file a PBO, will you?

- Where's your overview?

- "Good Luck Soldiers" is not a name, nor a place. Too Many Capitals.

- There is a Corazol you forget to capitalise in there too.

- Your briefing has ugly spaces all the way through it.

- RTB marker isn't working.


- Got a script error the instant I started the mission, something relating to player_revive.sqf. That said, I may have done something evil when I converted the folder into a PBO... everything else seems OK insofar.

Shame on your beta testers for letting these through the fence.

Will report further as I see it.

Maybe if you play it in MP  tounge2.gif and waited that few seconds untill i added the pbo into the file lol.

*note to self: Fix Breifing

btw: the beta tested never saw that breifing i just added that last minute with some updates that why there was spaces in it becasue i never looked my self lol. i dont no why there is anyways but will be fixed in the next version which will include:

New Revive Updates

Supression Scripts

Fixed Brefing

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All good though, I'm currently having a good time laying satches for the convoy and setting my loons up, but I fear I may expose a weakness in your mission if my plan is successful.

I'll wait until the convoy arrives and then tell you whether or not my lil workaround was successful. biggrin_o.gif

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i wonder if You can bump the possible max players numbers (double) and dynamic scale AI escort and guards by choosen value ...

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i wonder if You can bump the possible max players numbers (double) and dynamic scale AI escort and guards by choosen value ...

I will do this for the next version .. Easy to do biggrin_o.gif

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i wonder if you could release a proper 1.0 of this mission, i like it but it sucked.

A) group link is like on debug mode, when i play i dont want to see all that.

b) objectives went from done to failed. (Destory the convoy).

Thats the main thing, i would change respawn system to a proper one aswell..

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thats very weird.. The GL2 info didnt come up before and neither did that error.. I will remove the link temp while i fix all bugs and what not.

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Why is convoy going to ortego? If I understand this right, front line is in Corazol. Why would there be enemy convoy to friendly areas?

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Why is convoy going to ortego? If I understand this right, front line is in Corazol. Why would there be enemy convoy to friendly areas?

Maybe becuase they are going there to set off a nuke/chemical bomb.. or what ever.. thats why you have to stop it lol.

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Not such a good idea though, my little workaround worked - I waited south of Corazol and the main road and chewed the convoy to bits with satch/M136AT4s. Still needs a bit of work, this one.

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I've noticed that the readme says 1.15 is the final version atm but the mission in the *.rar is named convoy111.sara.pbo. Is this correct?

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yeah thats just a random name i gave to the pbo as i was getting all sorts off errors after i removed the addons from it so i had to copy and paste the hole mission and save it again for when we did the ACF tests..

And in my opion there is nothing wrong with the mission.. except the breifing.. I dont make missions where you have a hero i make missions for multiple players to have a relistic great game.. working as a team trying to evade the enemy while completing objectives.. It doesnt have to have a story nor a hero.. so maybe i will keep my missions to myself and my clan in the future.

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well, dont get offended at constructive criticism.

I appreciate all works done for the community!

just one map can inspire another mapmaker to create a map, so don't stop inspiring!

It's a snowball effect, and can work both ways. You choose to withdraw to your own small community, and others may follow.

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I totaly get your point.. but thats just what im like lol.. maybe this mission will get released with my Sniper Tril Updates... in the near future after the patch.

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