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Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

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Hi to all


Well i was in coop with King Tiger and his team BUT....

well he started a WW1 mod for ArmA

so i am alone again

well not really ATSTwalker is still a helping hand to me

We need something (we need alot of stuff)

We need Dutch weapons of WW2 like this nice peace

Lewis 1915 MG


Mannlicher M95 carbine (steyr?)


Standart Model


Model 3 new type



m25 browing

Armored Car

this are the SPECS (it is in dutch sorry for that)



Fabrikant:  A.B. Landsverk te Landskrona (Zweden)

In de bewapening:  periode 1936 - 1940

Aantal:  26 (12 M.36, 12 M.38, 2 M.38 commando)

Indeling:  1 Esk Paw, 2 Esk Paw

Taak:  Verkenning, beveiliging (op flanken en vleugels), onderhouden van verband, snel verplaatsbare vuur-reserve, ter ondersteuning van de infanterie en in vredestijd bij binnenlandse onlusten ter ondersteuning van de politie.

Optiek:  Nedinsco te Venlo

Bewapening:  1 kanon 37 mm. geleverd door Bofors (semi-automatisch met een electrische- en mechanische afvuurinrichting), 3 mitrailleurs M.20 (7.9 mm.)

Munitie:  brisant en pantserbrisantgranaten

Bemanning:  5 man (2 chauffeurs, 2 schutters, commandant)

Gevechtsgewicht:  ca. 7000 kg.

LxBxH:  5.87 x 2.24 x 2.33 m.

Chassis & motor:  Daimler-Benz (M.36), Büssing NAG (M.38)

Motorvermogen:  150 pk

Actieradius:  306 km.

Max. snelheid:  ca. 60 km/u vooruit, ca. 40 km/u achteruit

Pantsering:  toren: 9 mm., rest 5 mm.

Bijzonderheden:  2 stuurinrichtingen en twee bestuurders; beschikte niet over radio of intercom; vast onderstel en carrosserie.

a link to the the Armor car it is in dutch

Landsverk M.36 / M.38 - Pantserwagen

what do we have?

a soldier and a very cool one


Well my job was doing INTEL and i did!

we need more men to help us!

JOBS avalible:



Island-builder (we gonna need Dutch maps)


My E-mail [email protected]

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Landsverk M36 and M38

here is a translation of the info about the Landsverk M36 and M38



Fabrikant: A.B. Landsverk te Landskrona (Zweden)

In de bewapening: periode 1936 - 1940

Aantal: 26 (12 M.36, 12 M.38, 2 M.38 commando)

Indeling: 1 Esk Paw, 2 Esk Paw

Taak: Verkenning, beveiliging (op flanken en vleugels), onderhouden van verband, snel verplaatsbare vuur-reserve, ter ondersteuning van de infanterie en in vredestijd bij binnenlandse onlusten ter ondersteuning van de politie.

Optiek: Nedinsco te Venlo

Bewapening: 1 kanon 37 mm. geleverd door Bofors (semi-automatisch met een electrische- en mechanische afvuurinrichting), 3 mitrailleurs M.20 (7.9 mm.)

Munitie: brisant en pantserbrisantgranaten

Bemanning: 5 man (2 chauffeurs, 2 schutters, commandant)

Gevechtsgewicht: ca. 7000 kg.

LxBxH: 5.87 x 2.24 x 2.33 m.

Chassis & motor: Daimler-Benz (M.36), Büssing NAG (M.38)

Motorvermogen: 150 pk

Actieradius: 306 km.

Max. snelheid: ca. 60 km/u vooruit, ca. 40 km/u achteruit

Pantsering: toren: 9 mm., rest 5 mm.

Bijzonderheden: 2 stuurinrichtingen en twee bestuurders; beschikte niet over radio of intercom; vast onderstel en carrosserie.


Landverk m.36 made in Sweden

In use at the Dutch forces: 1936 - 1940

Numbers in use: 26 (12 M.36, 12 M.38, 2 M.38 commando)

Groups: 2 groups the firsth PAW and the secondth PAW

Role in battle: Recon, Surrport of infantry and airforce and rapid deployment.

