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KP CTI Released

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I tried to add static AI Defensive setups to all the capturable towns but it brought the performance down too much and used up too may group slots, so in the end I just increased the ground defences of the two main Airports (Paraiso Int. & Pita) and also set up each side with a static S.A.M system which should make it harder for the enemy to paradrop onto thier Airport etc.

The North has more S.A.M Batteries as it's more Militaristic but alot of them are in the hills so it's possible to fly below their arc of fire.

The only problem is the S.A.Ms only have 3 missiles so the coverage runs out pretty fast.  banghead.gif

I've made a template of the Airport Defences / S.A.M setup so that it can merge ontop of the main mission, so if you want to have a look at it I can upload it somewhere and send you the link.

S.A.M Coverage Map


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could there could be an adodn free version - I think more peeps would play it if there was an addon free one as well.

As i think this is one of the best missions out there. BUt everybody seem to be playing berzerk or that evolution at the moment.

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Well, we could make it addon free, but then we'd have to take away a lot of the features.

We could probably work around skipping the Be32 and letting the paratroopers be deployed in some other way.

If we skip the UAV, we have no suitable replacement, so no UAV functionality.

We also have the custom markers as an addon, so we'd have to skip those too.

Then we have a lot of config tweaks for the original units, such as No-Radar versions of most of the vehicles, Vulcans and Shilkas with non-broken configs (that will let them actually engage targets correctly, this will be fixed in a future patch so we can skip this after that) and so on.

If we make it completely addon-free, you will be playing with a subset of the mission, not the real mission. I doubt it would be as fun.

Also, it's free-for-all, anyone is free to make an addon-free version of the mission and release it. Ours will probably keep the addons however.

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OKay I will have a go at taking the addons out myself. I was playing it this afternoon and the amount of poeple trying to get in was silly - the no addon message was always in the text. In the end had a really good game with 2 or 3 peeps managed to win as well. I agree the addons do make it better its just annoying when you see servers full with other lesser missions.

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its just annoying when you see servers full with other lesser missions.

with other lesser missions.

i just loved this =)

motivation boost for next version rised with 147%

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granQ: Excellence In Mediocrity

:P Liking KPCTI myself although I haven't actually played all too much of it. crazy_o.gif

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KPCTI is brilliant when played with the beta patch notworthy.gif .

One thing I recently noticed when playing on the SLA side:

-Paratroopers are not marked on the map when on the ground (ordered by myself)


I just wish, the server would play this.. since I haven't found a single Dedicated one... confused_o.gif

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Fixed the marker stuff so you see all friendly sam sites, no matter if a friend or AI bought it.

Yet to fix so each player has a marker with his name.

Tweaked the ai little, think it will be a bit more agressive now.

Need to see if I can find include some advance ai behaviour script on the "unit level". Maybe urban patrol script.

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It appears that the AI gets stuck in Corazol. I don't know if the east side has the same problem. (I did come across very little resistance) But the AI on the west side makes dozen of vehicles that dont move. See the screenshot


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arma ai bug....they don,t cross bridges unless a player is in vehicle or in lead of close compact convoy. They have major problem with carozel and delores.

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This is a Hidden Jewel!!

An excellent start!!

Need more servers running this!

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think i should do a addons free version to promote this mission more?

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think i should do a addons free version to promote this mission more?

I guess it's a yes. At the moment, using addon in a mission is a sure way for it not to be played.

Addon control is so cumbersome that most don't touch it, myself included.

I want to be able to activate/deactivate them directly in the game and that the server will stream them if somebody is missing one when joining.


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I played this mission a lot when you first made it - really good. But i really think you need to make an addon free version so it gets played online more. Its a shame it would lose some of the good stuff but i still think it would be very good. This mission is as good as rts4 by karrilion and we really need a change from evolution. So please can we have an addon free version.

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I have upload control of our dedi but because it require addons the dedi owner (who has been super busy) has not had time to set that up. Also we like to switch between other missions for variety but we like to verifysignatures which requires some extra admin stuff. So yes. Make an Addon Free version please.

