sickboy 14 Posted April 5, 2007 <span style='font-size:16pt;line-height:100%'>Discontinued</span> due to release of DAC by Silola. See you at a new project <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'> AI Manager v0.11 for ArmA, by Sickboy (</span> Public Alpha, Feedback and ideas welcome! Meant as a tool for mission makers to create a dynamic, random and challenging Coop Mission. <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Wiki Information Resource</span></span> For all information, incl. features, changelog etc. etc. please refer to the Wiki <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Download</span> Download Link Best Played with Mod v0.68+ Designed for Multiplayer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fideco 1 Posted April 5, 2007 Maybe a tutorial is needed (How to...) Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 5, 2007 Maybe a tutorial is needed (How to...)Thanks Heya, Please Unpbo the missions and check the mission in the editor, aswell as check the init.sqf and mentioned files in the first post and wiki, they should give you the basics on how the system works ATM The package is mainly built for mission makers with some knowledge or experience with scripts, I will try to make it more userfriendly and document more, but this will probably happen after it's gone beta. Update: Added some more info and explainations for the configuration arrays in the Help: cfg_Zone.sqf Usage Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nubbin77 0 Posted April 6, 2007 Holy hell Sickboy, you guys are on fire! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 6, 2007 Awesome Holy hell Sickboy, you guys are on fire!Thanks m8s! Now let them feedback flow  Anything you always wanted and never gotten? Anything not working as you would like it to? Missing some other features or options/parameters? Let me know! I have especially released the Alpha to the public so you guys can have a helping hand in shaping it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gassybutt 0 Posted April 6, 2007 Sickboy, does AI Manager work on respawning units? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 6, 2007 Sickboy, does AI Manager work on respawning units? Please elaborate on your question. Do you mean Players that respawn because of respawn= setting in description.ext? Â If so, then Yes, that's np. Do you mean AI that respawn because of respawn= setting in description.ext? If so, then I am unsure, I have not tested it. Do you mean AI that respawn because of a special respawn script? If so, then that's a negative, AI-Manager spawns units for you, and the plans are to build in a respawn system by camps like in DAC or in City Buildings etc. But it does not allow you to use external special scripts for respawning, at least not at this time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted April 6, 2007 Great Stuff, i will defo use this .. My 20th next week today.. nice pressie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted April 6, 2007 o.O wow {can't write more busy with AI in editor} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 6, 2007 Great Stuff, i will defo use this .. My 20th next week today.. nice pressie  Quote[/b] ]o.O    wow{can't write more busy with AI in editor} Glad you boys are enthusiastic  I hope you also know where to find me if you have suggestions )))BTW, one limitation at this time is that: - If you host an ingame server (or are in the Editor) you will always see the zone marker areas By Design: If you add urself to the SIX_RF array, you will always see the zone markers, even in Dedicated Server Multiplayer environments The problem at this time is that i am using marker Shapes for determining the zones locations and sizes etc... and deleting them on the Host's computer will cause issues with the scripts I will setup a system like in the UPS where the zone sizes are simply saved and the markers removed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted April 6, 2007 i wonder how You wanna solve if "shrinked" squad to leader encouter another unfriendly shrinked squad ... i assume in certain distance prior visual encouter they "unpack" back and rest is la normal ... btw. hows with dynamic AI and support ? (damaged vehicles calling in repair teams, units w/o ammo call in supply truck or withdrawn to nearest one or searching field for usable ammo or utilize left over weapons) ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 6, 2007 i wonder how You wanna solve if "shrinked" squad to leader encouter another unfriendly shrinked squad ... i assume in certain distance prior visual encouter they "unpack" back and rest is la normal ... Simply holding a list of groups inside an array that are enemies for Side West, for East, for Res.So not only build up groups based on the players but also the enemy units for the side the group is on. Ala DAC. Quote[/b] ]btw. hows with dynamic AI and support ?(damaged vehicles calling in repair teams, units w/o ammo call in supply truck or withdrawn to nearest one or searching field for usable ammo or utilize left over weapons) ... Very nice ideas, such AI Enhancements are for my own AI Expansion, happens after going BETA.At this time im having the framework far done of the AI-M. We can connect different unit generators, different waypoint generators, and different ai-expansions into it.... The current AI Expansions are: - GroupLink2 - AI InfoShare - UPS AI there will be coming a 6thSense AI aswell, which will be my own AI Expansion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted April 6, 2007 don't forget about wounded soldiers and medics... team covering his action or evacutation of wounded (ofc afterr addon with such animation) and so on lol in the end become hard to differ human from AI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 6, 2007 Quote[/b] ]lol in the end become hard to differ human from AIhehe, well, we're very far away from that, dont think its even possible with current tech of coarse lol Still, I recognise the issue and I recognise the need for proper AI enhancements. Im hoping to find more interestees, rather developpers that want to support the project Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 7, 2007 Alpha 7 Out: - Fixed InfoSharing in BIS Missions - Added a function by KillSwitch, which automaticly generates the Patrol-Border zones. Now you only need to place the Main Objective zone on the map, and you can define how many layers of Patrol-Border zones you wish to be generated surrounding it aswell as specify how thick ^^ - Rewritten the missions, there are now 2 missions:  Beginner - Mission with few zones, mostly setup in a readable way  Advanced - Mission with more zones and 6 different Mission Area & Starting positions Readme and Wiki have updated help sections. I tried to make a more userfriendly Zone Creation. I hope it suits everyone's needs, those that want to create it all through less readable arrays can still do so First post updated Download Link etc. Example of automatic patrol-border zone generation: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gassybutt 0 Posted April 7, 2007 Sickboy, does AI Manager work on respawning units? My question is to whether AI Manager will work with respawning AI units (as playable units) in description.ext - 'base' respawn. In my experience, UPS works with respawning playable AI units but the GroupLink III script from your 6th Sense Mod would only run once due to the way GLIII is coded. I usually enable them with a trigger that activates the script once the unit dies. AI Manager is an awesome package but regardless, I will test it out and post the results. Thanks for all the hard work Sick! