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mouse moving the weapon

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Can we adjust or make it go away?

From moving weapon from side to side like a real fps shooter?..Because this is really crap that they have made it like this.....

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It's hard to tell what exactly you are talking about. If you mean the floating zone, go into your control options and move the slider all the way to the left.

I don't see what's so bad about it, I like it on.

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If you mean the 'drag'/'delay' or whatever, set 'flip queu size' (Ati) or 'Render frames ahead' (Nvidia, classic control panel, only accessible in XP) to 0. If it still doesnt work, force vsync off.

Blame the person who thought that 3 as a default value was good. tounge2.gif

EDIT: How many times have i posted this? 1132 or 1133 times? yay.gif

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There is an option in the controls menu for it. It's a slider called 'floating zone' or something. Reduce that to zero.

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Yes..thank you so much plaintiff1...I can't imagine what they were thinking when the added that in the game..Well thanks again..One less problem to worry about...

What kinda system must you really have to fully enjoy this game??? Like a quad cpu and two 8800 GTX and the fastest 2gb dual kit ram set around??

My system is the following:

A8N32-SLI deluxe (not running SLI)

AMD X2 4600+ 2.4Ghz

2 Gb dual kit ram

8800 GTX

And I get 18-35..and 35 fps is max..

And I am only running 1680*1050 and high...

How do I turn off HDR?

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you can't turn off HDR, it's integral to the game and how things are rendered and shown.

the 8800 has had a few problems with ArmA and alot of games actually. It's the price you pay for buying a first build of the next generation cards (hence why I saved myself £200 and bought a lesser card till the next, cheaper and better batch come out)

also, are you running XP or Vista? I'd suggest you take a few moments to search these forums, as there are 100's of threads detailing problems with 8800 and solutions and how to get your fps up - i run a lesser system to yours, but seem to get better fps that what you're posting, with similiar settings (although not that resolution)

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Yes..thank you so much plaintiff1...I can't imagine what they were thinking when the added that in the game..Well thanks again..One less problem to worry about...

Did you completely skip my reply or what? The first one here and I gave you the solution icon_rolleyes.gif

As for "what they were thinking": It has been there since Flashpoint and many people (including me) like it.

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The floating zone for the weapon toggle is a great feature, i tried without it for a while but it just felt like playing something else..

It also gives the player the small advantage of doing minimal movement (animation) while aiming sometimes wink_o.gif .

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So sorry Maddmatt..thank you so much as well notworthy.gif

And for you Messiah..I am running xp..

I am not getting vista before in 6 months time or so..

Hopefully till then they have official drivers for everything and fixed mostly of things in vista...

So 8800 GTX have issues with Arma..damn...So that is why I am getting this lousy performance?

[/code]The floating zone for the weapon toggle is a great feature, i tried without it for a while but it just felt like playing something else..

I really really hate it....

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8800's have issues with alot of games - something about the drivers etc - it may have been fixed since I last checked, but the obvious reccomendation is to ensure you have the latest ones etc.

and I completely agree about vista - I'm doing the same, and once I get it, I'll be getting my DX10 card too smile_o.gif

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Yes..thank you so much plaintiff1...I can't imagine what they were thinking when the added that in the game..Well thanks again..One less problem to worry about...

What kinda system must you really have to fully enjoy this game??? Like a quad cpu and two 8800 GTX and the fastest 2gb dual kit ram set around??

My system is the following:

A8N32-SLI deluxe (not running SLI)

AMD X2 4600+ 2.4Ghz

2 Gb dual kit ram

8800 GTX

And I get 18-35..and 35 fps is max..

And I am only running 1680*1050 and high...

How do I turn off HDR?

I like that feature and I, personally, leave it on default. It doesn't make much sense with the crosshairs, but with the ironsights I like it. It allows me to keep the weapon out of where I'm looking until I shoot.

I would say that I fully enjoy this game. My system is similar to yours in many respects but the graphics card(s). I've got an a8r32 deluxe crossfire board. Unfortunately, this game doesn't allow crossfire, so I'm running on one 256k graphics card. I run most settings on low except shaders and post processing on high. I have an average fps of 30, which is good enough, and the graphics still look quite good. There is no hardware on the market that can max out all settings.

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Yes..thank you so much plaintiff1...I can't imagine what they were thinking when the added that in the game..Well thanks again..One less problem to worry about...

Probably because that's how you move with a rifle in real life. You hold the weapon to your shoulder in a firm grip and make the corrections with your arms and torso, you only move your whole body if you're completely changing direction of aiming.

But you have to agree they where thinking, because they made it optional. Good for you, good for me.

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Annnndd that's why the slider exists.  biggrin_o.gif

Drats, Dallas.. Beat me again!

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I can't imagine what they were thinking when the added that in the game..

Probably something along the lines of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." This was one of OFP's most loved & distinguishing infantry features, and still is in ArmA. As for when they added it, well that would be way back before OFP was released, and then they were probably thinking it was a marvelously realistic touch... that's what I would have thought. I don't know about you, but my arms aren't fused to my head, it's nice being able to move them around seperately. If you ask me, more developers need to stray from old traditions and look into this excellent feature. After so many happy memories of my floating weapon cursor I can't see any sense in not having it in any game that attempts to properly simulate infantry combat. So on the contrary, what were those guys at <insert dev of any recent FPS here> thinking?

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So sorry Maddmatt..thank you so much as well notworthy.gif

And for you Messiah..I am running xp..

