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Mando Missiles Addon

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There was an Addon released on armedassault.info by mando from OFPEC.

It includes a very nice mission with various missile types, tomahawks, torpedoes etc.

I think this could be very useful for the addonmakers as it is possible to simulate nearly every weapon type now  smile_o.gif


DL-Link: ftp://www.armedassault.info/armad/addons/mando_missile_arma_v2.0.zip



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outstanding piece of work smile_o.gif

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If it's in any way as good as his OFP missile suite, then great stuff, and seeing as this is for ArmA. Happy daaaaayys xmas_o.gif

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Yes the scripting is fantastic, my fav has to be the anti missile, missiles very cool patriot stylee.

There are one or two snags (Anti building missile is a harrier  huh.gif  and the torpedo is a bmp that shows its head right before impact) but apart from that utterly bril notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif  yay.gif

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can You upload that video to www.liveleak.com ?

theirs censorship is way lower than on YT (more and more i see on YT removed videos w/o any logical reasons)

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Two points Blue_Fight:

It is not any addon.

Didnt remember to allow armedassault.info nor anyother place to host it, and dindnt remember to be asked for.

Mando Missile ArmA 2.0 is already obsolete BTW. I'll try to find a place here to post a thread for it and keep it updated with new versions and any needed clarifications.

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