Guns: 1 Canon 37mm semi-automatic, 3 MG m.20 (7.9mm).

Ammo: regulair and AT-ammo

Crew: 5 men (2 drivers, 2 gunners and 1 commander)

full weight: 7000KG

Size: 5.87 x 2.24 x 2.33 m

Armor: Turret 9mm other 5 mm.

Speed: 60KM/h forward and 40 KM/h backward


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pretty sure there's not allready an m95 around?

itried Vilas mod and or weapons pack, i can't find them huh.gif

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In East: Vilas WW1, the Austrian army have the M95 for the soldier and the M95 carabine.

In the West side, Vilas WW1, you can find the uk soldier mg with the Lewis mg.

lewis mg: weapon "vilewis"; magazine "vilewism"

M95 rifle: weapon "vimanlicherl"; magazine "vimanr"

M95 carabine: weapon "vimanlicher"; magazine "vimanr"

Browming hp: weapon "vihp"; magazine "vihp"

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I will build a Landsverk when I get 3D Max again. It's on my things-I-want-to-model list with some others...

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Any chance of porting it to arma lads ?

That's where most players are I guess wink_o.gif


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Any chance of porting it to arma lads ?

That's where most players are I guess  wink_o.gif


well ArmA doesn't run on my pc

and i stay with OFP and ATSTwalker has a cool Fallschirmjager mod.

my personel

i collect WW2 stuff and i am collecting a fallschrimjager uniform dated 1940

and when it is complete I promissed atstwalker pics of it for new textures\


i have all kind of errors


what have you downloaded? i don't wanne have almost 150 mb of unnessery addons when only needed a few...

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The main difference between the Austrian and Dutch rifles?

Austrian rifles had various kinds of straight pull bolts. One type (the 1895) had a bolt with a rotating bolt head. The shooter only had to pull the bolt back. The bolt head was the only thing that rotated, through grooves. There has been an experimental carbine with the same system from 1890.

Dutch rifles had a rotating bolt of the Mauser type. The shooter had to rotate the bolt up and then pull it back. The evaluation commission called it the rifle with the German type of bolt.

The Mannlicher name comes from the system devised by Mannlicher the clips holding 5 cartridges.

Some carbines:


The helmet doesn't look right yet. You know this site?


Love to see more. Got some books on the weapons.

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Please do not hotlink images over 100kb.

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"We have permission to use Vilas addons for the Dutch Amry!

Thank you Vilas and Sander!


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Vilas gave his kind permission to reuse the M95 rifle and carbine as well as the Lewis and Schwarzlose machine guns from his existing addon packs. There are some alterations required to suit the specific Dutch versions of these weapons thuigh, so it will take some time before that is made available. The infantry figure also requires work before it can be used.



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That was why I wanted to have a look at the current situation of the weapons pack. But I think the Lowlands Mod has the experience to make weapons. I don't.

I suppose you have the sources like "Nederlandse vuurwapens, 1895-1940, Landmacht en luchtvaartafdeling" by de Vries and Martens.

Anybody with pictures of farmhouses, sheds, haystacks and houses in de Gelderse Vallei en Utrechtse Heuvelrug. And dimensions of those objects. And sources for textures. As I am totally green to the textures part.

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I have been searching for dutch songs of 1940 and beforce

Well i found 1!

Op de Grebbeberg-1940 of Willy huh.gif

well i have more costum sounds like Luftwaffe Songs for the Fallschirmjagers.

I was Wondering is it possible to put music/sounds in an Addon like music.pbo

I know how to put custom music/sounds in a mission like:



class CfgMusic




jade, blink


class jade


name = "jade";

sound[] = {\music\jade.ogg, db+0, 1.0};


class blink


name = "blink";

sound[] = {\music\blink.ogg, db+0, 1.0};



I don't wanne create a 12 MB mission file

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