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ok, give me 1-2 days and I will post it.

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thx, we just can't run addons atm, and or untill they figure out an easier way of sending them to the players from the game server.

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Great, I will put the no addon version up at the 1-8th server when it comes out. wink_o.gif

We tend to play no-addon missions so others can join with out worrying if they have the addons.

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looking foward to it. CAn you keep the uav in it tho. perhaps use somthing else similar - it was a good ingame sending up uavs and the artying the area.

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looking foward to it. CAn you keep the uav in it tho. perhaps use somthing else similar - it was a good ingame sending up uavs and the artying the area.

UAV, SAM Sites will be hard to make without the addons and the russian paradrops with the Be32,the special made markers is a goner, so is the shilkas that actually fire on stuff going faster then 100 km/h.

But.. thats what you get. I might change the uav to a camel, to keep the function but its as lame as it can get.

Hopefully this can get more people to see the "beauty" of kp cti (know it still have alot of suckniess) and then maybe they try with the addons.

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Yesterday I tried the addon, and only, version.

One improvement would be more documentations about what the different options are doing ("coop AI west", "disabled"...etc). I've seen AI in all version I've tested (including AI disabled). Also you should write somewhere we need to stick to the flag to get the menu, or near the 4 vehicules when we are at the main west base. I looked nearly 20 minutes to understand that... smile_o.gif

I also notice some major vehicule spamming from both AI side at east and west corazol (I was the only human player in my test game).

Another weird thing: I buy a AT soldier, he gets at least 4 ammo for the M136. I'm buying the AT kit, I only get one ammo without the ability to get the ammo from fallen soldier.

Can't we take ammo in the field ? Can you make sure the AT kit has more than one rocket ?

Also, is there a negative value of money were we lose ? I specified a 3h game but it was finished far before 3h of gameplay. The "3h" are in ArmA time and not in real life time ?

This mission has some great potential but either it needs a better doc or more time investment to get use to it.

The upkeep cost for everything would be really nice for example. I'm also assuming a destroyed toy (or soldier) doesn't have an upkeep cost.

Thx for this mission !


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Yesterday I tried the addon, and only, version.

One improvement would be more documentations about what the different options are doing ("coop AI west", "disabled"...etc). I've seen AI in all version I've tested (including AI disabled). Also you should write somewhere we need to stick to the flag to get the menu, or near the 4 vehicules when we are at the main west base. I looked nearly 20 minutes to understand that... smile_o.gif

I also notice some major vehicule spamming from both AI side at east and west corazol (I was the only human player in my test game).

Another weird thing: I buy a AT soldier, he gets at least 4 ammo for the M136. I'm buying the AT kit, I only get one ammo without the ability to get the ammo from fallen soldier.

Can't we take ammo in the field ? Can you make sure the AT kit has more than one rocket ?

Also, is there a negative value of money were we lose ? I specified a 3h game but it was finished far before 3h of gameplay. The "3h" are in ArmA time and not in real life â„¢ time ?

This mission has some great potential but either it needs a better doc or more time investment to get use to it.

The upkeep cost for everything would be really nice for example. I'm also assuming a destroyed toy (or soldier) doesn't have an upkeep cost.

Thx for this mission !


the AT thing, you played as west and m136 is a single use weapon. So this is a realism change we made, for ai we "spawn" the normal soldier without any script to change his loadout, thats why he got three.

The early end of the game could been that the east side didn't have enough money. Stuff like this need to be tested and improved, sometimes I don't know if things work or not because it basicly take me 3 hours to test a new script to see if it actually work as it supposed in the mission.

Upkeep is for every manned vehicle or soldier thats alive.

And yeap, sometimes the ai spamms alot of vehicles that doesnt move (bis bug with pathfinding i think) and sometimes empty (thats my mission bug when there is no groups for the ai to join.. working on it).

Documentation, well it got a briefing did you read it?

EDIT: version 0.114 released and also a addon free version.



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The link at your web, still points to the addon version. wink_o.gif

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