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted April 7, 2007 This is great I'm currently waiting on the imminent DAC ArmA release (couple of weeks according to an email I got recently) as I want to incorporate it into MFCTI as is my want But before that I'm going to put DAC up against AI-M and see what happens Is there a requested feature process or shall I wait for a full non-beta release? One of the biggest features I'd like to see is editable units, so that I can easily change the whole western side to UK Forces units for example. This would mean an abstracted editable list I think, similar to Silola's excellent DAC solution. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted April 7, 2007 Hello Sickboy, you really tied a madly good package This script monster must have been very complex, since you led several components successfully together. In addition you integrated also own ideas. Really first-class achievement, which you delivered thereby. We may be strained, which still expects us Excuse my broken English bye Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 8, 2007 v0.1 Beta1 Released! (First Post updated Download Link) [*] Now displays the amount of units in how many groups with how many vehicles in how many zones in how many seconds generated on server aswell as client [*] GroupLink parameters changed [*] GroupLink more optimized [*] There are now West and East Playable versions of the Demo Missions included [*] Lots of internal changes, optimizations and bug fixes. Parameters have remained the same. [*] The 6thSenseMod Mission Versions require the latest mod version (v0.61+). Make sure to take a look at the help section of the Wiki Added a "Planned Stages" section to the wiki and first post. It's a general Release Schedule as i've planned at this time. Hello Sickboy,you really tied a madly good package ... Heya Silola!Thanks m8, nice to read you! Hope it will give you as much fun as DAC for OFP has given me Also eagerly awaiting your beauty though In my experience, UPS works with respawning playable AI units but the GroupLink III script from your 6th Sense Mod would only run once due to the way GLIII is coded. Â I usually enable them with a trigger that activates the script once the unit dies.Np m8 If all the units in the player group are all dead, for a few seconds, then the GroupLink will terminate.I will solve this in a future version or at least overcome it in an own AI Expansion. Quote[/b] ]One of the biggest features I'd like to see is editable units, so that I can easily change the whole western side to UK Forces units for example. This would mean an abstracted editable list I think, similar to Silola's excellent DAC solution. Heya m8... This is standard functionality of the AI-M Check the AIM\c\_cfg_(Side).sqf files, they contain the unit configurations Quote[/b] ]Is there a requested feature process or shall I wait for a full non-beta release? Any request or idea/feedback is very welcome. I can not promise anything, but I am surely interested and will evaluate any comment.Please take a look at the Planned Stages and Plans section of the wiki/first Post, there you will find a general idea of what's already planned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted April 8, 2007 Quote[/b] ]Is there a requested feature process or shall I wait for a full non-beta release? Any request or idea/feedback is very welcome. I can not promise anything, but I am surely interested and will evaluate any comment.Please take a look at the Planned Stages and Plans section of the wiki/first Post, there you will find a general idea of what's already planned. Brilliant All I would wish to see added at the moment is a method to manually place waypoints down for selected classes of units. For example when I used DAC in OFP's MFCTI merge I made the unarmoured patrol units have waypoints at each flag position, this had the effect of encouraging the softops etc to stick to roads between towns, a very realistic behavior as it turned out. Also I was able to give the ground troop patrols manual waypoints that were randomly mixed with random waypoints, to give a much more chaotic pattern of behavior but with still the possibility of troops turning up at popular player meeting areas (I know the bast places from which to attack/approach towns on the MFCTI+DAC map I did). The armoured patrols I was able to limit the waypoints to areas above a certain altitude, so that I was able to eliminate useless beach patrols. This is quite an exciting project to be sure, but I look forward to some sort of readme instruction Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 8, 2007 Brilliant All I would wish to see added at the moment is a method to manually place waypoints down for selected classes of units. Thanks m8. When v0.1 is out of beta, I will hop on to v0.2: v0.2 - Addition of Waypoint & Basic Mission/Objective Generator based on Parameters I will also add the possibility for manual waypoint placements, maybe even make a possibility to determine where the units would start... a specific waypoint or a random one. About the help part... These together might help you - - Beginner Mission on Rahmadi I hope that other interestees would write some more Comprehensive Readme but if not then it will probably happen after the beta's. In the meantime I will try and expand the Help information as much as possible The Package was updated this morning around 11:00 CET, there was a small issue with starting positions in Multiplayer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 9, 2007 6th-AIM v0.1beta2 Released: [*] 1 Beginner Demo Mission (BIS Version, No Addons) [*] 2 Advanced Demo Missions (One with 6 Mission Areas and Startpoints). West and East Versions included. Aswell as available in Mod and BIS (No Addons) Variants. Changelog: [*] Changed the Beginner Mission to Advanced and added another, very basic Beginner Demo Mission. Hopefully this is more esay :-) [*] Rewritten GroupLink to SQF. Better response times, smaller code, tighter loops, thinned and cut a lot, removed some unavailable features. [*] Added a simple playervehicle generator for the missions on Sarahni Have fun and let me know if you have an easier job understanding the new BEG mission Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted April 9, 2007 This is awesome mate.. ive already made a mission using the first release and it runs great, i will be sure to update it though :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted April 10, 2007 This is awesome mate.. ive already made a mission using the first release and it runs great, i will be sure to update it though :P Thanks m8! Any Comment? Anything you would like to see in the next Releases? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites