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Have people stopped making new maps??

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Just wondered if anyone is making new maps, as much as i like the berzerk hold maps and Hexenkessel i was hoping to see some more maps.

I used to make maps in ofp, but i have totally forgotten how to now and dont really have the time.

Just seems each time i do a search that these are the only maps been played.

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maps or missions? theres one or two modified maps around and a ton and a half of missions

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maps or missions? theres one or two modified maps around and a ton and a half of missions

Sorry i mean missions, but apart from the coop maps i have not seen anywhere near a ton and a half maps that you mention.

When i search for hold maps, as said in my first post. I just seem to come across the berserk hold maps.

If its CTF i look for, its usually an hexenkessel, or some MCY map that pops up.

I would appreciate if you could tell me what sever you are going to that has all the maps you write about.


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maps or missions? theres one or two modified maps around and a ton and a half of missions

Sorry i mean missions, apart from the coop maps i have not seen anywhere near a ton and a half.

Then play the coops. There's not going to be much variation in CTF and other PvP missions anyway, at least coops never get repetative.

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My ultimate DM pack is two maps short of release, hold on for a bit longer.

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My ultimate DM pack is two maps short of release, hold on for a bit longer.

Nice one celery look forward to it. Can you or anyone tell me where to get that little program that allows me to depbo some missions, that way i can do some missions by the copy and paste command. Saves me having to type all the ammo creates and that. Also does anyone know where i can get a list of the buildings from.

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i must admit i stoped making missions recently because im waiting for a better patch.. better addons, better island, and so on..

i want better inspirations.. more realism on the game it self..

untill then.. i wait for a better patch.

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i must admit i stoped making missions recently because im waiting for a better patch.. better addons, better island, and so on..

i want better inspirations.. more realism on the game it self..

untill then.. i wait for a better patch.

The bugs and missing features are keeping some of my maps on the dry dock as well.

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the memory leaking that was mentioned while ago is still present in arma and it doesn't let me use the full power of my specs and the game it self.

im still waiting for some miracle to fix this issue..

though i think they already mentioned in the Engine Change Log

Quote[/b] ]5138 - Fixed: Measures implemented to avoid textures being placed in AGP, which often caused degraded performance after prolonged playing.

can't wait to see what they improve in 1.07

Till then.. no missions for the community from me.

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i must admit i stoped making missions recently because im waiting for a better patch.. better addons, better island, and so on..

i want better inspirations.. more realism on the game it self..

untill then.. i wait for a better patch.

The bugs and missing features are keeping some of my maps on the dry dock as well.

All i am looking for is a good infantry hold only map. Somthing about 3-4-5 sectors in the urban areas, or where there is plenty of cover to take these bases.

I would make them myself if i could, like i did in ofp. My clan mates keep asking why is nobody making this type of map. They like the game but say they are a little bored now that there isn't such missions.

Am i and my clan the only ones here that would like a good even infantry only hold maps?

I know this isn't battlefield 2, but how popular is Karkland for battlefield 2. Just minus the tanks in this game and we have somthing good.

Please someone make this map.



Just seen the last post about somone not wanting to make missions, so now i see the reason why. FFS BIS nice one. Hope you finally get your game together after 6 months of waiting. Patch 107 miracle i bet not.

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I can't speak for every mission maker but personally, probably the reason why there aren't a lot of PvP missions, it's much easier to make coops and, let's face it a lot more fun for the mission maker. PvP missions are especially a pain to test because you have to get a lot of people together and for people who don't hang around in clans that's often difficult.

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probably the reason why there aren't a lot of PvP missions, it's much easier to make coops and, let's face it a lot more fun for the mission maker.

I heavily disagree with that.

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We have around 30 missions, about half of them are PvP (our latest fetish)... we'll release them when they're ready and almost bugless wink_o.gif

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I guess a lot of mission makers hesitate to release their mission since they are not bug free - due to bugs in ArmA.

Half of the community will now jump on me, but I got even problems with RTS-4 maps. After join I could 2 times not move, means somehow I had kind of "free look" enabled. Only leaving the the server and join again solved it, toggling via L-Alt did work fine again after rejoin. It happend on different servers and I am not sure that this is a mission bug.

2166 in BTS is not solved, means a lot of mission elements can not be implemented.

The usual mission maker tries to use standard addons - but what came with vanilla ArmA? To poor for some missions:

- missing tank-comm-optic-zoom/makes comm-position somehow useless for human players

- dirty optics general/makes Striker/BRDM and all Tanks really useless on long distance

- very careless assembled configs in general, some weapons in ArmA are really hard to use and far from real behavior

If I would be a mission maker I would also wait with the release since a part of the blame will fall back on him - justified or not.

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I´m working on a mission for the duration of 2 patches now and it simply has to be adjusted every time a new patch is applied simply because ArAs behaves different and/or AI does behave different. Workarounds to iron out ArAs bugs have to be removed when a new patch arrives or other workarounds have to be implemented because of the patches. Imo ArAs is just not complete enough right now to have complex scenarios steadily running. CTF, CH, PVP, no big deal, but complex SP missions or complex Coop missions need to have a stable and halfway finished platform first. While the current version of my mission may work great with the actual ArAs version it will behave dumb in aspects after the next patch.

I´m having hopes for the 1.07 patch. Maybe this will be some kind of version that will be working stable for a while, but from the changelog I still see a lot of things that are not fixed. sad_o.gif

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ive tried to go back to map making but im having real probs with pre-processing (time to kick those nasty scripts to the kurb!wink_o.gif, I have made a CTF map that runs FINE on a local server AND a local DEDICATED server but crashes when it is selected on a live public server (GGX server). This has put me off somewhat.

Aside from that i am no longer at Uni which means i cant spend days at a time putting maps together (aaahh the joys of the real world!wink_o.gif

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i make lots of missions but maybe 1-5 % of them i release to public somewhere i made a great coop imo and my friend tells me its impossible but give it a spinn pilots try to get out of 2 small islands back to a base at mainland http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=62211

Hmm maybe i should make a pvp version of it but i think the mission is almost impossible for the pilots cause they always get killed biggrin_o.gif also a small team of navy seals can be played but somebody needs to play pilots to make them move and they are needed to call the extraction chopper. smile_o.gif

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For me the biggest obstacle is the static object position bug, they stay in their default places and move nowhere. Also it's troubling that some important objects don't even have classnames listed.

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Here a salute to all mission/addon/island makers which still working on ArmA content, they have a patience and fault tolerance that I would like to have.

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Moving to MP, seems more appropriate.

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