I am not getting vista before in 6 months time or so..

Hopefully till then they have official drivers for everything and fixed mostly of things in vista...

So 8800 GTX have issues with Arma..damn...So that is why I am getting this lousy performance?

[/code]The floating zone for the weapon toggle is a great feature, i tried without it for a while but it just felt like playing something else..

I really really hate it....

Your getting great performance most cards do 10 FPS at that res. Only the 8800 can pump out 30 stable.

ARMA like supreme commander just eats a 8800 and laughs..

Either drop visuals settings down.

Or drop screen res.

I can run arma fully maxed at 1280x1024, at 1600x1024 I have to drop some visual settings down to never go below 30 FPS.

post process Low VD 2 Km, etc ensure smooth game play for Multiplayer flysing and sniping.

Im running an OC'ed 8800 GTX by the way

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I can't imagine what they were thinking when the added that in the game..

Probably something along the lines of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." This was one of OFP's most loved & distinguishing infantry features, and still is in ArmA. As for when they added it, well that would be way back before OFP was released, and then they were probably thinking it was a marvelously realistic touch... that's what I would have thought. I don't know about you, but my arms aren't fused to my head, it's nice being able to move them around seperately. If you ask me, more developers need to stray from old traditions and look into this excellent feature. After so many happy memories of my floating weapon cursor I can't see any sense in not having it in any game that attempts to properly simulate infantry combat. So on the contrary, what were those guys at <insert dev of any recent FPS here> thinking?

You can turn it off, or add track ir and make it horribly realistic!

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It shows that Bohemia are intelligent developers in the fact that the floating zone is definable. I personally only found the feature today (after owning the game for months thats pretty embarassing) and have to say its sooooo much more intuitive for me when removed. Id call myself and FPS veteran and ArmA was really unnatural for me in the begining, I know of many people that tried the demo and were turned off the game entirely because of it.

IMHO i think the game should label this feature a little better I mean floating zone means little to most people (myself included till today) and placing it immediatly below the joystick toggle button initially made me believe it was for setting the dead zone on the joystick wow_o.gif

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First thing I do when I buy a game is to reconfigure my controls(well after I've installed it d'oh) to get the best and most intuitive settings and to learn exactly what this game allows you to do. I checked my settings, found the floating lever and tested it. After the test I decided to play with max settings.

People check your settings before you join a game. Questions such as: 'how do I go prone', should always be answered with: 'press alt-F4.'  wink_o.gif

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First thing I do when I buy a game is to reconfigure my controls(well after I've installed it d'oh) to get the best and most intuitive settings and to learn exactly what this game allows you to do. I checked my settings, found the floating lever and tested it. After the test I decided to play with max settings.

People check your settings before you join a game. Questions such as: 'how do I go prone', should always be answered with: 'press alt-F4.' wink_o.gif

Agree 100%.

Also I like the floating crosshair too, it allows you to move your aiming point without disturbing your view or slightly rotating your body while prone which makes the game look more realistic to anyone viewing you.

Unfortunately due to the placement of the weapon waaay in the far corner of the view, the lack of M203 sights (I play without crosshair), and the inability to face certain directions exactly (drill and ceremony, yeah it's nerdy but oh well) so I play with 0 bounding box, but I should definitely return it to the old OFP glory style.

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BIS better read this and take notice. Alot of the complaints about lag and other user problems are related to the floating zone on the mouse. The original verison (I own German version) 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc did not even have a setting for the floating zone to adjust. When the UK version released it finally had he option.

I just wish people and BIS would realise that this setting makes this game feel different for most people. They cant quite figure out what wrong but the game just feels funny to them.

I myself like a little bit of the floating zone but not as much as the default BIS setting is. If they would just lower the default setting more people wouldnt just give up on arma. When they see/feel this mouse lag, they either think it their computer is lagging(hardware), or they think the game is just wacked.

I have played OFP since 2001 and the floating zone in that game was not as bad as Arma. Add in that alot of peoples pc's arent up to spec's and the floating zone and it makes the players feel like there is something wrong.


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Quote[/b] ]I just wish people and BIS would realise that this setting makes this game feel different for most people. They cant quite figure out what wrong but the game just feels funny to them.
Quote[/b] ]If they would just lower the default setting more people wouldnt just give up on arma

I totally agree. If I was the developer this setting would be disabled by default but I would re-position it and rename it better. That way old school OFP would be able to find the setting easily and enable it and n00bies wouldnt feel so over whelmed by the learning curve on this game. For me it was like learning a whole new genre not just adapting to suit but re-programming the way I play...

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funny. the floaty gun things is one of the big things i loved about OFP and i really enjoy in ArmAss. So much better than having the damn screen stuck to the weapon and it can give you an edge aiming the weapon. so much so that i disable the crosshair in the settings.

but each to their own and BIS has given that as an adjustable option so wtf is all the rattling on about?

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For me it was like learning a whole new genre

It is. Welcome to the Flashpoint world.

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If you mean the 'drag'/'delay' or whatever, set 'flip queu size' (Ati) or 'Render frames ahead' (Nvidia, classic control panel, only accessible in XP) to 0. If it still doesnt work, force vsync off.

Blame the person who thought that 3 as a default value was good. tounge2.gif

EDIT: How many times have i posted this? 1132 or 1133 times?  yay.gif

Can you tell me where can I find the setting for changing the flip queue size in an ATI? I coun't find it in the Cathalist control center anywhere.

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