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Authentic sound & weapon Mod

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I figured out how to make the radio chatter sound more military like, but it will take forever, there is tons of voices who all needs to be recorded over a static that fits to a military radio and with a slightly speed increasion which is the hardest part to do, I'll need some proper sound editing tools for that, anyone who knows of some good tools, please tell!

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Try Audacity, it's a free sound editing tool.

I have Sound Forge, came with my SFX hardware (expensive little beast).

You need to create a batch program to edit all the sounds automaticaly...don't know how many filters you have to use on the sounds, this could be the major work factor.

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I think I'll try to find someone who has done something like this before, I'm sure I know someone who can help me, right know I have put a short Nam radiochatter in instead of the beep it gives a great feeling to the battle but after two minutes it gets really anoying to hear the same thing over and over again...

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Hey Pred, don't know if you're interested or not, but here's some footage of me shooting our M4. If you crank the volume you can kind of hear the way the gun actually sounds. It was recorded on a handheld digi camera with a 2 minute video recorder so quality commited suicide.

YouTube M4 Corner Drill

Oh, and what were your thoughts on the Real Recorded Gunshots?

I love the way they sound when I'm playing CSS. Some are kinda overly full of bass though. (That could just be how much I cranked the bass on my subwoofer for Red Orchestra Artillery though...)

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notice hows the recoil of it.. he fires 2 bullets to the same place..

.. not like ARMA.. confused_o.gif

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Hey ThePredator,

all over a very pretty nice MOD with greate Sound's but!!!


It sounds like a apple is falling to the ground. biggrin_o.gif

PLZ give the Artillery impact's some more force. thumbs-up.gif

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Hey ThePredator,

all over a very pretty nice MOD with greate Sound's but!!!


It sounds like a apple is falling to the ground.  biggrin_o.gif

PLZ give the Artillery impact's some more force.  thumbs-up.gif

Well, the thing I have been sorta conflicting with my self is, what xp types I will use, I have some good samples but I have some that percussive, as they should be. Some need to sound like thunder cracks, depending what is detonated, most tank rounds will have at least a thud or nice percussive type, just as a 203 cause its impacting. There is one example on one of the videos I posted earlier , my preview progress with the implaced gun. Thats one example.

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how do i get the sound mod in the firefight video?huh.gif it looks soooooooo awsome.

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@Predator or anyone!

Has the new version of the MOD being released? can anyone provide me links to the latest?

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what the..? M16A4 still has the stock sounds. Did you forget about this gun Predator?

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It's a know issue in v0.154

Don't know when the next version will be released, I'd like to have more sounds to implement, but I don't have any.

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It's a know issue in v0.154

Don't know when the next version will be released, I'd like to have more sounds to implement, but I don't have any.

you dont ask

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Can I assist you with getting new sounds and effects..

Former military and veteran!!

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The main thing I like about these sounds are the percussive feel you get. I'm no firearms expert but from my limited training I can distinctly recall 'feeling' the shots as well as hearing them.

lovin it

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Exactly, thats what I'm aiming for, when I'm at the range thats one of the things I notice, it feeels great. In the game, I try to get that same "virtual" feel, just without blowing the speakers and making the sample peak and clip with distortion, kinda hard when you don't have ProTools or something, I'm using Cool Edit and Goldwave trial version (Goldwave kinda sucks)

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I just want to tell you again how great your soundmod is. I'm really enjoying it and think it should have been part of Arma since the beginning. thumbs-up.gif

I just have two questions.

Will you be fixing some of the vehicle engine sounds anytime soon?

If not, can you tell me how I can increase the audio of certain sounds?

The reason I'm asking is that when outside or in 3rd person view of the Humvees, UAZs, the trucks and boats the engine noise is very low (silent after 10-12 meters). Basicly all wheeled vehicles plus boats.

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hey Shadow, i've successfully increased volume in many of the sounds i have by using a program called audacity. it's free, google it and try it out. there are many free plugins for it as well.

also, it's pretty user friendly. let me know if you need help.

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I will work on the vehicle sounds in the future. I have to check the volumes of most of the sounds anyway.

@stingfish: Increasing the volume of the sound itself will create clipping and poor sound quality.

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I took the liberty of browsing through the config.

Basicly when I set the db level from -40 to -10 on all wheeled vehicles plus the boats I think the soundlevels are perfect.

By the way, I have the utmost repsect for the DSHKm when I'm using your mod biggrin_o.gif

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what the..? M16A4 still has the stock sounds. Did you forget about this gun Predator?

Since there are litterly hundreds of other sounds that ArmA rarely uses, sometimes there are other rifles that will show up with those other sounds, my sound pack will take care of that. I think Predators sound mod takes care of a few ithink that are assignable, but use his with my replacment and it should all be ok.

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I've DL'ed the 1.07 version of the sound mod , extracted it to my arma/beta folder. In my shortcut on my desktop Ive added the lines -mod=beta;ModWarSound -nosplash. Most of the time I get two errors when I try and start the game saying error with the config.cpp, and error with the pixel shader? Once in a blue moon the game will start but the soundmod does not work. I've placed the modwarsound folder in the beta folder. Can anyone please help me with my problem?

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Hi overkill,

Ill try to help, I'm not 100% on how these things work but I'll tell you what I did to get the sound only mod running.

I extracted the mod to the addons folder in the main arma directory (not the beta addons folder) so you should have the modwar.pbo and the modwar_cfg.pbo in the addons folder of the main arma directory. Then theres no need to use the '-mod=ModWarSound' in the shortcut target line. Now just run the start beta patch shortcut and all should be well.

I really hope this helps smile_o.gif (if ive got this wrong guys please tell me)



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