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Arma rapid cooperative

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after watching VBS2 promo move with Real time editor i wanted to have something like this for ARMA too.

I tried to recreate this, but before i spend some days(weeks) i have to know if some1 is interested in haveing this. And also if BI is not against this (coz its their idea).

Here you have little example what im trying to do:

Link to youtube:

New video (version alpha 003):

Another video - simple and quick mission created in Arma RTE v005:


On video there is little error with cursor.

Also titletext command makes error, but ive repaired this.

New version a006 28 04 2007


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


-GM has his marker (movable by radio alpha and mapclick) allowing to spawn units, objects and waypoints.

- corrected camera

- added some items

- picking up ammo has beendisabled for GM

- many smaller changes

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

Things to do :

- linking objects to scripts (fe IED explosion, or parachuting) k

- check (make) MP compatibility k/dk

-creating list of all units spawned ingame k/dk

k- i know how to do this

dk - dont know - little help will be needed

Please say what do you think, tell me your ideas. Correct me if im making mistakes.


So many ppl r interested in this project so ill continue this.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

Things done:

- adding IED ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Improvised_explosive_device) to fuelstations, and some other objects [CHANGED IN NEW VERSIONS]

- adding units to sides (without any limits)

- you can spawn any vehicle(also tracked and air)

- part of buildings (from this list : http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_CfgVehicles#Static_Class_Vehicles )

- adding ammoboxes

New in 003

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

- Creating object in positions that we want

- moving last object

- removing object (:D )

- not working buildings has been removed

- only GM has access to spawn menu

New in 004:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

- you can tp to teamLeaders, tp them to you, and send them objects.

- moving(rotating objects)

- now you can tell exacly where object has to be.

New version a005 (27 04 2007)

You have asked about entering this Game master menu just while being  civilain (GM) press 0(zero) three times.

Little tut.:

-To add some AI to any side chose AI amount (from 1 to 10), then side (East, wEST AND rES) and pres spawn.

To spawn object press button with east on the beggining and spawn. From new window chose type and click create.

You can move/rotate last spawned object in Edit object menu.

You can Teleport yourselve to side leaders, also you can tp them to you. To move last created object to any side leader just press Move object.

For now GM master can be killed.

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Wow this will be amazing.. I say keep working if you get this pulled off you will be loved bye everyone inlove.gifbiggrin_o.gif


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Fantastic work! Combining a flexible camera POV and the ability to create objects in specific locations would be excellent smile_o.gif

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I agree, it would be fantastic.

Could be used as a kind of "game master" function in multiplayer.

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HqPL that looks awsome!

i wanted a script that lets you act as a kind of "game master" allowing you to look around using a free camera and create objects and units on the fly and issue orders to the AI.

if you make it so the camera and script can be turned on and off then it would also be possible for the game master to activly play a role as a pilot or squad commander (perhaps using respawn so they are always alive) against other players. this is what ive always wanted to do. yay.gif

theres no way a co-op mission with the mission maker also acting as the enemy AI's commanding officer could suck biggrin_o.gif

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New version 26 april 2007

Its sill alpha version, many things are to do. Especialy i have to make this script MP compatible, and i have to add some Ifs, to make this more stable.

To try it just download the newest version (a004) from :


Than put it to your arma/(MP)missions directory.

New in 004:

Code Sample

- you can tp to teamLeaders, tp them to you, and send them objects.

- moving(rotating objects)

- now you can tell exacly where object has to be.

Im still waiting for ideas(corrections)!

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It looks that RTE video inspired many people, because I'm also working on something similar. But I have done only interface and camera system.

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Its nice to hear that Gaia, btw i have working camera since yesterday ( heh) and now im working with images on background.

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Why don't you 2 collaborate on the project?

If you communitcate clearly and have at least semi-compatible living schedules, you can cover ground much more quickly toghether than you can as individuals.

I would start by just talking to each other via some IM service or other and finding out if your goals views and skill levels are similiar enough that you can form a working relationship.

Also, as a bonus, you guys wouldn't have scrounge around for a person to help with tests until you are ready to do something like an open/closed beta or something.

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again good stuff HqPL smile_o.gif

im still following this project with great interrest. im hoping someone finds a way to create vechicles properly in multiplayer

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Wow this could be useful wow_o.gif

Is it possible to integrate this to the mission editor somehow, with the ability to switch between 3D and normal editor?

Sorry if I am purely speculating, I didn’t try it yet.

Keep up the good work

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Its similar to original editor, but you can add units in real time in mission.

In the newest version(not in public) i have implemented creation waypoints, spawning objects in 3d and on the map and much more wink_o.gif

but its still sp compatible only.

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This is geat! notworthy.gif

Quote[/b] ]Why don't you 2 collaborate on the project?

If you communitcate clearly and have at least semi-compatible living schedules, you can cover ground much more quickly toghether than you can as individuals.

Listen to the vise man, and keep up the good work.

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Our projects r not the same, but dont worry maybe soon ill release totally new(rebuild from beggining, with "little" help) version.

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