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Just something

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I was kinda hoping that we'll be able to shoot from cargo positions inside vehicles in ArmA. As we see it's not so. It kinda sucks that you see a target when you're landing in the Littlebird and you have a clean stable shot but you can't shoot him and the other man gets a clean shot at you. Kinda sucks. It's a little thing, but does anybody know if it could be done via some scripts or is it completely impossible? If so, is BIS thinking of perhaps implementing this? Even if it's completely limited, just to have the range of the floating crosshair, I think it'd be enough and would give you a bit of an advantage at hot landings.

Another thing that bothers me is the almighty hitpoint system. I know that BIS can't change the whole structure for it now, but they could add a couple of parameters to the config for armoured vehicles, at least. I modded C&C Gens: ZH extensivly a year or two back and while it was an RTS it had an armour system similar to ArmAs currently. No directional armour though. But they did have a couple more parameters for armour. Weapons could be classifed into a couple of groups, infantry rifles and such as small arms, helicopter things as gattling guns or such, rockets rockets, and tank shells as shells. You could then set in the armour section of the tank or APC how much armour does it have against these groups, so you could set the small arms setting to 100% and that made it invunerable to small arms fire. Now I believe right now you can destroy an APC with an M16 if you have enough time and ammo. With this implemented we could prevent that and bring this closer to realism.

Thoughts, crits?

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I remember an interview where it was said that it's not possible to have shooting passengers, or that it wasn't going to be implemented.

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Its possible alright. It was possible in the old OFP engine (as evidenced in the Convoy Training Module for VBS1 that never got a public release AFAIK). They left it out of ArmA for unknown reasons, and I doubt we'll see it in a patch because it'll require an overhaul of the games core design.

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Quote[/b] ]I remember an interview where it was said that it's not possible to have shooting passengers, or that it wasn't going to be implemented

would it be possible to have passengers as gunners but with their own weapon?

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Probably, I remember an OFP lifflebird addon, with a 'fixed' M16/203 as door gunner.

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If I remember right, DMA's Toyota wars for OFP implemeted shooting from the back of one of the pickups, scripting it so you could fire from the vehicle. Not sure if you were just setposed on the back, but it was a start. Not sure if theyre working with ArmA or not though.

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Still limited though. Any thoughts on the armour system?

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Now that you can have multiple gunner positions, maybe you could make the little bird with 4 turrets, and instead of a standing guy with a minigun, you would have a sitting guy with a rifle...

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Yes, but thats VBS1/2 isn't it, doesn't really help getting it into ArmA. Its basiclaly what I said in my post, and was a result of a code-re-write to allow it to work.

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wow_o.gif  It's so amazingly realistic that it defies the laws of physics! Yes, it's a feature, they didn't just do it to demonstrate what the engine is capable of, no way... (sarcasm)  whistle.gif Unfortuneatly I missed the part where they showed the guy firing his weapon from an actual crew/cargo position IN the vehicle from a crew/cargo proxy with crew/cargo anims and not just standing ON a flat part of it.

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Is there a limit on turrets in Arma? Because if there isn't, then you make each cargo position a turret, and put a fixed m16/ak as the weapon for that seat. Obviously it'd be a bit weird because a sniper rifle would suddenly turn into a m4 when you get into a vehicle, and it wouldn't deplete the soldiers ammo count... but it would work.

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